This is a Journal entry by rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

What a weekend!!!

Post 1

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

A death in the family, a (cancelled) major operation on another family member, participating in a gospel concert, suddenly putting up 3 family members for the night... need I go on? It's no wonder I'm tired.

Really must get going & write some stuff for the Guide... could be fun!

What a weekend!!!

Post 2


smiley - cuddle Yowee. Still, you seem fairly upbeat, so that cannot be but a good thing. smiley - smiley

I noticed that you subscribed to the Queen thread. Good good. It's not the most lively of societies but we have our moments.

I'm Vip, by the way. I hope you don't mind me coming and bothering you. smiley - smiley

What a weekend!!!

Post 3

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

Hiya Vip,

You're not bothering me at all, in fact...


as you are the first person to reply to one of my journal posts... that deserves a prize but I can't think what yet... perhaps you could get to design me a tile for my roof? if that's your thing, of course. If it doesn't sound like much of a prize, then I'll think of something else.

Good to see you are very active on h2g2, I've had a glimpse of your pages, hope the job's going ok. I'm a Christian too, as it happens, which just goes to show... something. I feel that the 'upbeat' bit is connected to my faith in some way... as otherwise I would be beating my head off a brick wall - i'm close to that anyway smiley - sadface

I seem to have suddenly tried to join a lot of groups since registering on the site... I'm a lapsed Queen fan, need to dig out those CDs, Vids & tapes & start listening to them again. Check out my page over the next little while, and watch the badges & tiles mount up!

OK I'd better go & do some work - this site is far too distracting. Please pray for me if you wouldn't mind, that I get some work done today. I'll pray for your schedule & your arches smiley - smiley

God bless

What a weekend!!!

Post 4


Here I smiley - blush and say that if I still prayed I glady would have done. However, with my faith dwindling into the black hole of atheism (not even agnosticism any more) I'd find it difficult. Maybe one day I'll feel His touch again, I'll keep an open mind, but living without Him has not been an issue, strange for someone who relied so heavily on Him only a year ago. Hey well, people change, views change. I still stand by a lot of Christian principles, most of them make sense, but He just doesn't inspire or touch me. A shame in some respects, but hey.

h2g2? Distracting? Never! smiley - laugh Possibly the easiest way to lose an hour (or several) in a day!

What wotk are you up to, if you don't mind my prying? Please don't tell me if you don't want to!

What a weekend!!!

Post 5

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

smiley - yikessmiley - blush

There I go again, leaping to conclusions based on a page clearly identified as out of date! Sorry, I didn't mean to cause any embarrassment or anything. I'm strongly trying to resist the temptation to start making "helpful" comments - I'm sure they wouldn't be so I will press on to something else...

I keep losing time to h2g2 during working hours and then feel really bad because I used to be quite conscientious (sp?) in my work. But this job is really boring...

I am in sales support which is a desk based job, and I spend a lot of my time doing repetetive manual tasks that should have been automated a long time ago, in order to pay commission to companies that sell products on our behalf. More boring details can be had on request...

BTW thinking of the Queen Fan Club & rewritten lyrics, did you ever hear the Christian version of Bo Rhap?

*Be-el-zebub has lost his hold on meee, on meee, on meeeeeeeeeeeeee*


What a weekend!!!

Post 6


Don't worry, I probably ought to change that, I just haven't got around to it yet.

I've not heard it! Oh dear, all these things I've missed out on!

What a weekend!!!

Post 7

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

It seems *I've* missed out on a lot, not being on h2g2 before now...

Such as gossip, intrigue, extreme silliness and incredibly long lunch breaks... smiley - cakesmiley - tea

Did you come up with any ideas for a tile for my roof yet?

What a weekend!!!

Post 8


Oh, h2g2, doncha just *love* it?? I do. smiley - biggrin Been here 18 months now, and I still wish I'd been here before!

Hmm, a rooftile. Does it have to be a link to anything? The only thing that comes to mind is my article (as yet unfinished) on laziness. Might give me an incentive to finish it!
Apart from that, I don't know. What *sort* of thing are you after?

What a weekend!!!

Post 9

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

A link would be great, and your article on laziness sounds great! The only thing is... wouldn't finishing it kinda ruin any ironic twist?
Like not starting an article on procr... oh never mind, I'll type that word tomorrow!

The criteria seem to be:

something that can be represented by a short(ish) word or TLA to be the tile itself
something that can be described more fully in text and/or graphic further down my personal space
something that has a link, however tenuous with me or my life

Given that you're still getting to know me and I haven't posted any journal entries for a while, this last one could pose some problems, but I've left a few clues under 'Construction Materials' although this is by no means exhaustive.

Leave it for a while, if you like, and see if anything springs to mind.

Incidentally, I've been an occasional user of html and am finding odd bits coming back to me as I learn GuideML. Have you any idea how to use the function where you click on a link and it jumps you to a different place on the same page? I think it has something to do with # signs, in html at least, and putting in marker labels - it's what I want to have on my tiles, so that you can jump down to the relevant graphic or whatever on my personal space.

Anyway, I must try and rustle up a Guru, but I thought that since your personal space(s) are so well designed, you might know this one...


What a weekend!!!

Post 10


A1075204 is my article, though it has not been through PR or anything yet.

As for the GuideML question, I really have no idea. I could have a fiddle, but I don't know if it would be supported in GuideML (not all of HTML is supported). All this coding lark is still foreign to me, though I'm starting to want to learn more. My only guess is to label the text you want to point to somehow, and then link to that label. But I really have no idea, I've never seen the code for that sort of thing.

What a weekend!!!

Post 11

rooftiler - back again, for another bit at least

I like the article a lot!!! It should be in PR as soon as you're happy with it!

I'll see if I can ask a Guru at some point about GuideML (or perhaps just go to h2g2 Help!).



What a weekend!!!

Post 12


A219638 id the help page if you want a link.

I like the entry, it's got the right sort of feel to it, but it's unfinished. It certainly doesn't have an ending yet. Not sure what to do, hence why it's in WW not PR yet.

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