This is the Message Centre for Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ask me, anything!

Post 21


where r u???? lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 22

Aries (ACE + Badger)

What do you mean by your "covers blown"??

Ask me, anything!

Post 23


lol oops! that was to blackpoolbelle!
she was looking for me on here while i was chatting to u, so i sed my cover was blown!! smiley - winkeye (post 19)

Ask me, anything!

Post 24

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Ah right I see, well she found you.

Ask me, anything!

Post 25


yep! smiley - smiley no hiding place in here is there? smiley - doh
aaawww she's really lovely, i wudn't hide from her!......(but i like teasing her!) smiley - whistle

howa work going 2day then?

Ask me, anything!

Post 26

Aries (ACE + Badger)

What work, where. *Starts looking around quickly*

Ask me, anything!

Post 27


OMG!! did i say a dirty 4 letter word?? Laugh> smiley - sorry

that's wot me assumptions get me!!
wen u sed y/day about loggin off @ 3ish i ASSUMED u meant u were at......erm....that place!! lol smiley - doh

Ask me, anything!

Post 28

Aries (ACE + Badger)

No , for a completely different reason, thats just when I log off of h2g2. Not because it's the end of w***

Ask me, anything!

Post 29


oic!! well u have my apologies!!

i shudn't really b on here now,(cos i've got LOADS 2 do!) but wot the hell!! lol
so howz ur day going so far then? smiley - smiley

Ask me, anything!

Post 30

Aries (ACE + Badger)

OK currently I'm taking part in some kind of typeathon with Ralph
We're rocketing around 8 different threads having 8 different conversations on 8 totally different topics, its fun but fast.

Ask me, anything!

Post 31


OMG!! ralph??? as in bob???lmao
jeez i'm still getting used to the idea he can read n write never mind keep up multi-convos!! lmao

neway, sorry to b a wet blanker, but i must cut urs down to 7!! smiley - sadface
fraid i gotta go now, but hope to chat l8! smiley - smiley

n please let me know wot happens??
u can beat ralph surely?? piece of smiley - cakesmiley - smiley

Trish <hug<

Ask me, anything!

Post 32

Aries (ACE + Badger)

No Sir Ralph the Wonder Llama

Ask me, anything!

Post 33

Aries (ACE + Badger)

I don't think we're talking about the same person.

Ask me, anything!

Post 34


oh right!

oops sorry my mistake!! smiley - doh

so who won then?

or is it still going on? lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 35

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Got to wait for him to log on again.

Ask me, anything!

Post 36


gotchya!! lol

well i DID get the code for the queen fanclub (this morning) n busy trying to put it in now but i'm just getting errors .......n i can't c WHERE! smiley - steam

Ask me, anything!

Post 37

Aries (ACE + Badger)

Copy and paste the code for your page here (if you want) and I'll take a quick look over it see if I can spot anything. If you could also include the block you're trying to put in and where you want it I might be able to sort it out. smiley - smiley (Who said I don't like smileys)

Ask me, anything!

Post 38


can't cut n paste,
i'm on a digibox!

but i've put my page into plain if u wanna have a look......n i'll send u the code.......
(but it's pretty long winded so might take a while!) smiley - ok

n hey!! a smiley!! lol

Ask me, anything!

Post 39

Aries (ACE + Badger)

smiley - burgersmiley - smileysmiley - crispssmiley - huhsmiley - ojsmiley - emptysmiley - laughsmiley - crysmiley - blue

More smileys!

Ok I'll take a look.

Ask me, anything!

Post 40

stoopid cupid

oi oi!!! you been hiding from me MRS?????....well i FOUND you smiley - steam and i'm worn really i am every bone in my body aches...i wonder why smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

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