This is the Message Centre for His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 221


*sits down by Myst and Craxus*

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 222

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Am I to understand that you think of me as a common whore...? Because if it is so, I might be inclined to become quite offended by this comment.

*crosses her hands over to her chast and walks back over to Hjik*

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 223

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir


*Looking apologetic, Hjik walks over to Jade and tosses the rose in his mouth aside. He snaps his fingers and a new rose magically appears in his hand. He offers it to Jade to make up for any misunderstanding* smiley - cheerup

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 224

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*blink* (not 182) Right, I should have caught that one... Just equate it to too much caffeine and ignore me. smiley - tongueout

*Gratefully accepts the rose*

Shall we join the boys at the ...well, what is that exactly, is that? A bar...?

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 225

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

*Hjik smiles as the rose is taken*

I don't know if I'm in the mood to join the boys at the bar Jade, because well, there is a lady here (or a devil in a blue dress) that loves to dance, and when and where else I am going to get such an oppurtunity?

*Hjik snaps his fingers and Neo outfit turns into simple but nice enough Tuxedo (without a cumberbun)*

*Frank Sinatra's voice begins to softly fill the hall*

*Hjik offers his hand with the other arm folded behind his back, following classical etiquette*

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 226

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*Raises her eyebrow and snaps her fingers and is suddenly in a very elegant black and white dress ('ala Rosemary Clooney in White Christmas). She very gently places her hand on top of Hjik's. (as goes etiquite.)*

...In a bit of an odd mood today, Mr. Tuhy?

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 227

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

*'Mr. Tuhy' as you put it, twirls Jade around to the soft melody*

Mr. Tuhy? I don't think so mis, that would be my father. I don't think I will ever be known as Mr. Tuhy. . . . .

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 228


*Flicks a sentamental tear from his eye.*

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 229

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir


the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 230


*Waves his hand.*

No, no, it's not that.

*Blows nose.*

Just... so beautiful.

*Suddenly stops crying, stands up with purpose in his eyes.*

I must find a dance partner!

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 231

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

Oh don't worry Mystrunner, I know you're a good guy, and I know that this won't be a problem for you, at least not for long. Soon you'll be in college and people will have to start making new frineds, and when people start being appreciated for who they are and not by the caste system, you will most certainly be appreciated.

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 232

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*allows herself to be twirled about the dance floor*

...Alright, so not Mr. Tuhy then. It just seemed appropriate as you're acting so... Well, odd. Is there any particular reason why you've been in such high spirits in the last few days? I'll admit to having some theories, but I could very well be way off...

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 233

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

I know this might sound low, but would anyone wish to join a new Organization I created? It’s called the Stargate Command its link is A975341. So if you could please join up and have some fun with Roleplaying.

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 234

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir



the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 235

Researcher 219460

You can define yourselve by the steel but are you a terminator, I've been there If you are solid steel imagine what type of thing's you might or could do & after you get locked up state/ "up North" & are defined by hood's, murdrer's, punk-A** rapist & other jail type's will that steel & the thing's, People, or whatever is behind that steel be there for you to get you out of jail.?
From smiley - dogsmiley - cool

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 236

Researcher 219460

What about the other Divine Shadow's?

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 237

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir


the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 238

Researcher 219460

It was something that I saw/read on your site. About the steel & fire that burn's. I take fire over steel anyhour. From smiley - dogsmiley - cool

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 239

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

...Right... Hjik, who is this nutter?

the not quite Temple of Shadows

Post 240

Hjik, the Walking Dead, compadre of His Divine Shadow, servant of a different guard, Angel of a different choir

ooc< Jade I have no idea who this is, but I do know, that we as people, are not defined by the fire that burns us, but what survives the fire, that what was I meant and what this person is referring to.>ooc

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the not quite Temple of Shadows

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