This is the Message Centre for Wilma Neanderthal

Murky Buckets

Post 81

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - puffsmiley - musicalnote Oh yeah, smiley - musicalnote unhuh, smiley - musicalnote I is da Mamma smiley - musicalnotesmiley - cool

smiley - erm yeah.

Err... you need another pair of adult and muscly hands (arms and biceps attached) or a roll of masking tape smiley - silly

Murky Buckets

Post 82

Mrs Bojangles

Definitely need extra muscle, bloody good idea about the masking tape too, maybe a load of cushions n'allsmiley - erm
If I told you who 'helped' me put it up, you'd understand. I bought a big chain to attach to it to hang it with, but noooooo, *someone* knew better, and I, like a fool, listenedsmiley - rolleyes

Whatever, I'd appreciate another pair of eyes (yours) to have a look at it first and see what you think is best to go about it. Sometime whenever is good, no mad rushsmiley - smiley

Murky Buckets

Post 83

Wilma Neanderthal

Will definitely do. No probs. If I can help you get it down then up again then we'll do that. Otherwise masking tape is your friend smiley - smiley

Right. My eyes are kissing each other smiley - online2long

smiley - sleepy

'night, gorgeous one smiley - hug

Murky Buckets

Post 84

Mrs Bojangles

Cool. Cool. And more cool.smiley - ok

N'night darlinsmiley - hug

Murky Buckets

Post 85

Mrs Bojangles

On strike?

Honestly, any excuse to sit and drink tea and eat biscuitssmiley - rolleyes

Murky Buckets

Post 86

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - droolsmiley - teasmiley - 2cents

smiley - bigeyessmiley - blush

Eh? What was that?

*Wipes chin*

Murky Buckets

Post 87

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - rolleyes

You have crumbs in your cleavage dear.

*waggles eyebrows*

smiley - drool

Murky Buckets

Post 88

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - cross

Oy! Them's *my* crumbs.

smiley - drool

Murky Buckets

Post 89

Mrs Bojangles

Selfish you aresmiley - cross

What you been up to?

Where'd you go for lunch?

What did you have?

Who was there?

smiley - bigeyes

Murky Buckets

Post 90

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - laugh

Wots dis? De spaneesh ink wee zit eeyon? Tsk.

.... Weeeelll, we went to Vauxhall, near the Oval, to visit a family who came here from Lebanon in the '89 episode of fun'n'games. Their son's just been 'cepted at the big scary place *over There* and I helped a tiny bit so it was kind of a thank you...

We had tabboulehsmiley - drool and chipssmiley - drool, tongue smiley - yuk shawarmasmiley - drool fruit salad smiley - drool and watermelonsmiley - drool coffee smiley - yuk, we talked lots, met a cousin of theirs, married to a lovely German girl (truly lovely, funny and a great mum) - and their delishious littel one year old smiley - diva

Enuff? smiley - bigeyes

Murky Buckets

Post 91

Wilma Neanderthal

Murky Buckets

Post 92

Wilma Neanderthal

Oooh, Brownies all over again! I want this badge smiley - bigeyes

smiley - run

Murky Buckets

Post 93

Mrs Bojangles

Oooh Vauxhall, there's a blast from the past. Used to frequent a fablious gay club there, back in the dayssmiley - discosmiley - divasmiley - disco

Sounds like a nice afternoon, good food, 'cept the tonguesmiley - illgood company, edible lil'uns.smiley - smiley


Blimeys!smiley - bigeyes Poor kitty, gonna get suffocated.


Unworkssmiley - sadface

Murky Buckets

Post 94

Wilma Neanderthal

Unworks? smiley - sadface Works for me...

try this:

Murky Buckets

Post 95

Wilma Neanderthal

... and on that note...

smiley - sleepy

That's me done, hun.

smiley - smooch

smiley - zzz

Murky Buckets

Post 96

Mrs Bojangles


Yay!smiley - biggrin

You wouldn't even have to do any special project to get onesmiley - winkeye

N'nightsmiley - smooch

Murky Buckets

Post 97

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - cross

I missed that last comment.

smiley - flansmiley - tomato

Murky Buckets

Post 98

Mrs Bojangles

See two blancmanges the size of Mount Everest shoved up a jumper...that's you that issmiley - biggrin

Forgot to give you back that tissue you lent me earlier by the way, here you g....ooooh, hang on *Haaffuufuufuu...Haffuufuufuu...HAAACCHHHEEERRRFFFERRRROOOOOOOOO!!Squelchysquelch*
'as better. There y'aresmiley - towel

Murky Buckets

Post 99

Wilma Neanderthal


Murky Buckets

Post 100

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - cross Can you *try* to sneeze more gently next time? smiley - rolleyes

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