This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 421

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

This really sounds like something I should not persue(?)

Then again, I like a bit of gossip.smiley - evilgrin

No. We must maintain dignitysmiley - angel

Hey Vamp

Post 422


Liquid Warrior,

dignity? after the level you 2 brought my thread down to earlier lol yeah ok whatever

smiley - dragonboy,

remember you borrowed your Dads coat 1 night? what did you leave in the pocket?! tut tut mind better to have than to have not so least you are smart!

boys, its been fun when i wasnt smiley - yawn which i am now cos im knackered so im off to bed as i have an early start, night and take care

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 423

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Goodnight, vamp, smiley - cheers for helping me make it through the nightsmiley - erm should I rephrase that? A friends son is 14 and he said to me just before Christmas that he was going to a bad taste disco and did I have anything he could borrow to wear? Bloody cheeksmiley - grrIf you borrow clothing leave nothing in the pockets. I still haven;t got my copy of Metro back....smiley - erm i mean.

Hey Vamp

Post 424

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Vamps.. i think dad lying, i dont use them, never have, dont like them, so why wou would i have them them in my pocket?

Hey Vamp

Post 425

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Becuase you do what I do, you produce them, say it's ok I've got these and the young ladies are fooled...........smiley - erm I mean. I don't know, why do you have them?

Hey Vamp

Post 426

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Tony lol.. nah m8 never carry them about, i dont like them, so god knows why,,unless they was dads and hes pinning the blame on me lol

Hey Vamp

Post 427

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

So, what are you saying about daddy, then?

Hey Vamp

Post 428

Dragon Lord back with avengence

nothing........ lol

Hey Vamp

Post 429

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

I think my father would have been very .....annoyed if he'd known I knew where he kept his....things...smiley - devil Thank God he never did.smiley - laugh

Hey Vamp

Post 430

Dragon Lord back with avengence

lol well thats ok then if he didnt find out lol. anyway ive gtg now ow m8 as im really tired.

Hey Vamp

Post 431

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

smiley - cheers I'm finishing at 08;00, back at 08:00 Wed

Hi Vampy

Post 432


hi vampy hows u hunny

Hi Vampy

Post 433


hiyasmiley - vampiresorsorry to dissapoint you but i dont have any use for those things only viagra now andand thats not as good as its meant to be lol any way did you have a nice break over xmas and stopped sober nosmiley - hangoverne way chat soon webbed feet

Hey Vamp

Post 434


Liquid Warrior,

if 'that' was the case you wouldnt of been permitted to leave so soon lol smiley - winkeye he wanted to borrow your clothes? whats wrong with them? (might have my wires crossed here? going to have to go have a nosy) women are usually a lot more careful than that, i would of made sure id taken everything out of the pockets when id finished with a friends coat hanging under the stairs..wonder if theyve left anything incriminating in there? smiley - whistle lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 435

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Hey V, didnt fone did you lol... how you keeping anyway?
smiley - loveScott xx

Hey Vamp

Post 436


smiley - dragonboy,

im sure it was himself that told me that? no offence but i think with how erm how to phrase? lol with how you like to spread yourself about you really shouldnt be taking any chances..not with all the STD's going about, not to mention unwanted pregnancies..for your 5 minutes of fun it isnt worth the risk..and here endeth the sermon, its your life, down to you to take care of yourself at the end of the day smiley - smiley

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 437

Dragon Lord back with avengence

If your saying i sleep around, i dont, when i stop with one of my female friends, mom and dad automatically think i sleep with thth them, but uut in fact i sleep on the sofa, i have made love 8 times, 5 with the same and 3 with my ex g/fs.
Scott xx

Hey Vamp

Post 438


smiley - dragonboy,

yeah i know, you said before 10 and i didnt get back till late, thought you'd gone to work..ill give you a ring tomorrow evening if you like, should be home a lot earlier! im knackered, its been a long day but thanks for asking lol oh or now if you hang on 5 minutes

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 439


smiley - dragonboy,

erm tmi TMI lol but even so, you should take care of yourself, things like that can happen to anyone no matter how many/few times

smiley - fullmoon

Hi Vampy

Post 440


Webbed Feet,

hey again i say tmi TMI! who's disappointed i dont want to know about your private life
yeah break was ok thanks....sober? erm no lol

smiley - fullmoon

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