This is the Message Centre for Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ask me, anything!

Post 61


yep!! that's y it's so slow!!

n that 400 was telling me summit, cos i sent u that msg n got booted!! it switched itself off!! smiley - sadface

neway, i'll have to learn all over again on the pc!!lol
my son wants enuff memory to download loadsa stuff(mainly music) n he's got it all planned wot we get in which order(scanner/printer/cdrewrited/webcam etc!!)smiley - laugh

Ask me, anything!

Post 62

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't think Web-cams are a good idea because they let people see things I don't think they should be seeing, and people you don't even know which is the worst bit.

Ask me, anything!

Post 63


neither do i!!!lol
but at 15 i guess it's still innocently exciting!!

he's just made a mental list, that doesn't mean he's gonna get them!! smiley - winkeye

Ask me, anything!

Post 64

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I remember when I was choosing my computer system, at the time I decided to get a Hp pavillion with matching printer, scanner, intergrated speakers and microhone but now it's a bit out of date and I've also started to notice its dragging a bit more than it used to.

Ask me, anything!

Post 65


OMG!! fraid u lost me there!! smiley - doh

i know ours was a pent2,n we already had speakers etc(although no mike) but it just didn't have eniff memory to link up to the net!! smiley - sadface

my daughter left home(long story) n took the pc/printer/scanner/speakers with her! so i can always demand at least the scanner back, after all i paid for all of them!! smiley - doh

Ask me, anything!

Post 66


BTW did u c he's done it for me??? all that code for a tiny little thing like that!! sheesh!!lol

neway, it's squashed my other piccies up small, so do u think if i deleted the smiley - loves n smiley - sadfaces it wud make a difference?? smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 67

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Remeber to stop me again if I get to far ahead of you, because I am seriously into computers and everything to do with them, so I'm kind of an expert in the field. (where-ever this field may be)

Anyway I'm already late going home tonight so I'll print off what I saved and read through it tonight, see if there is anything wrong with it. I did what I said I would do and copied and pasted your code in but I cant solve it just yet i'm too smiley - yawn tired and hungry to concentrate.

Ask me, anything!

Post 68

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Whoops simulpost

Did he do it for you?

Ask me, anything!

Post 69

Aries (ACE + Badger)

smiley - yikes That was fast!

Ask me, anything!

Post 70


yep! i just clicked off a msg n my page was done!! smiley - smiley
dunno how on earth he does it, but i AM gonna learn to do it myself, then muck about with it!! smiley - winkeye

well thank u very much once again for ur help n ur time, it really is much appreciated!! smiley - cuddle

chat again soon (i hope) <smley

byeeee Trish smiley - hug

Ask me, anything!

Post 71

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Bye (ahh no smiley for that)

Ask me, anything!

Post 72


lmao well at least ya tried!!
smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 73

Aries (ACE + Badger)

All these abbrieviations are making me giddy smiley - cdouble

Ask me, anything!

Post 74


aaawww i reckon ur just showin off cos u can spell big words!!
smiley - whistle

Ask me, anything!

Post 75

Aries (ACE + Badger)

S.O.S! S.O.S! S.O.S!

Help me! I'm drowning in this sea of shortened words!

Ask me, anything!

Post 76


smiley - yikes aaawww 'ere 'old on2 this!!
i'll save ya!
(if i can find me way thru all these abbreviations!!)smiley - whistle
smiley - nahnahsmiley - run

Ask me, anything!

Post 77

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I reckon I'll be able to make it if you told me what lol and imao means?

Ask me, anything!

Post 78



course!! smiley - winkeye

LOL= Laugh Out Loud or Lots Of Laughs

LMAO= Laugh My A*se Off

there? all better now? lmaopmp

Ask me, anything!

Post 79

Aries (ACE + Badger)

So you like communicating with all these ridiculous abbrieviations , and using them as bamboozling tools against other poor innocent civilians?

Well I like using long words.

Ask me, anything!

Post 80


me? bamboozelling?? naw!!!
u got me all wrong!!
i'm just a lazy typist!smiley - laugh

if u want to communicate in long words then i will oblige , i can do that easily,just a more efficent use of time and energy to use abbreviations.

(neway i like bigguns!!) smiley - doh

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