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Post 541

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Not thinking about it ,rescanning yesterdays posts,just in case I made a statement i needed to decode ,or finishsmiley - rofl

The dissappearing thread ,possiable that was being moved or crosslinked by the"powers that be" in relation to new in"carnation"
like the pun sweet smelling flower for old decomposeing body.
for reference or back ground information should they be takeing the matter further.

Since the file was in process of being moved showed up on your page,i did add a bit to one of convos that he appeared on but there again he is on so many that it cant be helped.must get onsmiley - ok


Post 542



Under the skin *where* was I think was logicus was asking. If he wasn't, then I am. smiley - smiley

Well, I hope he is okay. Anyhow, you'll get to eyeball your favourite vet again. Keep us posted.



Post 543

logicus tracticus philosophicus

I read or assumed she was refering to face'ial area "cheeks throat" allthough hannah had one on what would relate to your upper inside towards back left arm,smiley - erm with me.


Post 544

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

His is on his torso, sort of on top of his ribs and just a few inches back of his front leg. If you were to put your arm flat at your side, it would be located on your ribs, about half way between shoulder and elbow.

If I grasp the skin, my fingers go under it, and it can be felt in my hand. So it is in a layer of skin, not on muscle or bone.


Post 545

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Well, I called my vet's office and Dr. Sharma is no longer with them, so I hunted around and found him and have an appointment on Thursday at 5:30.

Dr. Sharma is married (boohoo), but that's okay since it is for Benjamin, not me....

Just 'cause there are sharks in the water, don't mean you can't sit in your rowboat and watch a beautiful sunset....


Post 546

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Most likely migrateing fat or (pore ending) may even be internal scar tissue thats become detatched ,nice to play with though, once we know there's one there every time we are mindlessly doing some thing else, the cat spots a oppertunity and hops up on laps, not untill we hit the spot that we realise "he" done it again.

Haveing just moved hom to do just that mindless thing


Post 547


Migrating fat? smiley - erm (hmmm, sounds a bit like my entire body . . .)

Good luck on Thursday, Mudhooks! smiley - ok

Had a lovely Lua moment this morning. Woke up lying on my back, which is unusual for me (normally sleep on my side), to find Lua curled up in the crook of my arm with her little head resting on my shoulder. She was fast asleep. Doesn't that just sound soooo sweet? It really was. smiley - smiley



Post 548

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Thats henrys fav position ,from there he can direct what ever part of him he wants rubbed toward my hand should it stray or pass him.

Okaysionly (much better way of spelling it) will grab hand with paw and place on cheek.


Post 549

logicus tracticus philosophicus
Speaking of phat,smiley - biggrinHenrys idol.

What a great tv program ,Garfeild,top cat,mistopolees,Fitz ,corky
cats shareing a house for the week!


Post 550


smiley - laugh

My favourites:

'You shouldn't eat so fast.'
'I think you're right. My teeth were getting hot'


'How's the salad?'
'Ask it yourself. I'm not speaking to it.'

smiley - ok



Post 551

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Yup and blood doner(but your a flea )THhwack .
Have'nt read garfeild for ages ,So true ,!


Post 552

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Well, I took Benjamin in to see Dr. Sharma. He thinks that the lump is an abcess on the mend. Since he specializes in nuclear medecine, he really ought to know. He said that I should keep an eye on it, but that in his opinion, it is not a tumor.... PHEW!

I was also worried about having to call the other veterinary clinic to transfer his file over. However, Dr. Sharma had already gotten it, saving me the trouble. He is also going to be working full-time at a veterinary hospital near where I live which is where my friend suggested I go before I met Dr. Sharma. So, it all works out.

Benjamin isn't terribly happy visiting the vet, but he was at least a bit better than he is at the other clinic. I could have done without having to pay $54.00 for the visit, but I am very relieved that it doesn't look serious.


Post 553


Well, that's good news, Mudhooks! Also, you got to ogle ol' Dr. Sharma again. smiley - winkeye

Lua's tumour is also loose and attached to the skin, which was why the first vet thought it might be an infected cyst. But the location (directly under the nipple) did not bode well.

I just got an email from a friend of mine in the States who is going to start 'radioactive iodine' injection treatments for her cat for a hyper-thyroid condition. Well, she said she would start on this treatment once she could afford to.

She also pointed out to me that even when a tumour is removed from an animal it usually comes back. And apparently they also use this 'radioactive iodine' injection treatment for cats with cancer. Which my friend says has no side effects (like perhaps death!). But this was not suggested to me here from any of the three vets I took Lua to.

At this point I have made my peace with my decision to let nature take its course with poor Lua. She is still eating like a refugee, like there is no tomorrow! Chowing down on her paté. And she is still bright-eyed and very healthy looking, bless her. Even the slight inflammation seems to have calmed down. So for now I shall just leave her be to live out the rest of her life as comfortably as possible.

Have recently changed from Whiskas to Friskies paté as they have a selection of wonderfully flavoured gourmet patés which Lua totally adores. Yesterday when one of my students was here I had to interrupt the class to give Lua some food as she was hanging around looking hungry, but I brought her food into the livingroom so Sunny wouldn't steal it from her. And Valentín said to me - 'Hey, that stuff smells great!' I asked him if he would like a bit on toast and he said it would probably not be too bad.

smiley - smiley



Post 554


I am glad Benjamin got the ok from Dr Sharma, Mudhooks!

I htink Cassie just loves food, I haven't come across one brand she doesn't like. I haven't given her Sheba though, as that it so expensive, but treat her one day if she is very good. Which isn't likely as she is a bit of a crosspatch at the moment.


Post 555

logicus tracticus philosophicus

The thyroid in the cat serves just as much the same as us.
The operation for the removeall is quite commen,i have lost count of the no of cats i have taken to and fro following such ops.

Age being biggest obsticle,thought pills more effective ,iodine injections, sound to much like more expensive the treatment option.

Az i believe a lot of these gourmet foods can be eaten and are indeed tested by humans tasterssmiley - ill


Post 556

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I just got a call from my Mom who had been loading a few things into the car. Benjamin decided he wanted to go for a ride (if you are from the UK, that has a TOTALLY different meaning, here). He jumped into the car and refused to come out. After much hissing and scratching she finally got him out of the car.

Perhaps I ought to take him for car-rides on occassion. It might mean I could lure him into the car if I can't lure him into the house when he "escapes".


Post 557


Hey, it might also mean you can take Benjamin to the vet's as a car ride treat! He sounds like he is trying to be a dog, much like Sunny is totally a dog.

I was told by someone who took one of Sunny's siblings that they take him out to their country house every weekend in the car, and this cat totally loves getting into the car and going for a drive! smiley - weird

Meanwhile Sunny gets hysterical every time I have to take him to the vets (which thankfully has not been often - touch wood!)

Cats, eh?



Post 558

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

When I open Benjamin's cat carrier, he hops right in, despite the fact that, aside from my having brought him to our new house in it, the only time I take him anywhere in it is to the vets.

He is usually pretty quiet for the ride. Yesterday, when I took him to the new vet's office, he was completely relaxed, though he was shaking a bit when we got there. The lab assistant brought him in some food and water, which he at first growled at, but eventually skorffed down as though I never feed him. He then let the assistant pet him. He wasn't exactly relaxed, but even at home, I am usually the only person who gets to touch him. He growled a fair bit when the doctor was examining him and was pleased to get out of there.

I think this doctor has a nice touch with him that the other guy, so I hope he eventually relaxes.


Post 559


Ten new cat photos, starting from here:

smiley - smiley



Post 560

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

the boys picture
...the one low part of the couch looks like he expects something to happen....a bit of suspious mind...

all cute pictures!

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