This is the Message Centre for anhaga

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 81

Taff Agent of kaos

will check the link at home

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 82


to paraphrase, big storm, big music festival, big stage collapse, one dead, many seriously injured.smiley - sadface

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 83

Taff Agent of kaos

sounds grim

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 84


Not grim in the big scheme of Afghan/Iraqi/Sudanese/etc. things, but pretty grim in the little North American scheme of things kind of grim.smiley - sadface

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 85

Taff Agent of kaos

true but in conflict zones you expect casualties

you dont go to a music festival wondering if you will die or be seriously injured at the event

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 86


'you dont go to a music festival wondering if you will die or be seriously injured at the event'

Well, I do.

But I'm a little perverse.smiley - erm

time for bed now.smiley - sleepy

witching hour and all smiley - witch

Good luck with your search for online conversation.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 87

Taff Agent of kaos

i'm off as well

time to go home

my relief will be here in the next 10-15 mins.

then off to bed

07:00 and all that


smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 88


smiley - smileysmiley - sleepy

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 89

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - bikersmiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 90

Taff Agent of kaos


guess i just caught you just before going to bed have i????

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 91


Indeed.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 92

Taff Agent of kaos

and now i am going to be AFK as it is now my busy time, got to count my charges and wake the ones going to court

bye for now

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 93


Have a good day!smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 94

Taff Agent of kaos

back for 5 mins then its go again

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 95

Taff Agent of kaos

right back again for 15 mins.

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 96


back again for 30 seconds.smiley - smiley

Right then. I'm off.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 97

Taff Agent of kaos


sleep well and see you in the early hours tommorow

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 98


but, seriously, I hope your day goes well.smiley - smiley

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 99

Taff Agent of kaos

I'll try

one more night shift to gosmiley - ok

smiley - sleepyg'nightsmiley - zzz

smiley - bat

Greeting from the exile at home

Post 100


smiley - alesmiley - booksmiley - sleepy for me.

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