This is the Message Centre for Polly and Pixie

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 441

Polly and Pixie

Sorry to seem stupid, Rick, but where do I find 'pictures' ?

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 442


Hi Polly,with my windows system I only click my start button and a list of programmes comes up,with pictures in the right hand column.

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 443

Polly and Pixie

That doesn't happen with mine. I have windows 98. Yours must be X....

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 444


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 445

Polly and Pixie

Oh crumbs. smiley - erm

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 446


Hi Polly,well its Sunday again so you'll soon be swaning off to church?
Hope you have a nice day, its St Austell for me tomorrow(I managed to dodge it the other week but no escape tomorrow)smiley - wah

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 447

Polly and Pixie

Hello dear Rick.

Yes-all day church!! I was there at 9.30am to get the creche ready. We had a wonderful baptism servise (full immersion), and then a huge lunch afterwards(120+ people there). It all ended at about 2.30. I then stayed a little longer to play the piano. I shall be out again this evening.

I'm not feeling well at all. I'm having so many panic attacks. I feel dreadful....

St. Austell? Is that in Cornwall???I can't think where it is. smiley - blush

I hope you are having a great day today. It is such a beautiful Spring day here. What is the weather like in Birmingham?? I'm wearing some Spring togs!!

Don't cry, Rick. smiley - winkeye

smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 448


Hi Polly,the weather here has been great too,St Austell is about 50 miles from lands end.

As the weather was so nice I spent about an hour in the garden just pruning and tidying up a bit,panic attackssmiley - ermI suppose that must be a bit like vertigo sounds very depressing for you,anyway head up gal,go out tonight and knock 'em dead.smiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 449


Hi Polly Im just getting ready to leave,its going to be a long day.
I do hope you will feel a bit better on rising,have a nice day,catch you later.R.smiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 450


Hi Polly,Im back,and you Ms Posh totty 2008 are still foot loose and fancy???????well(only joking)Goodnight gal and take caresmiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 451

Polly and Pixie

Hello dearest Rick.

Yes-I'm still unbound and untied to anyone!

I have been having trouble logging-on. All I was getting was an engaged tone! I rang Virgin this afternoon but I couldn't understand the questions or the chap's accent!! I got really annoyed!!

Anyway, I have just tried again, and I have been successful. I'm worried, though, that when I log-off I shan't be able to log-on again! That is what happened the other day. Have you any ideas as to why I should get an 'engaged' tone? My land-line was/is fine with no problems at all.

Did you enjoy your trip to St. Austell? Were you very tired that night? I was thinking about you.

I'm unwell. smiley - ill At church, there is a horrid sickness bug affecting so many folk. I feel very sick today. I had to come home early this morning from church in case I took ill there. I feel very shakey, very sick, and I have an uncomfortable throat (not a sore throat---yet!). So I am feeling very miserable.

You didn't pop in for a cup of tea!! smiley - winkeye Never mind. Next time I'm near Birmingham, I shall expect a cup of tea somewhere. smiley - winkeye

Have you made another appointment with your GP? PLEASE do take care. smiley - brave

Oh golly-I've eaten only toast this morning. I am starving. But I'm scared to eat anything.

smiley - hug's


'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 452


Hi Polly,I dont know if there are any answers in this:

Sorry to hear you are unwell again,Me????well I did go and see boy wonder,I've to wait until the end of April for a hospital appointment with the doomsday camera,good job they are not putting the wretched thing in my ear,(they would just see a sign saying "room to let")
St Austell.well I expected somewhere quaint and ended up working in a grotty road next to a very old Woolworths shop.

Still enough bellyaching from me,trust at least one of us will get better soonsmiley - erm

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 453

Polly and Pixie

Hello Rick.

You made me laugh when you mentioned the 'grotty road' and Woolworth's! At lest you could buy your chocolate in Woolies!

So, what far-flung part of Britain were you in today? John O' Groats?

I'm still feeling very sick. And odd! Half the church has had the same bug. Well, maybe not the one-and-only bug. Probably its brothers and sisters.

So, happy days. Our friend is back. And looking for a fight again with me. smiley - erm

How's the tummy????? smiley - rose

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 454


Hi Polly,no Im off to Bath again today and the tummy's no better.
Have a nice day hope you're better soonsmiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 455


G'night,Polly,as alwayssmiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 456

Polly and Pixie

Are you going to bed now, Rick????It's a bit early, isn't it? Or have you got a very early start in the morning?

Take care wherever you have to go.


smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 457


Hi POlly,yep Im up at 3-45 I's orf to Barf again.smiley - biggrin

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 458

Polly and Pixie

Good morning Rick.

I'm off to Dorset for the weekend.

Have a happy weekend. I hope you haven't got to be up mega-early for the next few days.

Have a relaxing evening.

smiley - hug

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 459


smiley - sadface

'Kookoorookoo! Kookoorookoo!' Early birds begin their singing; 'Kikirikee! Kikirikee!' The day, the day, the day is springing.

Post 460


Afternoon, Polly and Rikki - I'm back.smiley - smiley

I never got the opportunity to get on the net whilst away but I see you had a good week away, Polly and I trust you had a good Easter too, Rik. I haven't ploughed through ALL your messages so far, you two, I have some catching up to do.

Meanwhile, I trust our mutual 'friend' has not been causing too much heartache, Polly.smiley - wah

As for me, I went to Spain as snow fell here and I returned last night, waking this morning to more snow. smiley - llabwons

In between, I luckily had some good weather. and last week was 20 - 24 degs and solid blue smiley - wow

Now, to scan the other threads and then book our flights for Whitsun half term......smiley - hugsmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - hug

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