This is the Message Centre for ~~Insomniac.Vampire~~

Hey Vamp

Post 341

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

in league with somebody whats this league business ?

Hey Vamp

Post 342

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Hey V, hows it going babe? hope you had a good one.
smiley - loveScott xx

Hey Vamp

Post 343

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

Sounds a smidgen paranoic

Hey Vamp

Post 344


Boxing Baboon,

what friends? you said it lol

its me me me all the time? yeah why has someone been talking lol

you do that, its not as if you need anyones permission, h2g2 is a free site you jump in anywhere your not wanted, fine on this site and you have the backing and blessing of your pals to do so, its just a pity you dont have a pc though isnt it

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 345

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

smiley - applause

Hey Vamp

Post 346


Boxing Baboon,

cant you take a hint? the conversations im in , whoever i want to speak and my shadow mean anything to you?

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 347

Dragon Lord back with avengence

*Go V go V its your birthday* smiley - biggrin

Hey Vamp

Post 348

A Liquid Warrior (vescere bracis meis)

HmmThis thread is getting interesting.
Well said Scott & Vampy.

Hey Vamp

Post 349


smiley - dragonboy,

hiya alls good cheers same as, it was pretty good i spose well i survived smiley - drunk lol how was yours and Mum and Dads? they kick you out yet? smiley - winkeye did you get some nice smiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - gift?
Happy New Year to you trouble!

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 350


**pokes smiley - dragonboy and Liquid Warrior on the shoulder**

ahem shhh you 2 if he thinks he has an audience he'll never fo

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 351

Dragon Lord back with avengence

V.. i got some cool presies,, i, i spent Christmas eve at me m8 m8 getting stoned and pished and also new years eve stontoned and pished lol... .. Thanks babe, Happy new year to you too
smiley - loveScott xxx

Liquid.. smiley - biggrin

Hey Vamp

Post 352


smiley - dragonboy,

i got some nice smiley - giftsmiley - gift too but it was the hard cash that put a sparkle in my eye (the january sales - had a field day)! dont you just smiley - love rich smiley - bleep who marry your relations smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

had plenty of smiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - redwine too..well even i make an exception New Years lol

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 353

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

i dont follow you about smiley - yuk i came across this thread on some1s elses space smiley - grr +ya know full well ive got a p.c .i had it onto tonight .i havent got a t a clue how to use it it and im also not connected to the internet .you may have seen my bush internet digi box email address i gave out .the other even while you was watching my every move .

Hey Vamp

Post 354

Dragon Lord back with avengence

V... cool you cant beat the Jan sales lol. Scott xx

Martin...Calm it m8, V is a very goo good friend of mine, as Sam is to you, so less of the hassle

Hey Vamp

Post 355

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

dragon i can see that eh

Hey Vamp

Post 356

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Martin.. see what?

Hey Vamp

Post 357

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

i can see that yet i.v started this discussing .you told me to calm it .

Hey Vamp

Post 358


Boxing Baboon,

no no im sure its just a coincidence!
i had no idea you had a pc, i thought you was on digibox cos you asked somebody in my other thread some weeks back to yikes a post..what are you on about bush internet box/pc/email address etc? i couldnt give a rats whatever about what you have/havent got, what you get up to or who with..i havent been on your page, or on your conversations and i have no idea who you talk to or about'd have to care - trust me i dont!
to watch your every move?? lol you are comical you really are, good 1! smiley - laugh

smiley - fullmoon

Hey Vamp

Post 359

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Martin.. well just calm it,

Vamps..OI! WENCH!! hee hee hee,,, ,,, listen babe, you still ll got our number aint ya? well give us a ring bout 12 tomoz cuz me misses talkialking to ya Scott xx

Hey Vamp

Post 360


smiley - dragonboy,

nope especially when its someone elses hard earned cash, takes all the guilt out of spending like theres no tomorrow too! lol smiley - winkeye

listen, i know you mean well but you like the guy, so dont make things awkward between yourselves on my behalf, not necessary believe me

smiley - fullmoon

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