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Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 81

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.


Read her the Littlejohn column, birds get really turned on by that stuff, it's like poetry to them...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 82


Right now, just brush the milk cartons, Burger cartons, sweet wrappers and pencil stubs out of the way and brace yersen ...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 83

Pat Pending

"Pencil stubs"? Seeing as you can't be using them for writing, I assume they're to lever the ear wax out?

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 84


You assume wrongly Pen! I use them for drawing lines on wood for no apparent reason and for placing in my hard hat which I wear backwards ...

At least I don't wear a girly Grandmas wig and a gown!!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 85


Haven't time for all that type of housework (van work?) now, Bushy! Don't get all fastidious on me - I like real men, burger wrappers and pencil stubbs and all that sort of blokey stuff and that.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 86


Haven't time for all that type of housework (van work?) now, Bushy! Don't get all fastidious on me - I like real men, burger wrappers and pencil stubbs and all that sort of blokey stuff and that.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 87

Pat Pending

Indeed not: you wear a long blonde teenage girls' wig and a frock: I've seen the pictures.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 88


...And you dress up like a really old woman!

Look out of your window...

See that old woman in the distance? See the one with a walking stick and a black shawl staggering along the road? See the one with wrinkles and badly done make-up? See the one with a cholestmy bag? See her grey hair tied up in bun?


Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 89

Pat Pending

I have to dress like an old woman to counter-act the effect of what would otherwise be my overpowering boyish good looks and cheeky youthful charm.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 90

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Of course, we should have known there was a perfectly good reason...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 91

Ali Dubya

I always suspected you like a bit of rough, Sarnia.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 92


They told me this was where all the big boys were hanging out..

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 93

Ali Dubya

The big boys have all gone to their aerobics classes, Peter.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 94

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Oooh, my head. What the hell was I drinking last night? Where did this traffic cone come from, and why do I smell of doner kebab? Where's me fags...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 95

Pat Pending

Oi, luv, I didn't say you could stay the night, now did I? But as you're here, get your knickers on and make me some breakfast.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 96

Ali Dubya

Got lashed last night and woke up this morning at Dublin Airport. Wot a night. I think I pulled.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 97


Pulled what? A pint?

See, I'm being like a big, tough bloke!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 98


I got so p***ed last night I ended up vomitting in Mrs Whack'd hair last in bed ... She wasn't too happy with me this morning I can tell and I only got a blow-job instead of the usual 3 hour session!!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 99


I think you need to have a word with Mrs Whack'd. Just because you threw up all over her is not excuse enough to deny you your 3 hour session. Throw her out.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 100


Well I think I might just do that Sarnia unless of course she brings her best friend that she goes to the gym with over tonight to make up for it!!

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