This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

To Sum Things Up....

Post 141


smiley - footprintssmiley - whistlesmiley - footprints

**waves at Jab**

ok me but when my friend reads it i know she'll be thinking it too lol smiley - winkeye

who you callng a 'bum'? ok so i never dressed up for the evening but i would have if id of gone out and anyway these slippers keep my feet warm lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 142



bedroom? dont be daft thats upstairs lol (was going to add thats a private thread pmfsl but hastily retacts that)! smiley - run

thats the trouble here, i invite you into my little place and you all take liberties, im having a ciggy then im outta here for the night, another early start smiley - grrsmiley - wah, pay for everything you drink and shut the door on the way out

**waves goodnight**

you take care Jerk, hope you get lucky with a new job soon smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 143

Jerk Gently in The USA

smiley - towel


To Sum Things Up....

Post 144

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

*waves back to I\/* smiley - winkeye

"Not dressed up." - This *is* the BBC don't you know, full Evening wear / DJ (thats Tux for our 'cousins' over in the 'colonies') but I'm having trouble with my tie. smiley - erm

To Sum Things Up....

Post 145

Jerk Gently in The USA

everyone in the bbc goes about in full tux all the time? smiley - bigeyes

we have clip-on ties over here

To Sum Things Up....

Post 146


vampy fancies jab

To Sum Things Up....

Post 147



shooting tomatoes??? either u need to see a doc or thats just a lame excuse lol


oi u, like to see ur keepin my good name, err, good !!?!!


hehe like the subtlety lol


ere if that chair was sticky then itsok, jab was sittin on it lol

To Sum Things Up....

Post 148



nah smiley - bleep the bbc, i pay them enough in license fees im not dressing up for them aswell smiley - smiley
perhaps you should get yourself 1 of them clip on jobs Jerks got if your struggling with your tie awww bless smiley - doh lmao

smiley - fullmoon

Localised Girl,

did you see that?! Jabs throwing in a subtle hint at his helplessness again, good job we're wise to them and smiley - bleep lol smiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 149



why wouldnt everyone 'in the bbc' go round in tux all the time if they wanted to? its not as if they cant afford it for the smiley - bleep we pay for
smiley - biggrin clip on ties we have here too, we're not that far behind, without mentioning our prehistoric cable! smiley - grr, let me assure you whatever Bush does, Blair is 'sure to follow' (would like to put that another way but you never know who's spying in the thread! lol) smiley - winkeye

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 150



lmao we're not in a school playground, if i fancied anyone id make it obvious, since i dont know Jab its highly unlikely id fancy him smiley - doh oh word of advice if your thinking of making a career of online 'love matches' your smiley - bleep at it, maybe you have more experience with smiley - fairy matches? pmsl smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 151


Localised Girl,

told Jab you wouldnt believe that lol

course im keeping your name good, what else would i keep it? lol smiley - winkeye

Alex is smiley - bleep cos i cottoned on to him and his little 'cwush' it so sweet it make you wanna heave oooohh bless llf smiley - run

what you on about Jerks chair?! Jab was on it too? its my chair ffs what they been doing on it?! pmsl smiley - run

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 152



alex doesdnt beat round the bush, rather than fill out a form n apply to ur perfect match he/she (pls dont take that wrong i couldnt remeber which way round it was) just points out who fancies who pmsl

n as for the chair, well i;ll be stayin well clear of it, we need to invest in sum phlegm coloured seatin to hide the stains lol

To Sum Things Up....

Post 153


Localised Girl,

lol i think he prefers to be known by his 'feminine' side but no doubt he'll smiley - bleep moan about the way ive put that aswell smiley - laugh anyways my perfect match? lol yeah ok whatever, if we wasnt on here with all the nosy smiley - bleep i might add more, maybe when we next have a chat on the phone but then again probably not lol smiley - winkeye

(((Awol, if your here smiley - bleep off no need to come up with any comments of your own here smiley - tongueout lol)))

and as for the chair, yuck! thats discusting! smiley - ill lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 154


Vampy n localized its she lol

To Sum Things Up....

Post 155



oh ffs your never bleeding satisfied you are ya smiley - tongueout see below - is that better? lol

smiley - fullmoon

Localised Girl,

right i think ive got it now, Alex wants us to refer to him as 'a big girls 'frilly' blouse' smiley - biggrin lmao

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 156

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Jerk: In times past, the BBC presenters would wear a Tux. I was having a swipe at the still "Home Counties Beeb"

The home countes, means those that surround the London greater metroplitan area. As for clipon ties, they tend to be for uniforms, more popular to have a proper tie still.

*adust double Windsor knot*

LG: A lame excuse

Alex: *points to you* Ooooo smiley - handbag get 'her'. smiley - laugh

IV: meet you behind the bike sheds at playtime. smiley - rofl Where did you find Alex, and did you keep the recipt?

To Sum Things Up....

Post 157


jab ooooo

To Sum Things Up....

Post 158



sorry missed your 'pre arranged appointment' smiley - winkeye cos Sir found the note, yeah dunno how though cos id stuck it under the desk with bubblegum lmfao smiley - silly

smiley - fullmoon


smiley - bleep i lost your reciept, dont suppose youve got it have you? i want to take you back and get a refund lol

smiley - fullmoon

To Sum Things Up....

Post 159


refund on what

To Sum Things Up....

Post 160



its too obvious dude lol ere have a pocket sized pack of kleenex, u cant carry that doll around it pokes out ya pocket n u dont want it to get a puncture now do u smiley - winkeye


ok ok shes a she, im with it now (makes a change)
pardon me lack of knowledge, heavy drinkin sesh last nite, got sum leftover alcohol which cant be left so drinkin t now, only to cuyre the headache mind


ere i love the skirt, can i borrow it smiley - smiley

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