Journal Entries
Age and responsibility
Posted May 22, 2007
I haven't written a journal entry for some time. In brief, since the end of Jekyll & Hyde (in March 2007), I have been both chosen and rejected.
I was rejected after auditioning for a reprise of Back to the 80s that the Ops are doing in August. One reason I hadn't gone for the original production was that it was very much a dance show, with lots of pop choreography - not playing to my strengths. So when the audition committee broke it to me that not only wasn't I being cast as the minor principal I had tried for, but not being cast in the company at all, due to my age, I was quite relieved.
I was chosen by the outgoing chairman of the Society as a potential Secretary - this was back shortly after J&H finished. It came to pass at the AGM that I was the only candidate, and a little relunctantly I have shouldered the job.
I'll go into a bit more detail in my next post.
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Latest reply: May 22, 2007
Merry Widow ramble
Posted Oct 4, 2006
Though mentioned in my other blog type threads I realise I hadn't started one specifically for the Merry Widow.
This will be performed at the end of October. Rehearsals started sometime in April I believe, but I didn't join the cast until early June having been asked to step into the breach at the end of May (F116773?thread=3061860&skip=11&show=20).
It has been a trial, coming in on a partially blocked and rehearsed show, and trying to fit it around other commitments. This coming month is the worst, and has caused much moaning and gnashing of teeth, with numerous clashes to resolve. Last night I was released unexpectedly early from a Merry Widow rehearsal, allowing me to attend most of an equally vital Jekyll&Hyde rehearsal.
For fun, having okayed it with director I sported my monocle - "to help me get into character". I also got to see a local magazine that had me in part of a group on the front cover promoting the show. This was from the photos taken in mid July.
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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2006
Jekyll &Hyde
Posted Sep 6, 2006
Last night was the first meeting to introduce the next show we are doing. This is to be Jekyll & Hyde (for official website:
Turned up to find that the rehreasal rooms have been completely redecorated (and still smelling of paint). After a while the new and established members all trouped through to the main rehearsal room to the rows of chairs already set out (men on the left, women on the right).
There we were all introduced to the committee members and production crew (for the benefit of the new potential cast members) including a second accompanist (luxury one for vocal line, one for orchestration) and a vocal coach (which should be a useful extra assistance) before the synopsis was read out and the new vocal coach led us through a basic physical and stretching vocal warm-up.
The musical director asked who had seen the show (no-one), seen a video of the show (a few), or listened to a CD of the songs (about half - but not me ). Then scores were distributed and we were able to start attempting the chorus numbers to get an idea of what we might be letting ourselves in for.
It appears similar to the sound of Les Miserables, mostly sung with very little spoken dialogue. The harmonies tried so far are not as complex as the ones experienced in Scrooge (Leslie Bricusse was composer of Scrooge and did book/lyrics for J&H).
I haven't got to grips with who the secondary characters are yet, but am confident there could be a part for me (it won't be Jekyll/Hyde which is beyond what I'd wish to attempt), although there won't be any flying
Now I have to work out how to fit in The Merry Widow rehearsals/ performances with the commitment necessary for this show (which won't be performed until end of February 2007)
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Latest reply: Sep 6, 2006
Tender knuckles
Posted Aug 21, 2006
Is it just age or is my body trying to tell me something?
Since February 2006 I have suffered the minor distraction of frequently tender knuckles. I haven't been able to link it to a change in lifestyle, diet or work, and it has varied between all-but-unnoticeable most of the time to agonising bursts of pain when I've accidentally twisted or banged my knuckles on something. It has made me cautious before attempting to snap my fingers.
After six months of this irritation I went to the doctor who couldn't suggest anything to remove it. He arranged for me to get some blood tests and x-rays, but these turned up negative. Since then I have also noticed occasional similar tenderness in my feet, causing me to hobble when I get up in the morning, but most of the time not impinging on my awareness.
These gripes have not prevented me doing anything, so I realise I have little to complain about. It is not knowing the cause that niggles. I have spent a day wielding a pickaxe without any obvious after-effects, and a couple of days painting bathroom walls - which did leave increased tenderness for a couple of days.
If anyone has any ideas as to possible causes, or just wants to put my minor problem into perspective with their own health molehill/mountain, comments welcomed.
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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2006
Something Blue
Posted May 25, 2006
Rather than revive the last drama thread (F116773?thread=2448564&latest=1), which is unfinished as I haven't worked on the pantomime masks any more yet, I thought I'd start anew with this.
lbClaire spurred me into composing, with her new thread on Twelfth Night (I don't like the word twelfth, it makes my tongue wriggle just writing it)
The next play I've been cajoled into is called "Something Blue" . It is set in a hairdresser's in Beverly (near Hull) on the day of a woman's wedding, and coincidentally the day that Princess Diana's funeral was held. Since the plot is not as well known as lbClaire's play I can reveal it involves a girl, her mother, the groom's mother, her best friend, and the hairdresser.
I'm treating it as sorted, as we have a cast, I know which character I'm playing, and we have the promise of some input from a director with blocking, though he can't attend all rehearsals.
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Latest reply: May 25, 2006
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