This is the Message Centre for Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ask me, anything!

Post 81

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I particularly enjoy communicating in long words and observing their petrified faces as they try to come to terms with what I just said.

Ask me, anything!

Post 82


now i smiley - love doing that to political canvassers who darken my door step!smiley - laugh
i'm afraid i get a real buzz from
the cut and thrust of fencing with words and the look of amazement and confusion that these words and indeed political arguements are coming from a 'mere woman'!! smiley - magic

Ask me, anything!

Post 83


fraid i gotta go, but hope to converse with u at length ....maybe 2morrow? lol

take care

Trish smiley - hug

smiley - run

Ask me, anything!

Post 84

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Political Canvassers? I'm lucky I never have to converse with them at all. My home has an intercom system so I don't have to answer it and they can't check to see if I'm in, coz I live 4 floors up.

Ask me, anything!

Post 85


aaawww that's a cop out!! smiley - laugh

so that means if i decide to honour u with my presence n rang ur bell u probably wudn't answer?? lmaopmp

Ask me, anything!

Post 86

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Depends on if you are a political canvasser, are you?

Ask me, anything!

Post 87


naw!! i'm just their worst nightmare! smiley - winkeye

Ask me, anything!

Post 88

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't know if you are, but I'm always visited by a lot of Jehova's Witnesses.

Ask me, anything!

Post 89


u don't know if i am wot??
their worst nightmare? or a political cavasser??

n yeah doesn't everyone?? smiley - sadface

Ask me, anything!

Post 90

Aries (ACE + Badger)

No, visited by Jehova's witnesses.

Ask me, anything!

Post 91


had a J/W here last week, opened the door n he was black, nice looking and impeccably dressed hen he went n spoilt it all by opening his mouth!
he sed
'do u think we'll ever have peace?' i replied
'well u won't if you knock at my door again!' n promptly shut the door!! smiley - grr

Ask me, anything!

Post 92

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I always remember what my mum said to this poor little chap who knocked the door once.

Ask me, anything!

Post 93


so are you just goning to keep remembering it, or are u going to share it with me??? smiley - doh

Ask me, anything!

Post 94

Aries (ACE + Badger)

He knocked on the door, and my mum answered it, he said 'Please let me in and *he didn't get any further*' and she said 'Well if you bring your god with you I'll let you in'

Ask me, anything!

Post 95


you'd think with all the knock back those people must get at least ONE of them would have a good one liner ready wouldn't you?? lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 96

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Well. I always try to prepare a one-liner just to get rid of them.

Ask me, anything!

Post 97


so i take it ur not a JW then? smiley - whistle lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 98

Aries (ACE + Badger)

NO! smiley - laugh

Ask me, anything!

Post 99


lol no need to shout!smiley - winkeye

so u had a good weekend then?

Ask me, anything!

Post 100

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't know I wasn't exactly there. If you get what I mean.

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