This is the Message Centre for azahar

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 441



smiley - bigeyes

Oh please! The album could do with a bit of spicy stuff. smiley - winkeye


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 442


btw, that 'oh please!' was missing a smiley - grovel smiley.

smiley - smiley


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 443


>> "The album could do with a bit of spicy stuff."

Well, seing as how it's *your* album, and you *did* set such a standard for loveliness, maybe you could do the same for spiciness?

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 444


smiley - biggrin You ol' flatterer, Potholer! Nope, no spicy photos of me in existence. How about you?

Meanwhile, Tamberlaine is now in the gallery. smiley - ok


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 445


Hello! Our friend Caerwynn suggested that we put our photo onto your website... so here goes!

Thank you! smiley - cheers

mari-rae and Archangel Kes

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 446

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

What a lovely couple!smiley - wow

smiley - biggrin

Yet another h2g2 successful romance story!smiley - handcuffs
smiley - cupidsmiley - ok

Azahar, if I *were* to provide you with the {spicy} pic of Bassman and myself - I am sure I'd be in trouble with all the otherssmiley - erm

smiley - blush

One day I might post all my spicy pics but then, my daughters post here, so maybe notsmiley - winkeye

I've sent you another pic, but it's not of me. I'm hiding in the cockpit.smiley - bigeyes

smiley - biggrin

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 447


Yes, a very lovely couple. smiley - smiley

mari-rae and Archangel Kes are now in the gallery. smiley - ok


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 448


hi Galaxy Babe,

Haven't received your other photo yet - hiding in the cockpit?

And no, wouldn't want you to get into trouble so we shall just have to imagine the photo ourselves. smiley - smiley


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 449


Oh, lots of new photos this morning! smiley - smiley

Wrinkled Rocker, Mckay the Disorganised and Tal (sort of) are now in the gallery. smiley - ok

Plus new photos of Galaxy Babe and logicus (sort of).


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 450


azahar, thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to make this nice photo album. smiley - hug

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 451


Oh, it's fun, mari-rae and as I've said here before, I couldn't do it without you guys! smiley - smiley

btw, your comments on Wrinkled Rocker and ~jwf~ are hilarious. smiley - biggrin


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 452


smiley - ok Thanks!

Taking inspiration from ~jwf~ , here is a better photo of mari-rae for the album:

smiley - winkeye

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 453


*goes have to a look at the new photos*

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 454


Clive the Flying Ostrich and friends are now in the gallery. smiley - ok


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 455


pdante is now in the gallery. smiley - ok

Also another photo of Clive and Amy smiley - loveblush


h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 456

McKay The Disorganised

Not exactly keeping Gillette in business are we ?

smiley - cider

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 457

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Beards: Low-energy food storage for men

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 458

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I beg to differ! I have a #2 trimmer that belies that statement! The pictures of me you see is as shaggy as I get and after I saw them I trimmed. I regularly run the trimmer over my (cut to thesaurus words that are supposedly synonyms) beaver, whiskers, charley, galways, goatee, imperial, spade beard, Vandyke, fuzz (aren't those all very, very odd??). smiley - bigeyes I am lucky enough to have fine hair so I've had no complaints about unnecessary roughness as they say in football. smiley - winkeye

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 459

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Just kidding...

Actually, yes, yours is very trim, and very much suits you.

My ex, on the other hand, had a patchy, bristly affair. Short, it was about as soft as a hedge-hog, and long, it was about as soft as #1 Bulldog steel wool. To add to its "charm", he had a nervous habit of picking at it, so there were always threadbare spots. It also amply showed his genetic heritage of Mohawk and Delaware Indian, Irish, and German in having patches of red, blonde, and brown in the overall black color.

I always dreaded the times when I would notice that he hadn't shaved for a day or so, as he was about to go through an "I am going to grow a wonderful, luxurious, full, glossy beard, even if it kills you...." stage.

h2g2 friends photo gallery

Post 460

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I once had two small patches of red either side of the end of my chin. They were the first to go grey...smiley - erm. I have had a long beard and it has the advantage of covering thin spots, but I agree it is less than hygenic. smiley - biggrin
Washing a well trimmed beard and keeping it clean is no more trouble than washing a clean shaven face. And I have the added advantage of sometimes "tickling one's fancy" if you'll excuse that rude statement. smiley - winkeye

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