Little Bits Little Place!
Hey there all you living people, vampires
, demons
, ghouls
, goblins
, warlocks
and all you other weird
yet wonderful people
Well you are ALL welcome at my Little Place!!A "little bit"(lol!) about me:
I'm in high school(Year11).
If you're wondering whats with my name, I LOVE Spike,and he refers to Dawn as "Little Bit" So,there we go.
My favourite characters are Faith because she rocks and she's just so independant and doesn't put up with any bull from anyone(kinda like me) and Spike because he's HOT!
In case you didn't guess,i am a girl.
I love films,
Finding Nemo,
Pirates of the carribean (Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp...lurvely
), and The hot chick.
My favourite episodes EVER are:
"Prophecy Girl" -It's what got me hooked.
"Hush" -Amazing screenplay.
"The Gift"-I cried!!
"Once More,With Feeling" -It was done really well by everyone and you just can't RESIST singing along...or that might just be me...
"Tabula Rasa" -How funny was that?!
But of course,all of the other episodes were GREAT too!The above just stood out...And I'm REALLY upset that Buffy AND Angel have ended
... But,All good things must come to an end.
I love Halloween and normally dress up as a
ok this is what's gonna take up most of the page lol i listen to Greenday,Blink 182,Yellowcard,Linkin Park,3 Doors Down,Rooster,Sum 41,Bowling For Soup,Placebo,Q.O.T.S.A,The Killers,Feeder,Undes!ided,Simple Plan,All American Rejects,Le Tigre,Full Blown Rose,Liz Phair,RHCP,Taking Back Sunday,Head Automatica,Love Spit Love,The Faders,Avril Lavigne,System Of A Down,Caesars,The Used,Garbage,My Chemical Romance,Funeral For A Friend and Rise Against.
Most ppl who know me will tell you,i'm either hyper,drunk
,or hungover
lol so most the time you probably won't know what the hell i'm going on about lol but hey,over it.
Well, If you leave a message than I'll get back to you A.S.A.P, but i'm swamped with coursework sooo you'll have to be patient with me!
Little Hugs & Little Kisses
Little Bit
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Hey!! | Feb 28, 2004 | No Replies |
Hiya | Dec 15, 2003 | Dec 15, 2003 |
Hey!! | Sep 18, 2003 | No Replies |
Thanks very much! | Apr 17, 2003 | No Replies |
Thanks! | Mar 24, 2003 | Mar 25, 2003 |
Little Bit
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