This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 1181

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az said..."Sorry about that, SC. I can't remember who originally posted a cartoon from that site here (it was months ago) but I had a look around on the page after that and found a few more cat ones, some of which I saved. And I didn't get any sort of Active X pop-up thingy."

Az, I may have misspoke, and only assumed it was that one, because that's when my Zone Alarm firewall went crazy, right after I rejected the pop-ups, including the one which stated that "a script error has occured, do you wish to continue on this page?".

I really am extremely cautious, and never load any of those suggested things -- always seems to turn out I didn't need them...



Post 1182

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I had no problem the first time, and just tried it now... no problem. In fact, our work anti-virus has no pop-up stopper (why, in God's name, I do not know!). However, I also tried it at home, and had no prob and I have an all-the-bells-and-whistles anti-virus.


Post 1183


hi SC,

I also use Zone Alarm, and as I say, didn't have any problem with that page, so it may have been something else triggering the warnings on your end. But no problem, it's better to be safe than sorry. smiley - smiley



Post 1184


Just got an old roll of film developed today that had four photos of Lua on it - the last ones I took of her having her last breakfast. They made me feel both sad and happy. I could almost feel her tugging at the ham and, well, I just wished I could pick her up and hug her again.

There are also some photos of Nimbus up on the roof.

And one of Noggin petting Azar! Bear in mind that he is the only person (other than me) that Azar has ever let touch him. I almost dropped dead from shock the first time it happened.

Lua - photos 123-126
Nimbus - photos 127-131
Azar & Noggin - photo 132



Post 1185



if you think that chair cover looks ratty (in the Azar photo) you should see my sofa! (or what's left of it . . .)



Post 1186

Lady in a tree

Awwww az smiley - hug

It took me ages before I could look at photos of Jake in his last few days. The pics of Lua are lovely. She really loved that ham didn't she!

As for Nimbus...smiley - yikes he's not a tiny kitty is he?! Has he stopped hissing at you yet?

And finally - Azar and Noggin smiley - tickle - it looks like approval to me! smiley - winkeyesmiley - loveblush


Post 1187


Yes, those are lovely photos of Lua. smiley - smiley

Nimbus looks like a dude with 'tude. But a fine looking smiley - cat, no doubt down to your care and attention, az.


Post 1188


hi Lady,

Yeah, it was hard to see those last photos of Lua - well, hard in a good way, if that makes sense.

hi Caerwynn,

*Definitely* a dude with a 'tude. And yes, he still hisses and spits at me. Though this often seems like a greeting at times. He hisses and starts moaning and I keep up a lot of chatter until he comes over and eats with me sitting just a foot or two away from him.

And he has really filled-out in the past month or so (with two big meals a day!). He really was a very skinny thing when I first met him. Now he is 'all dude'. Big guy and all that. I don't expect he will ever let me touch him, but I also once thought that about Azar (took three months of him living in my flat before he let me touch him). NOW Azar can't get enough 'cariño' and often demands that I massage his paws or give him a brushing.

It really was a huge deal that he let Noggin touch him. I mean, previously I'd had flatmates who were *dying* to touch Azar, and ones who lived with me much longer than Noggin has. But he would never let them get near him. The godd*mn weirdo! smiley - winkeye

Back to Nimbus. He does seem 'trained' enough in the sense that he only now leaves his 'deposits' in the same place on the first rooftop level where I always leave a bit of extra cat sand for this purpose. And since the first complaint by the landlady (she said it must be one of my cats sh*tting on the roof and demanded that I clean it up) I haven't heard any further complaints as I clean up his stuff about twice a week.

Bit of a thankless job though - maintaining Nimbus. Though of course, now that I've started, I cannot stop. And I wouldn't even want to stop. What I can't understand though is how he ended up living on the rooftop. And also how he got through the summer when it was 40º or more up there with no water supply. I think he must have been abandoned, which would explain why he called down to me for food that first time. And this would also explain why he doesn't trust humans. Anyhow, it seems I still have three cats.

But yes, I still miss Lua terribly. And it still hurts that I had to decide when she would die. That whole morning is such a painful memory, even though I know she had a peaceful end with me holding her in my arms at home and kissing her on the head. At least she didn't have to go through the last very painful stages that the cancer was already starting to do to her.

These days, everytime Noggin and I have a drink together we always make a toast 'to Lua'. And this past weekend with a friend visiting here (she also knew Lua) I explained this and all three of us ended up always raising a glass 'to Lua'.

But man, I still miss that old cranky paws so much! My most beautiful girl.



Post 1189

Spaceechik, Typomancer

"But man, I still miss that old cranky paws so much! My most beautiful girl."

I can see Lua's cranky spirit (those eyes!) in that last pic, in particular!

I'm glad that Azar is allowing liberties; gives me hope that someday I can actually hold my Missy. Still won't really let me even pet her for more than 30 seconds. But I'm patient...



Post 1190


How long have you had Missy, SC? It took Azar about three months (after I brought him home) before he'd let me touch him.



Post 1191

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I got Missy (really, Missile -- oh wait, maybe that's why! smiley - winkeye) in June of 02.

She had been a nearly feral kitten of five weeks when I got her from friends who claimed their marriage would suffer if the husband in question didn't stop bringing home every purry little stray...

She and Rocket bonded within 2 days; she and I haven't quite reached that stage yet. She LOVES being brushed (well, I mean, she's a GIRL..) but she still will not allow prolonged petting or picking up. I do it anyway (for about 30 seconds or so), and she's warming up to petting and skritching, but seems to be one of those cats who just won't ever be a lap kitty.

I do use the brushing sessions to surreptiously search her for bumps and sore spots, since she and Rocket both love to tussle (not actually fight, since I'll break it up if I start to hear squeaking protests).

Apropo of nearly nothing, I came across a site called "", which runs on the premise that cats are not all cute and cuddly, but furries with attitude... Some of the pics are funny. Or wierd. smiley - winkeye



Post 1192


hi SC,

Well, Lua was *never* a lap cat. She did like the occasional brushing, but after a few strokes she got all cranky and waddled off. Bless her. But she did love sleeping next to my head and when she was in bed she would let me cuddle her all I wanted.

Azar was a feral kitten (five months old) when I took him in and, as with your cats, he bonded immediately with Sunny. Those two were inseparable almost since day one.

But he is also not a 'lap cat'. Though he adores being brushed and massaged and, really, adores any and all sorts of physical attention - NOW.

(meanwhile, Sunny is a TOTAL lap cat. And he usually demands to sit on my lap when it is most inconvenient, like, when I am teaching classes at home).

I get the same thing happening with Sunny (who is HUGE) and Azar (who is not). They tussle like crazy and it's quite funny to watch, but then Sunny - the brute - will start playing too hard and I have to intervene. Then five minutes later the two of them will be curled up asleep together. Very sweet.

It's still amazing to me that Azar now lets Noggin pet him - in less than three months! Because previously I'd had flatmates who lived with me for up to six or nine months and they could never get close to Azar at all (though they were all *dying* to). Perhaps the main difference is that Noggin shares my bed and this has made Azar feel 'safer' with him. For the first week or two Azar slept in the living room but s-l-o-w-l-y started to come back to sleeping on the bed (on MY side) and then graduated to sleeping against N's legs. And now . . . well, as I said, the first time I saw Azar allow Noggin to actually pet him almost made me faint from surprise.

Cats eh? Consummate weirdos, the lot of them!

I just received a package from Amazon today and one of the books is The Unadulterated Cat by Terry Pratchett. Just the index had me laughing out loud so I can't wait to actually read the book! smiley - biggrin



Post 1193

Lady in a tree

smiley - yikes Noggin shares your bed??? Have you run out of beds or something? smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

Tasha has taken to sleeping above my pillow (not floating smiley - silly... I mean between pillow and headboard) - maybe it's a girl cat thing?

In this cold weather I do like waking up in the night and feeling for a warm furry belly to bury my hands in!


Post 1194


<< smiley - yikes Noggin shares your bed???>>


Well, why do you think I let Noggin share my bed? smiley - winkeye



Post 1195

logicus tracticus philosophicus

why do you think I let Noggin share my bed ?

smiley - erm practising stick gear Well,shift changes in your sleep.


Post 1196

Lady in a tree

>>Well, why do you think I let Noggin share my bed?<<


I just *knew* you were gonna pick me up on that one! smiley - winkeye

smiley - yikes logicus! ouch! smiley - blush

Is it cold in Seville yet az? Does it get cold there? If so are you worried for Nimbus? Will you put a makeshift shelter out for him?

Tasha really doesn't like the cold...she runs back in through the catflap at 100mph and her nose goes soooo pink! Then she comes and stands on me - she doesn't sit - to warm her paws up! It's getting down below zero here and in some parts of the UK we had snow last night smiley - brr


Post 1197

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I get so much attention from Rocket, that he more than makes up for Missy's standoffishness. He crawls into bed with me (very early) in the morning, cuddling and then sleeping with his head on my arm. He is just so endearing, when he's not driving me nuts!

Missy does bring me various cat toys she's killed, in order to keep me safe -- especially the (apparently) dangerous furry tennis ball, from the fuss she makes of it!! smiley - laugh

So, The Unadulterated Cat is still available?!? Great news - I've been looking for it over here; didn't think to try Amazon, since I was under the impression it was out of print!!


P.S. - And Az, belated best wishes to you, Noggin and the furries, on the successful melding of your households! smiley - smiley


Post 1198

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Today was our company's quarterly srtaff outing. We had talks from two people in the morning and then went curling (which I watched, since I didn't want to spend the weekend in the ER). The guy whose job it is to make the ice has two Yorkshire Terries. They also have 4 puppies, just 8-10 weeks old.

Those of us who didn't watch the curling, cuddled puppies for most of the afternoon. My face and hands were soundly licked by the one I was holding. I was tempted to take one home, but 1) Benjamin would pack his bags and leave, and 2) I didn't have $700 available to pay for one....

I haven't ;oaded my photos up yet, but when I do, I'll post the link to the puppies.


Post 1199


Yes, it does get cold here, Lady. These days it's getting quite chilly at night though daytime temps are still reaching about 20ºC, which is very nice. And it's been very sunny. smiley - cool

Not really worried about Nimbus because his coat is getting quite thick now and it never gets to freezing here overnight. I did think about putting the large plastic cat cage upstairs (with a cosy blankie inside) but I don't want to attract the landlord's attention any more than it already has been. I reckon he'll be fine. He was obviously able to survive the summer on the roof with 45º temps - have no idea where he got water from! And although I'm feeding him I notice that he is still hunting as I found a clump of feathers on the roof the other day.




hi Mudhooks,

<<(which I watched, since I didn't want to spend the weekend in the ER).>>

I hear ya! You've got to really watch out for those poky-outy elbows while they sweep!

Good thing you didn't bring a Yorkie home with you - I can imagine Benjamin thinking this was some sort of food treat for him.


hi SC,

Yes, that's the best thing about having more than one cat as between them you somehow getting one 'perfect' cat that gives you everything you need.

Oddly, the hardback version of The Unadulterated Cat was cheaper than getting the paperback version (on Amazon). Anyhow, am quite enjoying it.

Thanks for your best wishes. So far so good . . .



Post 1200

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

>Good thing you didn't bring a Yorkie home with you - I can imagine Benjamin thinking this was some sort of food treat for him.<

I doubt Benjamin would take an interest food-wise to a Yorkie.... He doesn't bother with the mice in the house. The only wild-life he takes any interest in eating is grasshoppers (and the odd fly). I think he'd just be put out by the presence of another animal welcomed into the house.

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