This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

To Sum Things Up....

Post 201


"waves fingers in the air"


think u just gave it away lol
oh well lol they need sum help in findin their way eh....
so whats new today???
bush n blair need more than a finger, need a blimin bomb up their butts, i reckon those 2 dodgy twits r the ones who recruited half the staff on this site pmsl

To Sum Things Up....

Post 202

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

You what?

smiley - rofl

To Sum Things Up....

Post 203


think jabs been sniffin glue again !!!!!

To Sum Things Up....

Post 204

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Self adhesive badges? Flipping eck! smiley - winkeye

To Sum Things Up....

Post 205


Localised Girl,

well you cant say im not helpful then can you lol
whats new today? hmmmm smiley - blush its been a Very good day but i cannot say why on this site smiley - winkeyesmiley - whistle
half the staff on this site? lol i take it you mean in general..staff/underlines, the subordinates smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 206



what? smiley - laugh

ok if your saying your thick what does that make me? smiley - rofl dont answer that, or you LG! smiley - tongueout
what are you angry about and what are you talking about cos youve lost me?

smiley - fullmoon


what the smiley - bleep hell have you said to him now? lmao smiley - rofl jeesh i leave you loose in my thread and you turn everyone into smiley - bleep housemaids, (and where did you leave Alex?! smiley - laugh), what was it that got him going then? you didnt make him wear the latex pinny did you? smiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 207



hey, if u have no soh u shouldnt be inthis thread, jab just cross cos theres more of us than him hehe
n noooooooooo alex insisted on wearin the pinny
n jabs lost u? thats sposed to be a male thing hmmmm lol


im sorry if i made u clean the kitchen in the wench suit, but i mistook ur moans n groans as the pleasurable type hehe

To Sum Things Up....

Post 208


Localised Girl,

ahh well i do so i guess i can stay in this thread then..

(note to h2g2 police best get out now then lol)

ahhhh hes feeling outnumbered? bless lmfao well in the infamous words of erm me....tough! smiley - laugh

Alex has gone missing, told you not to let him dust in your walk-in wardrobe, he'll be trying all your knickers on and will have lost track of time smiley - rofl

Jab has gone missing too, hope he hasnt gone to the pub and forgotten hes wearing that wench suit lmao smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 209



oooh glad to see u actually believe i have knickers hehe
well, not no more by looks of it,

"oi u alex give em back, get ya own!!!! Quid in primark dont be so tight"

wonder if jab copmes back still wearing that wench suit teehee

To Sum Things Up....

Post 210


Localised Girl,

why wouldnt i believe you have knickers?! dont mean you actually wear them but course i believe you have some pmfsl smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

give 'em back? you'll be lucky the smiley - fairy will be in heaven, can here him now....

'ooohh frillies! im a lady im a lady' llf

as for Jab last i heard a big butch trucker was chatting to him in a gay bar, not sure if Jab realised it was a gay bar though lol oh well keep it too yourself though Jab has his own reputation to think of smiley - winkeyesmiley - whistlesmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 211



hehe least he has a reputation, mine gets tarnished with certain snitching fonecalls of urs lol

To Sum Things Up....

Post 212


Localised Girl,

lmfao now now i told you, he bullsmiley - bleep you, if your daft enough to take him seriously and spill the beans with regard to your private life, is that my fault? dont fall for his smiley - bleep lol

by the way, you ever heard of Joy Division? just wondering, been reading someones article about it
(may be a little before your time though)

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 213

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

IV thank you very much, very kind very glad.

What the hell is a wench suit? Is it half Welsh half French? Prefer Italian style, a nice Georgio, oh no smiley - headhurts "catching the gay" smiley - rofl

To Sum Things Up....

Post 214



your most welcome anytime smiley - biggrin not sure what your thanking me for though, dont know what ive done for you?

a wench suit? erm to be honest not 100% sure but im thinking its like a french maids outfit, only a wenches lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 215

Jerk Gently in The USA

Just had a peek at the first entry in this thread
and its been removed...

wonder what it said, sure musta been specialsmiley - biggrin

thought I read it before but I cant remeber that far backsmiley - erm

To Sum Things Up....

Post 216


Morning/Evening Jerk,

it wasnt nothing special, i put a song on my journal...

i didnt mention the artists' names' and the artistes havent been dead for a 100 years, (yeah another stupid rule of h2g2 but at least its an official h2g2 rule, its the unofficial or the 'make 'em up as we go along' rules that smiley - bleep me off&gtsmiley - winkeye, so some little smiley - bleep yikesed it though i note 'special friends' who have lyrics on their page, this rule has been overlooked but im not bitter smiley - laugh

you keeping well? your not about as much as you used to be

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 217


grrr i posted last nite n stoopid error http500

n forgot what it said


its what ur wearin, nuff said smiley - smiley


hehe just dont sing in this thread n u be ok smiley - smiley

sing, for the love u bring wont mean a thing, unless u sing, sing sing sing - COPYRIGHT TRAVIS OK?????
u think they'll sue me? lol


u give him clues, how am i sposed to know uve not told him details hehe

To Sum Things Up....

Post 218


Localised Girl,

couldnt of been anything important then lol smiley - winkeye

oh yeah you go ahead and sing! and your post remains, (**go's off on 1 and completely overlooks fact you put artist name there**nice choice by the way), double smiley - bleep standards again or maybe its cos i cant sing? smiley - doh never thought of that smiley - grr

oi oi i might of told him to ask how 'A'.N was with a chuckle as i said it but i wouldnt go there, your details your business, you know i havent given details cos i give you my word i didnt, if your daft enough to panic and confess your deepest darkest secrets to him thats your bloody fault ya smiley - tit lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 219

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

LG, don't be dft, you know I ain't got the legs for fish nets. smiley - tongueout

To Sum Things Up....

Post 220



maybe its cos my song not so political smiley - smiley or maybe they just not been poggin at the threads yet
well he wasnt gonna just take a LOL as an answer i got pestered with all sorts so thought ahh dammit he prob knows so cant hide
nevermond im glad i amuse ya both smiley - smiley


awww i think u look sexy hun, really shows ur erm, feminine side hehe

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