This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

a missing friend in china

Post 21

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

pass our kindest wishes on to her Jim - life will be in turmoil for her at the moment with what has happened

a missing friend in china

Post 22


Oh, it would be nice if she did. Some new friends would be something nice to come out of such a tragedy for her country.

Even if she doesn't, give her our best wishes,

Websailor smiley - dragon

a missing friend in china

Post 23

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi everyone,

Jim has asked me to copy and paste the following message from Nikita, who is safe and well:

lil xx


hi jim

sorry for late reply. i'm ok, our here aren't effected. but
the strong earthquake has struck Sichuan in china, i have a freind in
sichuan, fortunately she is safe and sound.

The earthquake measuring 7. 8 on the Richter scale shook Sichuan£¬causing
severe damage to infrastructure in several cities. now deads amounts to
more one hundred thousand, and there have been more deaths from quake.

take care


a missing friend in china

Post 24

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi and thanks lil
its better in her way of writing, my way it would be lost in translation.
smiley - dragon jim xx

a missing friend in china

Post 25

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

words alone can't describe the sadness of so many who have died

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface
smiley - rosefor each and every one

a missing friend in china

Post 26


Thanks Lil,

Nice to know. These disasters have so much more impact if w have the slightest RL connection don't they?

I just wish the Beeb would let us know whether the schools and the children featured in their Chinese Schools programme were ok. They were such lovely youngsters with everything going for them.

Websailor smiley - dragon

a missing friend in china

Post 27

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

if niitas phone internet, or if she can use a pc, i think she will appear to see how you all had good wishes for her.
i may be blowing my own trumpet, but i think i was the first forienger(my spellig)she allowed to video call her. smiley - dragon jim

a missing friend in china

Post 28


So glad that nikita is safe and well jim.You must be relieved.It is so sad that there are so many people missing.....we should count our blessingssmiley - rosesmiley - hug

a missing friend in china

Post 29

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

thanks sal for the offer of help. im glad i didnt need to try looking for her, i wouldnt know
if you check out the normal
you should be able to find contact numbers for the bbc and mybe shows related. hope this helps you ,smiley - dragonjim

a missing friend in china

Post 30

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

aslo you can click the text only on, your p space at the top, and look for the online news, they are more uptodate smiley - dragon jim

a missing friend in china

Post 31

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

Well, I was right. The earthquake was in Sichuan provence.

Good to hear Nikita's OK.

Thought to remember, "never give up hope".

a missing friend in china

Post 32

Nigel *ACE*

I am glad that Nikita is safe, thanks for letting us know Jim and lil smiley - ok.

It is a terrible disaster in China, the amount of people killed is devastating smiley - rose.

It makes us think how lucky we are, and to make the most of every day as we do not know what is around the corner.

All the best. Will look out for Nikita on this thread.

Nigel smiley - footprints

a missing friend in china

Post 33

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
ive just caught the new, it said one town was all but wiped out,
i dont know how you all think, but its time for china to say, forget beijing, and sort the areas that need help, and hand the olympics over.
as we know they wont,they are like burma, stubborn,from the news there could be another cyclone about to hit, and they say they are not connected,
i reserve judgement lol smiley - dragon jim
ps websailor.
if you use the (text only)

click the betsie hompage next, then look for
bbc, news online hompage. its all uptodate with jarva script, there is one about the rescue of children,
i cant get jarva
my top box is basic connecting only

a missing friend in china

Post 34


hi friends,

thank you for all your concern,i'm safe and sound.

however,the people in sichuan effeted by the strong equake,still were caught between two fires,many victims still are waiting to be rescued.
our government has sent a large number of funds and goods to the disaster area, a large number of soldiers and medical teams have headed for the stricken region, many charities including hongkong sent fund to help the victims of the equake, people all over the country have given freely to money for victims of the equake,
everyone in my company has contributed to the victims.

our country has suffered from a severe snow disaster the begin of this year, and now we are suffering the equake disaster,this year has been the worst weather that we go through. but i believe in we will carry us through.

below address is linked to some photos of the disaster area, please pray on the victims and give them best wishes.

a missing friend in china

Post 35


Thank you Nikita for responding to us. I am so glad you are safe.

The earthquake has made a huge impact on us here and everyone is thinking of you all. Thank you for the photos.

I have asked the TV programme makers for news of the children filmed for 'Chinese School". When you have watched people, especially children, for weeks on TV it becomes a bit personal.

Take care, and I hope none of your family or friends are involved.

Websailor smiley - dragon

a missing friend in china

Post 36


Hi, again Nikita,

I have just been reading your Personal Space and the few messages you have. If you would like another person to chat to here in England I will be happy to be a 'cyber' friend.

Some years ago my son had a Chinese couple staying with him. They were the parents of a fellow student, and he got on really well with them. They live in Shanghai, and I still have a phone number for them, that's if they haven't moved.

Drop in to my Personal Space when you have time. I shall not be around much this weekend as I am doing some work for my charity WWF, but i shall be around in the evenings (our time).

I will add you to my Friends List if you do not mind?

Oh, and I think you do very well with your English - the languages, and writing are so very, very different.

smiley - smiley

Websailor smiley - dragon

a missing friend in china

Post 37

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
sorry ive only just been able to get on the system, cable are doing new software, and it slowed the emails right down.
i was going to leave a message to say nikita was coming on today. but cable messed it up
thanks nikita for coming on, to say hi, its been a long time with your now working and having no time.from the news tonight, we are getting repots that one school as not been built right, and someone could even be executed for the the deaths in the whole school.
i came straight on the h2g2, as the emails where unpredictable.
i,ll now see if there is any mail on the emails, smiley - dragon jim

a missing friend in china

Post 38

Ryan the Daemon Prince - Dealing Arms to Svalbard Since 1995

Hurray! All's well that end's well. Except for the poor souls still looking to get rescued. May they be soon.

a missing friend in china

Post 39

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ryan
lets hope the old addage, evry thing in threes, doesnt happen, like another san fransico, or volcanoe, the way the weather and atmosphere as been is not the usual, we have come to know and hate or love. global warming as nothing on whats been happening in burma and china, ,smiley - dragon jim

a missing friend in china

Post 40


There hasn't been much mention of a third event in Chile, where a volcano has blown, and the ash is settling on everything. What a suffocating mess.

Websailor smiley - dragon

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