This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 501

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

"In addition to all of this marvelous dark-adapted physiology, the cat needs some way to move swiftly through its territory on even the darkest night to escape predators and other threats if necessary. To that end, cats lay down scent trails using the scent glands on their feet, plus secretions from similar glands on the sides of the face and head to mark prominent objects along that path. In some wild animals, these scents serve as such potent markers that, if an animal accidentally veers when laying down the original trail, it will veer at that same point every time thereafter. In this manner the cat lays down a trail that has as much meaning to it as a trail of lights through the forest would have for us."


Post 502



Well, count me out! smiley - biggrin
As much as I love my beasts I can't imagine wanting to sniff their paws, though I occasionally give Azar a quick kiss on the toes, just cos he really likes having his paws massaged and the kiss marks the end of the massage, as well as a really big cuddle (spoilt cats or what?)

As for the scent glands, I remember seeing that in a BBC documentary about cats. That when they rub up against you, especially the face rubbing stuff, they are actually marking their territory with scents that only they can smell.

At this point I should probably have PROPERTY OF: stamped on my forehead since I have been marked by these guys for years now.

And I wouldn't have it any other way!



Post 503


Cassie has got smelly feet, they smell faintly like human smelly feet, but not unpleasantly so.

It's hard not to notice the smell when she puts her paws on my face smiley - erm


Post 504


In terms of paws . . .

Well, you know that Azar has this broken front leg that now looks like a hockey stick (from when someone tried to kill him when he was living in the streets). The 'hockey stick' thing comes from the paw being permanently bent. On this paw he has two claws left (the others were ripped out) which are permanently 'out', they cannot be retracted, so I constantly have to clip them otherwise he gets caught on stuff. Two of the toes have nothing in them anymore, they are like little bags of furry flesh. And he has no feeling from his 'elbow' down. From the elbow down the leg is basically just bone covered with fur and skin - there is no developed muscle there to fill it out. It's very skinny.

When he walks he clunks along on the 'ankle' bone, which gives him a rather strange walk. Though he can run faster on three legs than either Sunny or Lua. Azar's left shoulder is totally under-developed and his right shoulder is somewhat over-developed because it takes all the weight. Yet for all that he remains the most 'elegant' looking of all the three. And I think Blues will attest to that.

I often give him shoulder massages because I think he must feel stress there. And it is so endearing when I am reading in bed and Azar shows up wanting attention and bashes away at my book with his hockey stick (he needs the other good leg to hold himself up).

When people first see him they first comment on how beautiful he is and then say - 'oh what a shame about his leg!'. But really, it's his lucky leg. His lucky paw. Because otherwise I would not have taken him in and, as a street cat, he wouldn't have survived for nine years. Which is also why I named him Azar.

smiley - smiley



Post 505

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Poor Azar, lucky Azar.... smiley - catsmiley - smiley (too bad that they don't have a "scratch-the-kitty-behind-the-ear smiley"...)

Well, I had a sniff of Benjamin's paw this morning.... sort of an indescribable smell. Not unpleasant, certainly not "new baby smell", but one I think I would recognise again. So he has now imprinted on me.

He is a bit ticked off at me today because I put his harnass on first thing before leaving for work. It isn't terribly comfortable for him to sleep in, but until I get him one that is a little more discrete and comfy, he will have to wear during the day and evenings.

He got out last night.... As usual, Mom had the door open wide and he "dashed by her" (ie; he walked out while she stood indecisively in the doorway. I was three feet away and she could easily closed the door while I corralled him, but she didn't). So after chasing him around between the front door and the back yard, along a muddy path, and with him ducking between the bushes and the porch, I finally got the bleeding harnass on him.

I hope they fix the fences, so I can at least put him in the yard on his retractable leash. Until then, he will continue to get over the fence where he either slips out of the harnass or gets caught on the fence. He doesn't risk strangling, at least, but I have to go out and "rescue" him. The neighbour's fence, between him and the neighbour on the other side is lying flat on the ground. The one between us is listing to the north, and all of my fence is rotted to the point where you can't touch it to get your footing if you try and negotiate the path between my property and the next row of houses.

My eaves, which were accessed by squirrels two years ago and have never been put right, are again attracting squirrels and birds. The squirrels can't get in through the wire mesh they put up, but the birds can, so they will be nesting in there again soon.

I have to get to Maintenance's case about both these items, along with the problem of the siding which I am sure is letting in water. Every time the furnace comes on, we get the smell of mildew.....


Post 506


Okay okay!!! Went just now and had a sniff of all the cat's paws (they all looked at me like - what the ...?) Nuthin. No different discernable odour at all. Just the usual fresh furry cat smell. Perhaps it's because mine don't ever leave the flat?



Post 507

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

oh! oh! smell smiley - cat paw fetish!

smiley - laugh

oh well better than smiley - dog nose lebber fetish smiley - yuk


Post 508


pheloxi! smiley - biggrin

I'm still laughing at - 'wanna see some paaaaws?' It just put me in mind of some guy in a long dirty raincoat offering a view of something titillating and most probably illegal. Sorry, warped sense of humour, me.



Post 509

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

glad I made you smiley - laugh...I like wicked sense of humor...

you are smiley - catgoodie


Post 510

Lady in a tree

Sniffed a Charlie paw or two last night. Nothing. Nada. Perhaps I'll try again when all the decorating in my house is finished and the smell of paint isn't so strong! smiley - silly

I love the smell of a warm cat - especially when they are sleeping on my clean washing! I get the smell of warm fur and fabric conditioner all at once! I almost forget to get angry!

smiley - biggrin


Post 511


It's even better when they have been rolling in the catmint.

Sadie used to love it and come in smelly all minty and herby, but Cassie smiley - cat doesn't seem to have taken to the growing plant, although she adores it dried.


Post 512


You know, it's been two months now since I discovered the tumour and Lua seems just the same as ever. Except more cuddly than before, but that could be because of the Whiskas and all the extra kisses on the head. smiley - smiley

Came across this again today, going through some old emails. Perhaps you've seen it before but I thought it was funny:


Always accompany guests to the bathroom.
It is not necessary to do anything.
Just sit and stare.

Do not allow any closed doors in any room.
To get door open, stand on hind legs and
hammer with forepaws. Once door is
opened, it is not necessary to use it. After
you have ordered an outside door opened,
stand halfway in and out and think about
several things. This is particularly important
during very cold weather, rain, snow,
or mosquito season.

If you have to throw up, get to a chair quickly.
If you cannot manage in time, get to an
Oriental rug. If there is no Oriental rug, shag
is good. When throwing up, make sure you
back up so your creation is as long as a
human's bare foot.

If one of your humans is engaged in some
activity and the other is idle, stay with the
busy one. This is called "helping," otherwise
known as "hampering."

Following are the rules for "hampering:"
1) When supervising cooking, sit just behind
the left heel of the cook. You cannot be seen
and thereby stand a better chance of being
stepped on, and then, picked up and comforted.

2) For book readers, get in close under the chin,
between eyes and book, unless you can lie
across the book itself.

3) For paperwork, lie on the work in the most
appropriate manner so as to obscure as much of
the work as possible. Pretend to doze, but every
so often reach out and slap the pencil or pen.

4) For people paying bills or working on income
taxes keep in mind the aim: to hamper! First, sit
on the paper being worked on. When you are
dislodged, watch sadly from the side of the table.
When activity proceeds nicely, roll around on the
papers, scattering them to the best of your ability.

After being removed for a second time push pens,
pencils, and erasers off the table one at a time.

5) When a human is holding the newspaper in
front of him/her, be sure to jump at the back of
the paper. Humans love to be startled.

6) When a human is working at computer, jump
up on desk, walk across keyboard, bat at mouse
pointer on screen and then lie in human's lap
across arms, hampering typing in progress.

As often as possible, dart quickly and as close
as possible in front of the human, especially on
stairs, when they have something in their arms,
in the dark, and when they first get up in the
morning. This will help them develop their

Always sleep on the human at night so
he/she cannot move around.

When using the litter box, be sure to kick as
much litter out of the box as possible. Humans
love the feel of kitty litter between their toes

Every now and then, hide in a place where
the humans cannot find you. Do not come
out for three to four hours under any circumstances.

This will cause the humans to panic, thinking that
you have run away or are lost. Once you do come
out, the humans will cover you with love and kisses
and you will probably get a treat.

Whenever possible, get close to a human (as near
the face as possible), turn around, and present your
butt to them. Humans love this, so do it often.
And don't forget guests.

smiley - biggrin



Post 513

Lady in a tree

smiley - rofl I love that!

>>When throwing up, make sure you back up so your creation is as long as a human's bare foot<<

How DO they do that! smiley - yuk

>>When supervising cooking, sit just behind the left heel of the cook. You cannot be seen and thereby stand a better chance of being stepped on, and then, picked up and comforted<<

EVERY time!!!

Thanks az! Made my Sunday that has! smiley - biggrin


Post 514


smiley - ok

I quite like the 'hampering' concept. My three are experts!



Post 515

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

An addition to the throwing-up section:

"Be sure that, if you are on a tile floor, to run through the house to the wall-to-wall. If you must be sick on tile, make sure that you do it where your Person will find it, especially in their bare feet on a cold morning. They appreciate something warm and wet on their toes in the morning.

If you are outside and feel sick, try and get in doors. Your Person always wants to know that you have been sick.

If your person manages to corral you and throws you outside or holds you on the tile floor, be sure to glare at them, walk into the living room and be sick a second time.

Throwing up in front of guests is the height of politeness. Always be a polite cat. Your Person will appreciate this."


Post 516


smiley - laugh


Post 517


Lua update.

The tumour seems to be swelling a bit. It looks very red and somehow 'angry looking', if that makes any sense. I took a photo of Lua this morning lying in her favourite sunbeam coming into the living room with bald pink belly on display. Now when I inspect the lump she seems quite upset, as though just touching it gives her pain.

I'm not sure if I should give her a course of anti-biotics just in case there is a bit of infection happening that is making the swelling look so red. Any ideas? I mean, the nipple might be infected or something like that, which could be causing discomfort.

Meanwhile, Lua continues to eat very well with a healthy appetite and still shows no signs of being ill.

I think I'll call my vet Maria this afternoon and ask her what she thinks about the anti-biotics. Maria has been the best support out of the three vets I took Lua to. She totally understood my decision not to operate and said that in Lua's case it was equally a medical and personal option as there were no guarantees.

Also, Maria is from Galicia (in the north of Spain) and when she heard that my cat was called Lua (Gallego for 'moon') she made a big fuss over what a beautiful name she had!

Last week a friend of mine took his dog in to the same vet clinic for her annual shots and mentioned that he knew me and Maria immediately asked him how Lua was doing.

Oh, LuaLuaLua. What a beautiful name! For such an old cranky-paws! smiley - winkeye



Post 518


Phoning the vet is a good idea. Although if she had an infection, I would have thought Lua would have been off her food. But it could still be inflammed if she had washed that area over enthusiastically.

Also your vet might like to have an update on how Lua is doing.


Post 519

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Poor Lua.... Give her a tickle behind the ear for me.

My niece's dobie Sheena is not doing well. She, as you know has tumors. Now she has one on her head. She has been up and down over the last few weeks, and several times my niece has said, "I guess I will take her "in" on Monday" or "I'll give her 'til Friday". Each time she has rallied, but the time will ineveitably come....

Poor thing. She is such a lovely dog, and had a terrible beginning. Luckily, she has found her way to people who love her and care for her.


Post 520


hi Mudhooks,

Poor Sheena. I expect I will get to that point with Lua in the future too. Trying to decide when she has had enough. So I really feel for Sheena's owners who are trying to decide this now.

But for now Lua is still happily eating and enjoying being spoilt rotten.

I just spoke to my vet, Maria, who said she would not ever recommend anti-biotics (bless her) unless there were signs of a definite infection. She suggested that the redness was probably a bit of inflammation and said I could put some ice on it a few times a day to see if the redness went away. Maria also didn't want to prescribe anti-inflammatories as she said this often upsets the stomach.

She also understands that I don't want to bring Lua to the vets every time I am worried about something (all things considered) - not only because of the cost of a vet consultation (possibly for nothing) but also because of the stress it would cause Lua.

So, I will be applying a bit of ice to Lua's belly a few times a day now to see if this helps.


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