This is the Message Centre for Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ask me, anything!

Post 101


yep1 n oooh how i miss those kinda weekends!! lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 102

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I spent most of it asleep and when I wasn't sleeping I had headaches or I was eating dinner.

Ask me, anything!

Post 103


u probably had headaches with sleeping too much!!lol

oooh for that chance of that!!

so there was NO liquid refreshments involved then?????

Ask me, anything!

Post 104

Aries (ACE + Badger)

No, I'm a bit dehydrated now but I don't think I had much to drink
of anything, not even water. Though it may also be this heat-wave that we have at the moment.

Ask me, anything!

Post 105


ur having a heatwave???? sheesh send some up here please!!

it's lovely n sunny today, but pretty cold!! smiley - sadface

r u in the mood for doing favours today? or r u too thirsty??smiley - grovel

Ask me, anything!

Post 106

Aries (ACE + Badger)

It depends on what it is, if it involves running or anything that includes moving fast, I'm too hot. Why have you got another problem?

Ask me, anything!

Post 107


well not really a problem a such, but yeah kinda!! lol

i wrote something the other week n it's been put on the front page
but i can't get into it, i keep getting blue boxed!! smiley - grr
so i asked the e dgive me a link,(which they did) but it's a website link n i'm only on digibox!! smiley - doh

Ask me, anything!

Post 108

Aries (ACE + Badger)

What is the entry called that you're tryng to get to.

Ask me, anything!

Post 109


erm....well i'm not sure!!smiley - doh

i wrote it n didn't know it had been entered into nething, so i didn't take much notice!lol
it's about Billy Connelly n it's in Great comedy acts!

smiley - sorry

Ask me, anything!

Post 110

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't know if this will work, or even if it does, if it will help you but:

Ask me, anything!

Post 111


nope, sorry , just get blue boxed with that link too!! smiley - sadface

Ask me, anything!

Post 112

Aries (ACE + Badger)

What do you mean by blue-boxed?, I don't know because I'm using a PC.

Ask me, anything!

Post 113


soory, it means i just get a blue box say 500!(space not available!!)

Ask me, anything!

Post 114

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Can you perform a search then?

Ask me, anything!

Post 115


yeah, i did that y/day but wen i got to the bit i wanted(great comedy acts) i got 500s!! <smiley - grr

Ask me, anything!

Post 116

Aries (ACE + Badger)

You might have to ask someone who is using a digibox to help you. Hang on and I'll see if someone can come here to help.

Ask me, anything!

Post 117


smiley - ok thank u smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 118

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I've just invited someone to come and help you. Hopefully she'll answer.

Ask me, anything!

Post 119


smiley - ok thanx smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 120


i'm really sorry bit i gotta go now smiley - grovel

hope to chat soon smiley - smiley

take care

trish smiley - peacedove

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