This is the Message Centre for stuart

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 41


mine will be a infomation page like star trek acters that have deen in films /tv series a lot of in fo like that

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 42

Arisztid Lugosi ships of the UFP vulcan history: pre-romulan seperation romulna history:flight to a new home world klingon grammar(suffixes) klingon grammar (nouns) star trek book list (from pocket books)

there we are. thats all i've gotsmiley - smiley

oooh! more smiley - cake andsmiley - tea! thanks!!!
its great!

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 43


THANKS FOR THAT and i made the spongs to day fild with frich creem and strbry jam smiley - coolsmiley - smileysmiley - ok

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 44

Arisztid Lugosi

you're welcome!

mmm.... that sounds so good!

smiley - drool

ooooh! can i hvae some???!!!!

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 45


help your slef to smiley - teaand smiley - cakesmiley - winkeye

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 46

Arisztid Lugosi


well thank you, dont mind if i do....


very good! its delicious!

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 47


im making choklat chip and white choklet mofins tomrow thay are nice smiley - cool

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 48


cho muffins!! and white choc muffins!! yummy!!

please don't hide them all.

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 49


ok i wont hide them but dont eat them all at once. Hows you im good smiley - smiley

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 50


don't worry - i won't eat too many in one go. i'm good too smiley - biggrin

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 51


oh yeah...i just finished a guide entry on borg species designations if you want it for your star trek info. got more borg stuff on the way.

here's the link:

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 52


thanks tll ad the links to my page ass wellsmiley - smiley

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 53


hope it'll be of use to you. so what else are you putting on your page then?

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 54


i am soley bilding the page up so aney sojetions will be help fullsmiley - smiley. how are you to day and where do you live

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 55


well i'll try and help you in any way i can.

i'm not too bad today actually. how are you? nearly got caught in a snow storm earlier, but luckily it stopped.

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 56


im good i had a hard day at work drinking smiley - tea doing computer worksmiley - sadface but haper taking to a frindsmiley - hug

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 57


i've been attempting to transfer a lot of inro from a dogy computer atr home to one that works fine. proved quite fun when the computer crashed on me.

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 58


that must of beped you ofsmiley - sadface i hope ypu can fixit

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 59

Arisztid Lugosi

oooh... computers...... scary.... i'm sure mine hates me....

those muffins sounded good! did you save one for me!? *looks hopeful*

star trek club ideas...hmm... thats a thoughie.... not any at the moment, but i'll let you know...
if you need help with the guide ml... i could try and help wiht that, i'm starting to get kinda good at it.... of course so are many people, so you may not need any help at all....

Greetings fellow Trekkie!

Post 60


thanks for the offer for the help. i have lots of mofins left and i have some chease cake ass wellsmiley - smiley. pep al are all wayes wellcome hearsmiley - biggrin

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