This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 441


Also, isn't it just so adorable how cats *always* want to lie on something that belongs to their human?
Yes and so adorable littlesmiley - devil when you have only just taken it out of the closet(curioriosity like this we dont want to encourage),unwrapped from protective dust cover,that nice little black no smiley - bigeyesonly gone for shower,smiley - scientistIs now mohair suit.smiley - evilgrin.Topped of with a purring contented sweet little smiley - blackcatOr the belt is nowhere to be seen.


Post 442


Matar Hari, smiley - laugh

I seem to have all purpose cat hair stuff happening. Azar is totally black and does the 'damage' on any light coloured clothing, and Lua and Sunny have both light and dark haired fur that serves to make its presense known on all clothing I happen to own.

A few years ago I had to go back to Canada for about three months and left the cats in the care of the person who was living in my flat while I was away. And after a couple of weeks, after a few washings of clothes, I suddenly had no cat hairs on my stuff! And I missed that so much! It really made me feel sad.



Post 443

Lady in a tree

On the flip side of that az, isn't it lovely when you've been away for a couple of weeks and you are just beginning to really miss the little smiley - devils, you take an item of clothing out of a drawer or closet and find cat hair on it! They go with you everywhere!

smiley - biggrin


Post 444


I always have to brush off the 'student's chair' before a student shows up for a class, thinking they would not be happy to go home with cat hairs stuck to their clothing. Sometimes I forget and then make a mad dash to clean off the chair when a student arrives, but mostly they say - ah, who cares? And then they ask how Lua is feeling and make a big fuss over her.

Now that it's getting warmer I am going to have to start sweeping up cat-hair tumbleweeds every morning.



Post 445

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I was asked by a friend to take photos of her cat, Daphne, for the Humane Society fund-raising calendar.


Post 446

Ivan the Terribly Average

Good work, Mudhooks. Daphne is a show-off, obviously. I like number 4 in particular.

(Yes, az, I've been lurking here for two months now... I've just run out of things to say about cats in general and Lua's health in particular. But I see from the backlog that she's in good spirits.)

smiley - redwineIvan.


Post 447

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Considering that she just met me, and was acting a little shy until the photos I took on the livingroom carpet. I finally lay down on the floor to get to her level, and she was all over me.


Post 448


Daphne is gorgeous! I love her 'mask', she looks so cute.


Post 449


What enormous paws!!! Number twelve made me laugh. smiley - biggrin

*waves to Ivan!*



Post 450


* waves *

I'm sure some of you have seen it before, I know it's been in some researcher's journal. Witty Moniker turned it into an entry:

A740882 Secret Thoughts of Cats and Dogs

smiley - cool


Post 451


hi sunny, smiley - biggrin

Mudhooks posted the cat part of that here awhile ago, but I have never seen the dog's diary.



Post 452

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

If you think Daphne has big paws (she is actually a wee little cat, despite being 10 years old) check out this kitty friend! Buffy, or as we call her Bufficus Shmufficus or Bufficus Shmufficus Big Fat Butticus, who is rounder than she is long....


Post 453


Those are serious paws! Lua and Sunny have very slender delicate paws, especially Sunny (I often wonder how they can take his weight). Azar has chubby paws - they're so cute!



Post 454

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

hi Az

wanna see some paw?

here is Tom Poes

here is Olivier B .Bommel and his mae Tom Poes

they are orginaly cartoon figures.


Post 455

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

sorry wrong link


Post 456

Big Red

Hi, Az. I too am happy Lua is feeling good.

Mars has monster Maine Coon paws with lovely pink pads. He's now 7 months and 13 pounds (6 kilos).

He's still leaping on Tabitha (the oldster at 11), throwing his paws around her neck and sinking his teeth into her neck. If he'd just stop that I think they'd start getting along. Now that he's heavier than she is, it must feel like a freight train hitting her. She's so ticked at him in general that she growls and hisses if he even just walks past her, or bats gently at her tail. Sigh.


Post 457



smiley - laugh

Oh, pheloxi, that almost made me fall out of my chair laughing! Wanna see some paaaaaaaaaaaw??? smiley - laugh

yours in laughtears,



Post 458


hi Big Red,

Nice to hear from you! smiley - ok

So Mars and Tabitha are still going through the adjustment stage, eh? If Tabitha is anything like Lua she will always loathe and detest Mars. Hell, she even hates her own son. Can't blame her too much as these two guys keep ganging up on her. On the other hand (except for when she dislocates her hip!) it keeps her a bit perky. smiley - erm



Post 459

Big Red

She shoots me a look of betrayal that could melt ice each time he stages an attack on her.


Post 460


Well, now you have to get a third cat! smiley - ok


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