This is the Message Centre for Wilma Neanderthal

Murky Buckets

Post 401


You noticed? smiley - blush

I am quite fond of them. They're grand for hooking hold of small children's donuts.

Murky Buckets

Post 402

Mrs Bojangles

Hard not to. smiley - bruised

Handy at Halloween too, or frightening priests n'that.

Murky Buckets

Post 403


Sorry 'bout that. I noticed a bit of 'druff and thought it was a hiding sugar coated donut. smiley - tongueout

Oh yes. Always nice to frighten your local priest with a bit of horn action. smiley - smiley

Murky Buckets

Post 404

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - rofl

Fnur! N'night yer divilsmiley - smooch

N'night Willerssmiley - smooch</>

Murky Buckets

Post 405

Mrs Bojangles


Where'd you get to last night?smiley - cross

How's yer bum?smiley - cheerup

Murky Buckets

Post 406

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - cross Thought you Brits never got up and personal.

smiley - blush bum's fine. I flumped. Right royally. Then woke up at a stroke past midnight and couldn't get another wink. Result being I am a tad at the minute smiley - online2long

Choo doing?

Murky Buckets

Post 407

Mrs Bojangles

Only us uncouth working class typessmiley - smiley

Poor bum. I shan't offer to be kissing it better though, just incase.

I hate when that happens. I have to go to bed completely exhausted else I don't sleep and if I've snuck in a cheeky afternoon snoozeroo, forget it, up for days thensmiley - flustered

Me? Been pretending to do tydying and cleaning mostly, the majority of it from the comfort of in front of the pc and near the kettle.smiley - biggrin

Murky Buckets

Post 408

Mrs Bojangles

Wanna come over sometime this week for coffees and other things that might cause you some more bumsplosions?smiley - smiley

Murky Buckets

Post 409

Wilma Neanderthal

You mean you ain't gonna kiss ma ayass </> ?

Just as well, given the .. erm, well. Let's just say that'll be fine then smiley - smiley

I have to get my eyes to uncross long enough to drive over and pick up the smiley - diva Then make dindins, then meet with the accountant... Gawd, the life I lead smiley - rolleyes

Want to run away together tomorrow? To Costa's, mebbe?

Murky Buckets

Post 410

Wilma Neanderthal

great minds... </>

Yes.smiley - biggrin

Murky Buckets

Post 411

Mrs Bojangles

Ah good. I see you're taking it easy thensmiley - rolleyes

Yay! Come to me tomorrow then, on the dot.

Gotta go do things that makes it look like I've been doing things all day. Toodle the noodlesmiley - run

Murky Buckets

Post 412

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - cheerup Pot noodle! smiley - run

Murky Buckets

Post 413

Mrs Bojangles

Bum! Just got caught. They let the sprogs out earlysmiley - flustered

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