This is the Message Centre for HonestIago


Post 21


I hated Maths, just remember - in two years time you'll never have to do it again. Unless, of course, you're totally stupid and do Physics and Chemistry at A Level, like I did smiley - doh Unfortunately you'll still be getting insultingly easy ICT stuff even at University. I got an ICT assignment on Tuesday and it's so easy my cat could do it. What other subjects are you doing?


Post 22

Little Bit

I'm doing French, History, Art and, as you know, I.C.T. Along with the usual English, Maths and Science. I also have R.E and P.E lessonssmiley - yuk, but luckily don't need to take them for GSCE's.
As for the simplicity of I.C.T, my little sister could do it. And she's four.

smiley - fairy


Post 23


French is fun. I wanted to do both history and art but I hated my history teacher, and he hated me, and I didn't have enough time for art, I was already doing nine subjects. Science - is that dual award?


Post 24

Little Bit

I don't know, maybe. History's fun, arts ok, but don't get me started on French! Its mixed ability so half of us steam through the work, whereas others still can't get their heads around "Je m'appelle..." 5 people have already dropped out of French because of the difficulty at Foundation level, let alone the Higher Tier work... That I do. That's why I'm going to France for work experience. My friend and I are going to be working in a school for the week because we're both considering a career in teaching, so that should be fun. What are your thoughts for a career?

smiley - fairy


Post 25


I'm probably going to go into teaching myself. I might get a second degree first though, I'll have to see how the finances look after this one. Whatever I do I'll be getting my PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate of Education) and then hopefully teach English, Geography or Philosophy. After a few decades teaching I might go into politics. To be honest I haven't thought seriously beyond my PGCE. If you taught what subject would it be?


Post 26

Little Bit

Probably English, or I'd teach Primary school kids, I haven't really thought about it.

smiley - fairy


Post 27


I wouldn't think about it, don't be one of those kids who have their life planned out by the time they've finished their A Levels. I've got a friend here at Uni and she knows exactly what she's gonna do and how much she's gonna earn and all that stuff. I prefer to just see what happens


Post 28

Little Bit

Don't worry. I'm keeping all my options open. Besides, Whats fun about life if its so predictable? I prefer surprises MUCH better! Un-predictable is my middle name! Well, its actually Nadine, but thats not he point.

smiley - fairy


Post 29


Exactly, life's great when you don't think about what's coming. Live in the moment - that's my motto


Post 30

Little Bit

Precisely! My motto's Carpe diem, which is latin for live life to the full. You never know what's around the corner.

smiley - fairy


Post 31


What's around the corner may be bus ready to run you over but that's all part of life. I wouldn't want it any other way


Post 32

Little Bit

Or an escaped mad man wielding a knife ready to stab the next person that comes around the corner... Or bull that sees you with a red top on...

smiley - fairy


Post 33


Arrgh I'm wearing a red top right now! I just had the world's most boring tutorial. How's school going?


Post 34

Little Bit

School's fine. As long as there are no bulls around, your ok. Hopefully your still around to reply to this, unless you've been trampled to mush by a mad bull, in which case, I don't mind if you don't reply.

smiley - fairy


Post 35


There was a crazy cow but that's just my best friend here in Uni, Amy, and she's gone to trample her boyfriend.


Post 36

Little Bit

Wow. What a nice, person. May she and her boyfriend have many happy... tramplings with each other.

smiley - fairy


Post 37


It's okay, I can torment her because she knows I love her really. Also I buy her lunch most days.


Post 38

Little Bit


Post 39

Little Bit

oops. Didn't mean to do that...
Anyway, none of my friends buy me dinner! That's so unfair... Oh well. I'll buy my own.

smiley - fairy


Post 40


How can they call themselves friends? I'd buy you lunch, except we're never gonna meet. You'll have to settle for smiley - choc

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