This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1241


Oh no, nothing so benign. I can't get really mad at my cousins or sisters or brothers, mainly because they massively out-number me but also they're so darn cute. I think I might explain the Grr thread at some point, maybe tomorrow.


Post 1242


I'm not sure how much value it has punishing cats so long after the event. They act on instinct rather than memory.

Punishing them immediately after the incident is of benefit, but not continuing the process or punishing them hours after the event.

Also rubbing their noses in their mess doesn't have any value either, apparently.

I am going on the advice of a vet, given to me some years ago admittedly, and views and methods of training animals change.

If he messes outside the box again, I would take him to the vet for a check up.

Cassie is due her flea jabs smiley - yikes.


Post 1243


If he messes outside the box again soon I will definitely take him to the vet's for a check-up. But, as I say, he's done this sort of thing before so this is why I didn't think straight away that he might be sick (and of course, I hope he isn't!).

Thing is, if I happen to leave a towel or piece of clothing on the bathroom floor (or even in the bidet) he ends up 'going' on it. And I would never punish him for this as it is easily prevented and, since I know it happens, is really my fault for leaving stuff on the floor. He also likes to sneak into the clothes closets and pee on sweaters, etc which is why I have to keep the doors locked - hadn't expected him to do this in the hall closet on the shoes! Nor in the laundry basket.

I'm sure your vet is quite right about most cats, but Sunny truly is more a dog than a cat (personality-wise). And the 'punishable offense' (crapping on the bed) was dealt with almost immediately after it happened, so I'm pretty sure he knew what he was being punished for. Also, when I said I 'stuck his nose in it' I meant I put his nose close to the mess so he could smell it - I didn't literally rub his nose in it (ick).

Anyhow, thanks for the advice. smiley - smiley



Post 1244

Lady in a tree

Oh Sunny! smiley - crosssmiley - crysmiley - cuddle Naughty boy!

Hope he learnt his lesson...

I had to take Tasha to the *Vee, Eee, Tee* today smiley - wah after she got chased up a tree by next door's cat. When she eventually got down (and it was a long way down - see photo and came home she was limping so I went into panic mode and thought she'd broken a leg or something horrid like that. My friend came round and we took her to the surgery where the nice man had a look and found a nasty cut on her front right paw between the toes. We don't know whether it was from the fight or from the tree but it needed stitches. She was very brave and is now doing the groggy, feel sorry for me, I'm pathetic thing! smiley - sadface

She seems OK but we have to keep her in for a whole week!! Hell!


Post 1245

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hi Az,

I was just thinking of Lua yesterday -- a friend of mine has a male cat going through what Lua did.

He had to have a growth removed along one of his nipples -- and yes, it is rare in a male cat. However, Farnsworth was put on human birth control pills to control a chronic inflammatory skin condition as a little guy, and was on them (one a week) for years. Vet took him off last year, when he got the first (non-malignant?) growth last year.

Since it came back, I now doubt it was benign. My friend is hoping things are all okay now; I hope so, too -- Farnsworth is a jaunty guy about town, er, house... smiley - smiley



Post 1246


hi SC,

Your story about your friend's cat made me wonder if Lua's tumour was a result of the hormone drugs she was put on during her first two years (by previous owners). Apparently this was to stop her from going into heat. Anyhow, once I took her in I also took her off the drugs, let her have one litter of kittens, and then had her spayed.

I hope that Farnsworth will be okay. I sure know what your friends must be going through.


How is Tasha now? All better and back to teasing the cat next door?



Post 1247

Lady in a tree

Funny az - my neighbour accused Tasha of the very same thing! He said she must have led him on (the cat that is - not my neighbour!) and then turned down his advances so got chased. I told him that NO means no and it is a lady's right to say it. smiley - laugh

Anyway - she is right as rain now. Driving us mad to go out though - it breaks my heart smiley - brokenheart sometimes to watch her trying to get through a closed catflap! Still another 6 days to keep her in!smiley - yikes


Post 1248

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Lady, I think Tasha will be climbing the walls if she has to stay in for 6 more days! And you thought her climbing trees was bad...! smiley - laugh



Post 1249


Well, Lady sounds as pathetically soft-hearted as I am! Doing what is best for the cat is heart-breaking even though we know it needs to be done.

Remember when I had to put the COLLAR on Lua? Heck, that lasted about six hours. Couldn't stand her looking so forlorn.

What a bunch of wimps we are! smiley - winkeye



Post 1250

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well some of us ,try having to confine one to a small cage ,when it does not realise, its leg has got about as much strenth as balsa wood match stick, then watch as all the other cats tease it by jumping on top of the cage.

sometimes you just have to be "cruel" to be kind,henrys doing well ,silly as ever ,the eightfoot high wall and ten foot gap to next doors roof has proved no obstical for him ,amazing the distences curiosity or that warm spot takes them.


Post 1251

Spaceechik, Typomancer

In the last batch of cats I had, before Rocket and Missy, I had to "collar" Bandit, after her tail got slammed in the front door by a strong wind gust (it completely healed, with no lasting effect). That collar lasted for exactly 2 hours, since my little Squeaky was so enraged at the collar she wouldn't stop hissing and spitting at it -- and Bandit, who had a very bewildered "what did I do?" look on her face. Bandit never did mess with the bandage on her tail, so it worked out all right. If Bandit had bothered the bandage on her tail, the collar would have gone back on soonest. As it was, Squeaky kept looking for the offensive collar for a week after, and hissing at poor Bandit the whole while. smiley - erm



Post 1252

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Logicus said: "sometimes you just have to be "cruel" to be kind, henrys doing well ,silly as ever ,the eightfoot high wall and ten foot gap to next doors roof has proved no obstical for him ,amazing the distences curiosity or that warm spot takes them. "

Does Henry jump the whole 8 feet at once? Wow! the vantage point and comforts must be very compelling for that much effort!



Post 1253


When I had Lua spayed here - by DR FRANKENSTEIN - who ripped her open all down her belly (I've since heard this is not necessary!) she didn't have a collar. Nor did she tear out her stitches. But she got an infection a few days later, and I had to take her back to DR FRANKENSTEIN who - ick - shoved a metal thing into her open wound to drain out the pus. Horrible.

These were the 'cheap vets' at the so-called Animal Protection Society here . . . honestly, half the time I thought I was more of a vet than any of them were.

When they castrated Azar they didn't even stitch up the wound - just said it would close up and heal on its own. Though after the op they asked me (somewhat perversely I thought) if I wanted to see the balls they had removed!

Well, those were in the days when I couldn't afford private vets. Not that I can actually afford private vets now, but it beats the hell out of those other monsters. Though at the time I really had no other option since I was barely able to pay my rent, let alone vet bills, so I opted for the Animal Protection Society thing.

Oddly or otherwise, Sunny is going on 11 years old and hasn't been castrated. And he has he never 'marked territory' - except for his occasional penchant for wanting to pee on soft garments in closets.

By the time Azar was about 8 months old he started marking his territory all over the place - which is why I had him castrated.

But I have to admit that it *is* often very difficult to be 'cruel to be kind' with animals. Especially because you can't explain *why* you need to do these things.



Post 1254


Four new photos of my boys - it's great having this new digital camera! smiley - smiley

(photos 133-136)



Post 1255


Big Red,

I hope you don't mind but I thought I'd re-post what you posted on my hootoo anniversary thread as I think it might interest some people here:


So, what exactly does a cat shrink do? Monitor behaviour? How long are they in the house so that they can see the cat behaving normally? (or abnormally, as the case may be . . .) My cats never behave the same when there are other people around. Just wondering how that works.



Post 1256

Big Red

What beauties! Going back a bit, I once had a cat that removed its own stitches after surgery. The vet said he did a great job.


Post 1257

Big Red

She was there for three hours, plus she asked us ahead of time to fill out a questionnaire and videotape some of his stranger or more obnoxious behavior so she could see him in action.

Because you're right, often they don't do the odd behavior with a stranger around, but he was in full tilt that day, climbing up the furniture, jumping on Tabitha, lolling casually on the dining table (not allowed), bending the window blinds out of shape, etc. His usual shtick.


Post 1258

Big Red

Our postings crossed in the mail, so I realize now that my "what beauties!" remark may look strange.

I was talking about the pretty kitty pix!


Post 1259


Dang - I've been caught out! Recently there have been workmen up on the roof painting so I've only been able to leave Nimbus food later on at night after they finished. But last night I also left a bit of water for him (in a plastic cup) as it's been so HOT here recently, I was really feeling sorry for him. And then the landlord found the cup this morning and asked me if I knew who put it there - and I had to fess up that it was me.

He then told me that I was no longer allowed to leave water on the roof for the cat because he doesn't want Nimbus peeing all over the new paint job (they are doing both the walls and the floors). And so I promised not to leave any more water . . .

He didn't mention food however - thank gawd Nimbus ate the food I left yesterday (he wasn't up there when I went up to leave the food and water so I just left it). So I reckon I can still sneak up some food from time to time . . .

Anyhow, I am now feeling SO STUPID for leaving 'evidence'. I should have waited until after all the painters were gone, and when the landlord wouldn't be checking up there. But as I say, it's been so hot here recently that I was worried about Nimbus getting any water at all. Oh dear . . .

Meanwhile, a new photo of Azar - cute or what?



Post 1260

logicus tracticus philosophicus

well then maybe water can be found in the saucer of a over watered plant,
mind you giszmo does come down to the kitchen window ,great picture

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