This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 401


smiley - dragonboy,

are you 2 talking in some sort of code? erasers and pencil sharpners? uh?

tinned tobacco yuck keep it

ok well i say g'night to you and maybe talk to you tomorrow night if im home, take care

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 402

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Did you ever finish that story you showed me some of last year?

Hey Vamp

Post 403


Liquid Warrior

erm so theres no confusion i was most definately talking about his real Mother! lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 404

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Vamps lol

Tony...which one lol? i have started another.. check out my page age its on my guide entry called Ashes to Ashes.

Hey Vamp

Post 405


smiley - dragonboy,

he seems ok the sarcastic little smiley - bleep is the same as ever lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 406

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

That was the title Ashes To Ashes.

Hey Vamp

Post 407


smiley - dragonboy,

oi stop laughing he thinks im a kinky weirdo now! mind i reread the posts LW was referring to, id believe it too if i didnt know better! lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 408

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

You're not? Damn I've arrived at the wring thread.
smiley - evilgrin

Hey Vamp

Post 409

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Tony.. yeah thats the Title m8...

Vamps.. well i aint saying nothing lolpmp

Hey Vamp

Post 410

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

smiley - sorry have to keep nipping out as I'm at work and the Azeri's have cancelled a programme due to Georgian Elections, and we've been trying to get studios for them to go out live.

Have you tried to get anything into print, Scott? It is a difficult market to break into. I've had 6 short stories published, but that was years and years and years ago. There were two radio plays too. My last play was returned with excellant critical remarks, but not sold.

Hey Vamp

Post 411

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Tony.. nah m8 havent tried.. well tell a lie, i wrote a story bout st star wars, and sent a letter to Lucas Arts for permission to use characters and they refused me so i gave up

Hey Vamp

Post 412

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Never give up.
I got two rejection slips one for this story and one for ther next.

Couldn't you have changed the names to protect the innocent?

Hey Vamp

Post 413

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Tony... na. nah cuz i still needed td to use the planet names and stuff, but they refused so i thought st stuff it lol... you read my story? what you think?

Hey Vamp

Post 414


Liquid Warrior

lol what i may or may not be i wouldnt be discussing with you boys on h2g2!, especially around smiley - dragon boy! what would his parents say?! well actually they'd probably laugh lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 415


smiley - dragonboy,

you say nothing? ill believe that when i see it! smiley - tongueout besides no need the damage is done now, my reputation shot! (again) oh well life goes on lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 416

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Most parents today seem to know less than their offspring,smiley - biggrin

Hey Vamp

Post 417

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Not the Star Wars one. Read most of the Ashes when you were still working on it.

Hey Vamp

Post 418


re: post 410

what? lol i smiley - zzz after you said you was nipping out at work

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 419


Liquid Warrior

not true in smiley - dragonboys case, he left the evidence to spill out of his pocket onto the chair, his poor Mother must of been horrified to learn of her baby's activities like that! LOL

smiley - fullmoon

smiley - dragonboy,

lmao your Dad told me ya dirty rat! smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 420

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Vamps.. told you whatwhat?

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