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Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6281


A shrew flew before me on the floor today
Furry little animal darting back and forth
It hid under a pile running out retreating back
So shy it made me laugh at it's timid ways

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6282


smiley - space
I can'r refute
how cute
that sounds

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6283

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - musicalnote

The tin can flute
sounds and its sounds
rebound off metal clad walls.

smiley - birosmiley - orib

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6284


smiley - space
And outside the snow falls
throughout the days.

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6285


And inside it's soon night
As we busy ourselves in our winter ways

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6286

Reality Manipulator

I was lost in the dark
when I heard a strange remark
uttered by Tony Stark
about moving into Central Park.

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6287


the pigeons crowd around the bridge, over the stream in central park
a nice man from the cia carries a briefcase clutched to his heart
in centre stream, a pigeon and a dark suite meet, for the exchange
the park paths throng with joggers, except on the bridge it's pigeon's payday

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6288

Reality Manipulator

Let it snow on the mountains
and on the garden fountains.
Let it snow on the verdant meadows
and on the leafy plateaus.
Let it make a wonderful winter show
for the local community tableau.

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6289


smiley - space
Cows are the ultimate poets
Everything they say rhymes
What do you think about that?
e e cummings would agree

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6290


Horses are poets to
They do beatbox
Their nostrils flare
Their lips flutter
Blowing air through teeth
Original rappers
In a wild paradise
They can dance too!

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6291

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - pony
O, rippling flanks and quivering withers,
a tail flick here, a tail twitch there,
may the dark flies all beware and never nag
the swayback mare.

smiley - pony

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6292


smiley - space
smiley - erm

I just wrote a two stanza poem a good poem well a bad poem very very bad so bad that I cannot post it here because of the language its so sad because it is such a good poem I mean a bad poem well - you know what I mean

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6293

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok

Oh believe me I know.

smiley - cheers

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6294


smiley - space
smiley - smiley (sits on hands)

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6295

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - laugh
Now, wiggle your fingers.

smiley - nur

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6296


Forget about wiggling your fingers, click on this link -i dare you smiley - winkeye
use your nose,teeth,feet or whatever you can but...

I think we have been 'baddered' smiley - cool

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6297

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - yikes

OMG. You're right.

"..And so I look down the line/
Your every twitch hand drum salute/
Salutes mine."

smiley - book
smiley - cheers

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6298

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

Kristen Stewart is a Vogon? Hide the jewelled crabs people.

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6299

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

But at least she is inspirational:

Twilight WTF I am too old,
Or have I just OD'd on fungi?
Gimme my fone and let me tweet,
OMG and LOL, you cannot beat it.
One day time will turn on you,
and either you will cringe,
or face it out. Either way,
You waste a space that would be better filled,
With a small species of rodent.
Yoh, init.

Bad Poetry i might be, but this bad verse is free !!

Post 6300


smiley - space
Terrible! Just Terrible!!

smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel Here, you all deserve these !

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