This is the Message Centre for Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ask me, anything!

Post 41

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Two things that I've seen straight away are that the and tags are missing from the end of the code.

Ask me, anything!

Post 42


a Queen Fan!!

Ask me, anything!

Post 43

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Right then if you put that in where you want it to go, put the and tags at the end it should work, fingers-crossed. smiley - erm

Ask me, anything!

Post 44




Ask me, anything!

Post 45

Aries (ACE + Badger)

(No smiley that time?)

Well try it and see.
smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 46


aaawww me smiley - ok smiley didn't work!! smiley - sadface lol

ok here goes!! smiley - smiley(just 4 u!!)

Ask me, anything!

Post 47

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Wait hang on!

the two tags : and go at the end of your introduction and also something else:

HREF="A607033">I'm a Queen Fan!!

You put the tag twice, you only need it once .

Ask me, anything!

Post 48



error guideml!!!(AGAIN!!)

after the first it says
missing closing bracket in tsg-perhaps u've missed a closing quote!!
but i copied it EXACTLY!!! smiley - sadface

Ask me, anything!

Post 49

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Don't get smiley - sadface because it tells you its wrong, We will figure it out eventually and get your introduction to work. Look at the extract I copied above and make the changes I said, so I can see what it looks like now.

Ask me, anything!

Post 50


thanx i'll try that!! smiley - sadface

Ask me, anything!

Post 51


smiley - erm sorry for being thick here, but first of all i've already got the <GgUining n the end, n which do i delete?? smiley - doh

Ask me, anything!

Post 52

Aries (ACE + Badger)

My definition of thick is not knowing and not wanting to find out.
You just don't know (yet) , but you are trying to find out, there is a difference.

Before you make any further changes I think it would be best if I copied and pasted your introduction onto a new researcher page , then I'll be able to see exactly what is going wrong and in case something goes wrong we have a copy, do you think that's a good idea

Ask me, anything!

Post 53


aawww thanx for the vote of confidence, n yes if u don't mind doing that it wud b goodsmiley - smiley

but b4 u do, i think someone is gonna do it 4 me!! smiley - magic

he helped me with my other ones n noticed i was having trouble again!!smiley - doh (like he expected nething else!!)lol

so thank u very much for ur time n effort on me, i just w8 for his msg n c wots happening! smiley - ok???

big big smiley - hug

Ask me, anything!

Post 54

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I'll do it anyway but if he gets it first tell me.

Ask me, anything!

Post 55


aaawww thank u aries!! smiley - cuddle

i will, i'm still w8ing smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 56

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Well I'm already working on it, anyway who is this person who usually helps you?

Ask me, anything!

Post 57


aaawww aries i hope i don't seem ungrateful, cos i'm deff not!!

kow, he usually helps me wen i'm stuck! to 'all the time'!) smiley - grovel

Ask me, anything!

Post 58

Aries (ACE + Badger)

smiley - laugh So what's it like using a digibox?, at the moment I'm sitting here typing away at a computer that was invented in the pre-historic era, my fingers are getting sore but I'm getting good at typing

Ask me, anything!

Post 59


OMG!! there's ur answer!! i clicked on ur mag to reply n got the dreaded 400!! smiley - laugh

it's ok i spose, but VERY tempramental!!

yeah i had a pc like that!! gr8 innit? lol ...nut it died!! aaawwww. shud b getting another one (hopefully not so old) in the next coupls weeks!!(fingers crossed!!)

then i really WILL have problems!! smiley - biggrin

Ask me, anything!

Post 60

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Why? Having a computer enables you to copy and paste, save work in progress without having a mess left on your personal space and plus if it has enough memory you can look at four things at once i.e the conversations tool, the conversation and your space.

I'm just guessing but am I right in saying you can only see one thing at a time? smiley - smiley

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