This is the Message Centre for anhaga

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 101

Taff Agent of kaos

just waiting for my relief

thensmiley - runsmiley - lurksmiley - zzz

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 102


Please re-read my most recent post on some thread very carefully.smiley - winkeye

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 103

Taff Agent of kaos

2117 you mean?

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 104



Have you noticed that it's formatted a little differently from other posts? Have you wondered why?smiley - evilgrin

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 105

Taff Agent of kaos

you took it from some other source??????

a direct quote??????

and when you reveal who its from??????

it will be embarrising for some???

like....getting warner to agree with dawkins????

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 106


no, no, no. I guess my obscurity is successful.

Are you familiar with Lewis Carrol's 'A Boat, Beneath A Sunny Sky'?

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 107

Taff Agent of kaos

no fraid not

i'm not intalectual just a smiley - lighthousein a

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 108


Are you at work? are you able to google?

Oh, never mind. do you know what 'acrostic' means?

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 109

Taff Agent of kaos


an angry piece of wood????smiley - erm

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 110


Okay. A brief lesson on Lewis Carrol:

The Alice of the Alice books was based on Carrol's young friend Alice Liddell and the final chapter of 'Through the Looking Glass' is the poem I mentioned earlier, 'A Boat, Beneath A Sunny Sky'. The poem begins:

A boat, beneath a sunny sky
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July -

Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear . . .

If you consider the initial letters of each line, you may notice some significance, a significance which continues throughout the poem.

It is often wise to consider initial letters in my posts, sometimes of lines and sometimes of individual words, as in a few threads in my journal, like this one: F110768?thread=5021286

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 111

Taff Agent of kaos


smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 112



Greeting from the exile at home

Post 113

Taff Agent of kaos

mo was a nonssmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 114

Taff Agent of kaos

i was reading the capitals in that link

will try harder

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 115


Oh, I see. No. On that journal thread the acrostic involves the initial letter of each word. It's a simple code that a few of us have used for some time to talk about annoying trolls behind their backs.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 116


2117 is like the Carrol poem.

I fear I have revealed too much.smiley - erm

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 117

Taff Agent of kaos

yikes my 113

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 118

Taff Agent of kaos

the link one i could not read untill i transcribed it to paper

word puzzles are not my forte'

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 119


I missed 113. So, you are enlightened.smiley - biggrin

Yikes it yourself, if you want to. I don't expect anyone will notice this thread.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 120

Taff Agent of kaos

i got a slapped wrist before for yikesing my own stuff

seems its worse than writing naughty stuff???

smiley - bat

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