This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 101


my aunt has, so she's taping it for me. The only problem is I have to wait until I go back from Uni to watch them, as I don't have a video


Post 102

Little Bit

Aww. Poor you. My dad's recording it on Sky+ for me. I did have a video and T.V combo at my mom's. But my little brat of a sister tryed to shove a video in whilst it was turned off. Now the video is jammed and it won't turn on. Little pest.
smiley - fairy


Post 103


I don't mind, it's something me and my aunt can do together when I go back next. If I really wanted to watch it when it's on I could ask the Bar Manager at my Hall to put it on because we have Sky in our bar but then I'd look really stupid


Post 104

Little Bit

It's like that at school. There's just a few of us who are fans of Buffy, so when we talk about it we get wierd looks. I feel sorry for tham. They don't know what Buffy's really about. (Apart from trying to break a nail whilst fighting demons/vampires/other evil)
smiley - fairy


Post 105


I keep on having to argue for the greatness of Buffy, people don't seem to understand how deep and powerful it is, they can't see past the vampires and the pretty blonde girl


Post 106

Little Bit

I know. My step-dads the same. He calls it "American Trash". But I feel sorry for him. He'll never be touched like everyone on here has.
smiley - fairy


Post 107


No he won't, and that's one of the best aspects of Buffy, it does affect you.


Post 108

Little Bit

Precisely. It's kind of annoying that Buffy has ended, but if it would've carried on, then it would just fade out.
smiley - fairy


Post 109


Yeah, we went out on a high note. It's a shame it looks like there aren't going to be any spin-offs, one involving Faith looked good.


Post 110

Little Bit

We'll always have Angel.
smiley - fairy

Hey!! ( Possibly Spoilery)

Post 111


Yeah but I'm not a big fan of Angel. Maybe it'll get interesting with Spike in it it and I'll definately watch if Willow and Kennedy come in, as has been suggested

Hey!! ( Possibly Spoilery)

Post 112

Little Bit

I've seen the first episode of Angel, and it's REALLY good. There's a familiar blonde(not Spike) there and later on, an ex scooby member will be appearing aswell.
smiley - fairy

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 113


I'm not too fussed about Angel spoilers and since we've warned people, we can talk openly. I know the familiar blonde is Harmony, who I think is awesome so I might watch it just for her alone

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 114

Little Bit

And there was me making it all mysterious.
smiley - fairy

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 115


Do you know who the ex-Scoobie is? I've heard rumours it might be Willow but nothing definate

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 116

Little Bit

I do know. If you watched the last season of Angel, then you'll know that Cordelia was in a coma. Well, there's been rumours that Charisma has agreed to do some episodes, so she'll be waking up more then likely. But nothing's certain.
smiley - fairy

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 117


That'd be cool, though I'm not usre if I like non-bitchy Cordelia, when she was in Buffy she had a real edge to her, Anya took it over and Cordy seemed to go all normal and I didn't like it

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 118

Little Bit

Yeah, I know what you mean, but for a while in the last series when she was pregnant, she was bitchy Cordy again. But that was probably because she was possessed.
smiley - fairy

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 119


Could have something to do with it. Looking forward to the 100th episode when she comes out of her coma?

Hey!! ( Definately Spoilery)

Post 120

Little Bit

Yeah, It should be good, and because Harmony's there too, maybe we'll have bitchy Cordy back.
smiley - fairy

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