Journal Entries


Why is it that whenever I log on to hootoo (too often at present!) I intend to be highly creative (spruce up my Uspace, add a highly witty journal entry that everyone will read and respond to, edit one of my articles-in-progress (all 1 of them!) or create new articles...

...and then all I do is catch up on a few selected threads, post the odd thing in a new one, bum around a bit and then log off (sometimes the log off bit takes far too long!)

And how do you manage all your conversations? I don't think I've ever unsubscribed from one, but I think I may need to now. There are several threads I've made one posting to (back in '03 for the most part) and have not followed since. Why are they there? If they spring to the top I'll probably see them anyway, since I generally review the top page or so of Ask, and that's where most of them are...

The trials of h2....


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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2004


When's me anniversary?

I was ACEd on 23/05/03 but I think I lurked for quite a while before that...

Still, I can't see any older postings by me so I suppose 23rd of May it is.

Unless I decide to celebrate my 300th day... no, I've just checked that was about a week ago. And I haven't exactly been on here every day anyway, more a sort of periodic turning up with occasional posts and the odd contribution or attempt at an entry.

I don't even have anyone listed as a 'friend' - it always seemed a very presumptuous thing to do, decide someone was your official 'friend' and adding them to a list. Plenty of room for offence if someone was either included or excluded! And judging by a couple of recent convos on 'Ask', hootooers don't take kindly to being added as friends if they don't know the person.

Does anyone out there actually visit my Uspace? Post here and let me know! We could have a mutual 'add to friends list' pact if you want.

My word, how pathetic do I sound...?

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2004


smiley - ill

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Latest reply: Oct 14, 2003

Tighten the belts another notch...

What was I saying about money management...

Holidays, even when sharing with friends & family, can become expensive...

Anyway, they are also relaxing & fun, especially with sunny weather (which we had in both Cumbria and Wales, shock/horror!) or stressful and uncomfortable (depending on how one gets on with one's friends & one's family...)

But there you go.

Anyone know of 2 weeks' work I can get in Sheffield for the end of July?

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Latest reply: Jul 2, 2003

What a weekend!!!

A death in the family, a (cancelled) major operation on another family member, participating in a gospel concert, suddenly putting up 3 family members for the night... need I go on? It's no wonder I'm tired.

Really must get going & write some stuff for the Guide... could be fun!

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2003

Back to rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least's Personal Space Home

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

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