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To Sum Things Up....

Post 281



ok Magnus i introduced the word but lets not take it out of context, Alex has a lesbo friend and i thought she liked me, think ive since successfully put her off now smiley - biggrin but that was a little joke anyway directed at Alex, doesnt mean you can draw your own conclusions

im sure there are 100's of blokes that will tell you otherwise about LG, (LG its ok im defending your sexuality here smiley - winkeye pmfsl), the few who are lucky enough to have been aquainted with me have since had their smiley - tongueout removed, well those still 'living' have smiley - evilgrin but im sure they'd speak up for me if i allowed it smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

listen you, leave the 'deliberately' 'jumping to wrong conclusions' to me and LG, we are so much better at it than you smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

anyways i dont remember LG giving you permission to come out of her kitchen yet you did a runner to the pub wearing that french maids outfit, oooohh your gonna get it when she catches you.....**whispers** word of advice pal, when she says, 'wanna play with my cat'? shes not talking about a smiley - cat she has a cat 'o 9tails
get out while you can smiley - roflsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

Localised Girl,

friend, no need to thank me im sure you'd defend my reputation too in my absence smiley - winkeye i think you can rest assured ive dispelled all rumours, and nobody would believe you'd be into girl on girl now despite Awols stupid comments in msn smiley - laugh (oh yeah he told me about that the smiley - tit lol) and as for me well you know im not bothered about whats said about me, but if anyones lurking im STRAIGHT!!!!!! like i said im not bothered what people say or think smiley - cool lol

oh before i forget Awol was telling me you had a virus, naturally i said, what on the pc? smiley - angelsmiley - whistle lol he wouldnt say just kept giggling so i take it you had a dodgy email sent to you then? does that mean phones free for a change? might ring up and gloat cos you cant get on pc smiley - biggrinsmiley - nahnahsmiley - nahnah lmsao

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 282

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - laugh *wishes had made a snack* to go with the two cuppa smiley - tea rant. smiley - tongueout

As for your remarks amout LG, that's terrible, you should be ashamed!!! Fancy not given a phone number dopey! smiley - rofl

To Sum Things Up....

Post 283



oh ffs men your never satisfied here ----> smiley - burger just keep it to yourself dont want anyone thinking im going soft! (and no it isnt McDonalds! that would be discusting and unnatural, 100% something it may be but it dont smell like meat....erm wonder where them aces are? wonder if they fancy a McDonalds smiley - evilgrin lmfao)

i know LG's going to go nuts when she sees that lol but i felt in her absence and as her long term friend it was down to me to defend her, i know she'd do the same for me, she'll thank me in the end im sure she knows it makes sence pmsl LG has my number Jab, i have hers too but its always engaged!

now where was i? oh yeah, wonder why the dog wouldnt eat that smiley - burger i couldnt manage the other day, he had his nose all over it, i took the salad bits out and chucked them, not that Jab will know, those fluffy bits out of the bin will just add texture im sure..and they think im going soft? it'll never happen smiley - evilgrin

smiley - doh meant to think that smiley - roflsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 284



ok lets deal with u 1st, ya can watch all ya like but u not seein anything ur perverted male mind wants ok, u'll have tp use that thing called a brain n visualise, thats after i thrash ya with the cat :P


omfg, jesus nothing gets past u eh? snitches
ok, was drunk n couldnt lose the dare ok? wasnt full on, was a little smooch, i bet it was sooooo over exagerrated too, mind u i was surprised i didnt have him blasting the 500 questions lol
gloat all ya like, virus long gone hehe me geeky a***ly pal helped me out, wasnt email tho, nowt i cant handle
am plannin a trip soon, was gonna enquire on a detour to u but then again i was worried about the jokes u n IM r gonna have so i thought sod yas then hehe

To Sum Things Up....

Post 285

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

*imagine* that! smiley - rofl

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