This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

To Sum Things Up....

Post 221


Localised Girl,

'you know i aint got the legs for it'? 'i think you look sexy hun'? something going on with you and Jab? bloody hell your a fast worker still a free slave cant fault you, butter them up and have them eating out of your hand smiley - rofl

yeah maybe i did kind of chose the lyrics for a reason lol but then again just cos you cant see the h2g2 police dont mean theyre not sniffing round, you have to look for the signs like..........the discarded batteries of walkie talkies or yikesed posts! pmsl smiley - run

you always amuse me LG but then if i couldnt take the smiley - bleep be no fun, mind saying that can always look at Winkle if you want a laugh, he cracks me up lol smiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 222



hehe glad i amuse ya
n nowts goin on,just complimenting the lovely characteristics hes carryin about hehe
n yer can see a few more signs than the walkie talkes, i spy a footprint a a whiff of BS in the air!!! Mmmm aroma!!! pfft

i dont mind ya takin the beep anyway cos it makes me blimin laugh so much hehe least u take the beep with style smiley - smiley
erm, whos winkle???? lol

To Sum Things Up....

Post 223


Localised Girl,

hey dont single yourself out LG, i only talk to people that amuse me
hey send in the smiley - clownsmiley - clownsmiley - clown
uh oh theyre under cover and arent visible today but you cant hide them badges look like theyve been shined within an inch of their life, if i had a reflection i could see my face in them, some might say thats a blessing smiley - laugh

just complimenting the lovely characteristics hes carrying about? hmmm ok if you say so well im not 1 to gossip you know me but 2 guys turned into slaves in the last couple of days by you both go missing and your cellar door now has a lock on it? coincidence im sure but dont worry i wont be talking to the h2g2 police, if they ask me anything ill claim the 5th amendment..yeah i know im not a Yank but by the time theyve figured that out ill be long gone lol smiley - run

smiley - footprints and and the whiff of BS? oh smiley - bleep you dont think the smiley - clownsmiley - clownsmiley - clown are onto us already do you? llf smiley - whistle

i take the smiley - bleep with style? why thankyou lol ill consider that a compliment in the highest, i take the smiley - bleep and you thank me? God im good smiley - rofl

Winkle? you know who Winkle is? hes the world famous d**kless wonder aka the artist formerly known as Awol, (thats what Mrs.Awol tells me, IVE SEEN NOTHING)! ooohh sounds like im contradicting myself there smiley - dohsmiley - laugh still with the smiley - snowball coming next week least he'll have a legit excuse for once pmsl OMG i hear sirens im outta here smiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 224


its too quiet in ere
have jab n alex been captured by the cops?
or they havin too much fun with their new found lifestyles???

To Sum Things Up....

Post 225


Localised Girl,

its too quiet in here? want me to turn THE VOLUME UP? smiley - winkeye lol

their new found lifestyles? hmm good question, did Jab return the wench outfit? bet Alex still has your knickers, you'll not see them again LOL dont know about Jab but Alex has sent me a few emails, he has some RL stuff to sort out at the moment, not sure when he'll be back in h2g2

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 226

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Hmmmm ruber feeeeels sooooo good! smiley - rofl

To Sum Things Up....

Post 227



so Localised Girl was right she has turned your head with this alternative lifestyle stuff? rubber huh? think youve been spending too much time in that cellar with Alex havent you but each to their own smiley - winkeye want to borrow my wellies? pmsl smiley - rofl

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 228

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

I have my own, but you knew that. smiley - bigeyes

To Sum Things Up....

Post 229



no i didnt? with your new rubber fetish are you going to take up fishing? however, you ought to be aware i dont do compliments but you knew that smiley - winkeye lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 230



i have just reread my post, i thought you was talking about wellies but you could of been talking about your own cellar oh or rubber for that matter smiley - rofl lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 231

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

You know alot more about it than me. smiley - bigeyes

To Sum Things Up....

Post 232



what are you talking about? you keep saying i know and winking so come on spit it out, what is it your obviously dying to get off your chest? i know a lot more about 'it'? ok im going to have to be very careful here id hate to 'fess up to something else lmao smiley - evilgrin
all i can think of is another thread where i was referring to 'the' well 'my dungeon' with somebody lol (a RL friend), the dungeon is the word used but he was actually on about another room im decorating, you been lurking in 'my dungeon'? smiley - yikes lol if thats not what your on about then im lost??

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 233


As you are probably aware ive been made homeless so i wont be on im typing from a library

To Sum Things Up....

Post 234


Morning Alex,

well im aware but i dont expect LG and Jab were
be careful of the smiley - dragonlady in the library! every library has 1 smiley - yikes lol so what your pc not going to be hooked up until things are settled wherever you end up?
how comes your not at work now anyway? you made that appointment yet?!

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 235



soz 2 hear that, im sure vamp will make room in her cardboard box for u altho beware she snores n does all sorts in her sleep hehe


ahem keep ya fetishes to yaself!! unless u want me n vamp to take pee outta ya lol altho im sure u enjoy every second, so how is that rubber suit? uncomfy?hard to move? ere bend down n pick up me pen off floor will ya hehe ooh mind u dont rip at the back smiley - winkeye


nah volumes ok, last i heard alex had give me knickers to jab n i dinnae want em back as knickers worn in sweaty rubber suit......erm no ta smiley - smiley

To Sum Things Up....

Post 236


Localised Girl,

as a matter of fact i occasionally sleepwalk but im sure the smiley - fairy honour will be quite safe lol but erm hey i dont do anything else well actually im told i talk in my sleep too but other than that i do not snore or aything smiley - grr lol smiley - tongueout cardboard box? please im a little more upmarket than that LG, its a coffin if you dont mind with all mod cons though the cable running through is a bit smiley - bleepsmiley - rofl

thought we was already taking the smiley - bleep out of Jab? i had no idea you was being serious!!!!! smiley - wow so how did you get him in the wenches outfit?? smiley - laugh LG im not being funny but that packet of pens inside your jacket pocket....its so obvious what your up to smiley - winkeye **must buy myself a packet of pens** smiley - run pmsl

i spoke to Alex tonight i think hes telling you smiley - porkpiesmiley - porkpie cos he was sat with a thong on his head and a pair of belly warmers over his pedalpushers smiley - rofl who does he think he is anyway? supergirl? smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 237

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

I'm just nodding at LG as if I know what shes on about... It's what they say to do with 'them' you know care in the commutity and all that. smiley - run

To Sum Things Up....

Post 238


Hi Alex, just found your post on being made homeless. Sorry I havn't been in contact I have been up my own arse, doing pagan stuff, started moots etc.

Are you still at work?

I so wish I had a house and could put you up. We only have a studio flat though, not even a bedroom. We could provide a hot meal or drink.

Anything we can do?

To Sum Things Up....

Post 239



hehe i see they only let u out for a small amount of time a nite, or r u diggin ur way out the padded cell lol


oooh snazzy, got cable fitted in there too eh?
jab didnt need much persuadin, altho he pretended to put up a fight
n pens??? whats wromg with pens lol
maybe alex just tryin a new fashion trend ?

To Sum Things Up....

Post 240



smiley - rofl hey shes a valuble member of the community............centre pmfsl
smiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

Localised Girl,

what a smiley - bleep your not going to let him get away with that are you?!!! fight fight fight smiley - biggrin **whispers** hey want to borrow my cattle prod? smiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

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