This is the Message Centre for azahar


Post 221

A Super Furry Animal


Just dropped in to say hi. I read through the backlog on Sunday afternoon and caught up with the latest this evening. Haven't really got any advice to give, you seem to be getting a lot already, just wanted to give you a smiley - hug and say I'm thinking of you and Lua.


Post 222


hi Reddyfreddy,

You read the backlog??? Holy guacamole!

Today I brought Lua's thorax x-ray to the hospital where I teach. So there I was getting the head of the nuclear medicine department to have a look at my cat's x-ray (like you do) and he said to me - 'Why did they only do one side?' And like - duh - I hadn't even realised that before! There was only one lung showing. I then told Ricardo about the ecography. And he just shook his head and said with a tumour that size it was more than likely to have already spread to the lymph nodes, especially as there is already a smaller tumour in another breast.

Well, having previously walked into my class with the assistant head of the department, Isabel, and promptly bursting into tears when she asked how Lua was (she had also called me at home on Sunday to check up on the situation) and having spent most of the morning sobbing my heart out, I had eyes like golf balls and was looking pretty scary.

So, after telling Ricardo all the vet info and listening to all his opinions and advice there was a pregnant pause and Ricardo leaned across his desk, looked me straight in my scary-looking eyes and said confidentially - 'but you have to agree that Lua is *really* ugly, right?' And then he solemnly handed me his letter opener so I could stab him in the heart. And it worked. I burst out laughing and said - 'Well, she *does* have a very pretty face but, yes, the rest of her is pretty awful, I have to admit.' And then we both said - 'AND, she's so cranky!' (he was the one who nicknamed her La Marquesa de Gruñon). And then we were both laughing and chatting about poor old Lua.

I mean, if any of you could actually see Lua, aside from her very pretty face she *is* rather horrid looking. My students call her 'una bola con patitas' (a ball with little feet) and her big round belly is quite bald. When she was spayed eight years ago Dr. Frankenstein shaved all her belly and the fur just never grew back! Well, I think Lua also compulsively licks her belly, which also kind of hangs over her hind paws when she is sitting up. Bald droopy pink cat belly. Also, she was born with half a tail and the end of it kind of folds under itself to make a little hook. Plus she has dandruff and, poor thing, walks very wonkily because of the arthritis in her hip. Not a pretty picture, is it? But she *does* have a very pretty face! Oh, my poor Lua.

Ricardo thinks removing the tumour and one breast might prolong her life somewhat (how long would depend on how affected the lymph nodes are), but says this has to be balanced out against the risks of her dying during surgery or of complications afterwards. He really thinks the prognosis isn't good judging by the size of the tumour and the fact that another one is growing.

Oh look, another way too long posting. Oh well. Thanks for the smiley - hug

Must sleep now.



Post 223

Researcher 185550

smiley - hug

She's got character, that cat.


Post 224

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I don't know any human (including ourselves) who couldn't be described as "They've got a nice face (or _____ insert bodypart here) but the rest of them is pretty awful."....


Post 225


Well, last year I had an all-day intensive English class one Saturday a month and Ricardo was in my group so he got to know Lua then. She would waddle into the living room and glare at everybody a few times during the day. Hence, her nickname.

Yes, she is definitely *loaded* with character. But people seem to like her anyhow. smiley - biggrin When I used to have flatmates one of them even chose Lua as her favourite of the three and would feed her treats from the table and always make a big fuss over her. I was quite surprised because I thought nobody but me could ever love Lua and usually people preferred the boys since they are, well, lovable. smiley - winkeye So I asked Maria one day why Lua was her favourite and she said - 'well, I just think she needs it more than the other two.' Good ole Maria.



Post 226


smiley - hug

Cassie has a great deal of character too, she is very demanding, but only wants attention on her terms, otherwise she nips you! Her antics yesterday warranted a journal entry.

If the smaller op would still result in a lengthy procedure and not offer Lua much of a chance, then I think I would let nature take it's course. I think the advise from Ricardo is sound and she probably does have secondaries. Love her and spoil her (as I know you are doing) and then let her go. smiley - hugsmiley - rose


Post 227


The problem is not having a crystal ball. smiley - erm This is like choosing the lesser of two evils - certain death or death a bit later. And I can't tell how either decision would work out.

Had an early class this morning and the first thing Juan Ignacio asked when he walked into the room was - 'How is Lua?' And hey - I didn't burst into tears so I am making some headway here. I told him the scoop and he said - 'you know, you're not really afraid of your decision, you're afraid of the results'. True enough. And the decision seems clearer all the time.

Lua is sitting right next to me now on her stool looking so at peace and happily grooming herself. I know that peacefulness is not going to last when the cancer gets worse and starts to make her feel very sick. But I also cannot see destroying her present peace with a possibly useless operation that she might not recover from. Heck, even the vet refused to say which choice would be better. She didn't know either.

So, I think I *have* finally made my decision. And since I am making it out of love for Lua and hoping it is the best one for her, I hope it ends up being the right one.

Oops, crying again . . . dang, I almost never cry! I seem to have sprung a leak.



Post 228


It has been a tough time, az, and you made a good decision. smiley - hug


Post 229

Noggin the Nog

I think it's the right thing, and you'll probably feel easier with the decision made. We know you'll give her the best quality of life you can for the time she has left. smiley - hug



Post 230

Lady in a tree

smiley - hugaz

You are very brave smiley - brave

A decision like that is not easy.

I hope Lua enjoys the time she has - I have a sneaky feeling that she might be just a little spoilt for a while smiley - winkeye

I received a report from the vet this week outlining exactly what was wrong with Jake and one part of it stood out like a beacon. If we had chosen to have all the visible cancer removed and put him through Chemo then we would realistically have only prolonged his life by 6 to 8 months. Very few cats are known to go into remission for longer than that. So we would still have lost him at a young age.

At least with the decision you have made Lua will live out her natural life with no invasion or distress.

I am going away (to Monaco) for a couple of weeks with work tomorrow. Luckily Bryan will be here with Charlie. I can't imagine leaving him on his own at the moment - he's still clingy but not quite as much as he was. He came and slept on my head again at 5am...I might have to dissuade him from doing that soon, but for now he gets away with it.

I will try to log in somwhere while I am away - but if not I will catch up with you when I get back.

All my smiley - love Lady


Post 231

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

It is the right decision.

Give her a tickle behind the ear for me, Az....


Post 232

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

And a lick from Benjamin.... That will have to be a metaphorical one. Translate it into another tickle or two.


Post 233


hi Lady,


Are you kiddin? *And* she has already got used to it! I ran out of pâté this morning and had to give her dry food and you should have seen THE LOOK I got. smiley - winkeye


Tickles behind ears and kiss on head (translation) delivered. smiley - ok

Caerwynn and Noggin,

Thanks. This is truly one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I'm so glad everyone has been so caring and understanding - and patient!

smiley - brave



Post 234

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

She will think she is already in Heaven!


Post 235


smiley - hug


Post 236

logicus tracticus philosophicus

You can perhaps tickle her tum for me, ugly cats dont know there ugly
i have seen a few of them,they also have the best personalitie smiley - cat
Try not to worry ,about her on a daily basis, easy to say i kmow but
you could be worrying for a couple of yearssmiley - okcatch you later


Post 237

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - hug

A brave decision, but I think the right one.

Give Lua a big 'ack' for me, and tell her that i expect to see her in July!

smiley - shark


Post 238


dear az

> looking so at peace and happily grooming herself.

smiley - smiley

Wishing both of you smiley - goodluck !

"Hope isn't the conviction that something will turn out well, but the conviction that something has a sense, no matter how it turns out."
Vaclav Havel


Post 239




Yes, well, I'm afraid Lua also lost out on the personality bit, bless her smiley - winkeye

This is probably just a coincidence but after finally deciding what to do (or in this case, what not to do) I went to bed still feeling quite sad. And suddenly Lua jumped up, got under the duvet and curled up in my arms. She *never* does this! But last night she got all snuggly and that's how I fell asleep, with Lua in my arms. How strange.

I won't tickle her tum for you (she hates that) but I'll give her a kiss on the head. smiley - smiley



Post 240



I've told Lua you want to see her and that we will all celebrate her fourteenth birthday together. smiley - smiley


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