This is the Message Centre for anhaga

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 441


smiley - drool absinthe.<SMILEY>

right. it's past midnight here. I'll not finish reading T.E. Lawrence's 'Crusader Castles' tonight.smiley - sadface

smiley - drunksmiley - sleepysmiley - online2long

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 442

Taff Agent of kaos


smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 443

Taff Agent of kaos

here we are again

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 444

Taff Agent of kaos

just filtered and bottled 5 bottles of pink apple "scrumble"


4 bottles of fizzy mead?????

now a couple of weeks till we drink!!!

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 445

Taff Agent of kaos

had a little taste the other night

the mead is just about right, but slightly fizzy?????

the scrumble is well???? apple alcohol!!!!

i filtered it through a tea towel before bottling it

the mead is now clearing and the apple is pink?????

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 446

Taff Agent of kaos

the mead is a bit of a sucess

mate has offered £20 for 5 bottles

just made his batch today, will bottle it next week, it's still fizzy but he like that???

the apple stuff is all fizz and no flavour, its like alcohol sherbert water, oh well back to the drawing board on that

hows you??

smiley - bat

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