This is the Message Centre for Dr. Strangegloves

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 61

Pat Pending

What, 'time of the month', you reckon?

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 62


No they just strike me as aggressive!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 63


Hello you manly mans err men.

Cor! I think I love you!

Can I have snog from each of you?

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 64


I feel all faint having read your manly tough stuff.

I think I love you.

Can I have a snog from each one of you?

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 65

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Form a queue lads.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 66

Pat Pending

You'll have to join the queue luv: we've got birds killing each other to get to us we have.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 67


Take no notice of my twin who has the same name.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 68

Ali Dubya

Nah, don't fancy yours much.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 69



Waheyyy ...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 70


Mention the B&Q stuff again - please. It's so manly and makes me go week at the knees and then mention planing and stuff. Cor.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 71

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

I've pulled one wot wants to talk abaht footy - result!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 72

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Seen the size of my WorkMate, darlin'?!

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 73

Ali Dubya

Bushy likes grouting in the buff.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 74

Ali Dubya

I have. More like a Workchipolata.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 75


Well Sarnia, I'm just about to pop down to B&Q in me van! Whilst there I shall pretending I know what I'm looking for and examining the different type of sandpaper! I will look at the power tools and handle them with a quizzical look after which I will shake my head and replace them with "I know where I can get a better one" look.

Once back I am going strip off to me vest and sand like f*** on the skirting board for a few minutes 'til I'm tired whereupon I slump onto the chair and watch TV whilst sipping lager for the rest of the day!!


Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 76

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Ha! At least my cordless screwdriver's a full 8.4v! And can last up to 2 hours between charges...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 77


Will you have the Sun on the driver's seat as well? If so, am GAGGING ....

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 78

Ali Dubya

I am.

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 79


Copy of The Sun stuffed on dashboard Sarnia ...

Blokey chat - strictly no girls.

Post 80


/Stuffed/ on dashboard...

Do you want to do it now or after you've parked the van?

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