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I am so biting my tongue

Post 21



A SELF-proclaimed British multi-millionaire named Mohammed Islam who was arrested on the Gold Coast with almost $120,000 in cash is under investigation as to whether he has terrorist connections.

Queensland police yesterday refused to comment on their investigation into the man, 22, but at this stage there is reportedly no evidence to link him with terrorist activity.
Islam allegedly had $118,000 in $50 notes in a suitcase and a mobile phone concealed in his rectum when he was arrested at a Surfers Paradise bus station on Thursday night.

Brings a whole new meaning to "ring" tones smiley - laugh

I am so biting my tongue

Post 22

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Obviously, i had to pull my first to replies. It's not fair to put too much workload on the smiley - mods smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote Oh the sun ain't gonna shine anymore.........

I am so biting my tongue

Post 23


I've just recounted the story of how I once met the world's unluckiest man on my PS if you want a laugh.

I am so biting my tongue

Post 24


Get this before it's yikesed

What have a pint of Guinness and a priest got in common?

If you get a bad one, you wake up with a sore arse in the morning.


What's black & white and tells the Pope to *flip* Off?

A Nun that's won the Lottery


How do you know if you're in a Jew's House?

There's a fork in the sugar bowl.


Two black women with babies at a bus stop.
One says, "Is yours teething yet?"
The other replies, "Yes, he's managed to get two stereos and a handbag this week"


What do you call an Indian lesbian?



It's not rape if you shout "Surprise" first.


An old Jew wins £6million on the lottery and is celebrating with friends.
"What are you going to do with the money Jacob" asks one.
"I'm going to use half of it to tour the world and party until I die and I'm going to give the other half to Germany"
Everybody falls silent and his friend asks, "Why on earth are you giving half to the Germans after what they did to you?"
The old Jew rolls up his sleeve and says, "Well, they did give me the numbers."


I'm allowed to tell that last joke because my grandad died in a concentration camp. He fell out of his machine-gun tower.

I am so biting my tongue

Post 25

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I've never thought of this trick to avoid the yikeser for a while.smiley - ok

I'll check my joke book smiley - winkeye

I am so biting my tongue

Post 26


Thought you'd like this list of descriptions

smiley - laugh

I am so biting my tongue

Post 27


I have *found* Rowley Birkin QC Post 3

I am so biting my tongue

Post 28

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Classic Rowley smiley - magic

I am so biting my tongue

Post 29


See he was at it again with his moral driving smiley - laugh

I am so biting my tongue

Post 30

airscotia-back by popular demand

I think i may have shot his tyres out there smiley - winkeye

Oddly, as i composed that retort i was thinking what you might say smiley - rofl

I am so biting my tongue

Post 31


I made a post that was a model of subtlety. smiley - biggrin

I am so biting my tongue

Post 32

airscotia-back by popular demand

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Christ on a (motor)bike.........i missed that one. I feel an explosion of morality brewing smiley - winkeye

I am so biting my tongue

Post 33


smiley - huh If Christ was on a motorbike, wouldn't he have trouble changing gears? What with the holes in his feet and all.

I am so biting my tongue

Post 34

airscotia-back by popular demand

He'd whistle a bit too, rather in the fashion of a female nudist skydiver.smiley - winkeye

I wonder if he'd be exempt the skid-lid on religious headwear grounds? smiley - erm

I am so biting my tongue

Post 35


I think his thorny crown would struggle to get a Kite mark.

I am so biting my tongue

Post 36

airscotia-back by popular demand

My name's not Mark smiley - erm

I am so biting my tongue

Post 37


How utterly pathetic is this? Post 11 and my old mate in post 17

I am so biting my tongue

Post 38

airscotia-back by popular demand

I say old man, appears you've been ruffling feathers again.smiley - winkeye

How many times has that poor man got to tell you he's never spoken to you, never read your posts, and never will, before you get the message? smiley - rofl

Also, if you are intent on entering my space from now on, will you wait to be invited, you quite startled me smiley - rofl

The yikeser is back at work, and has been spreading his brand of morality far and wide among the Hootoo community.smiley - yikes I'm compiling a profile of him from the posts he's yikesed.

So far i've got; He's from Lancashire, is a royalist, doesn't like poetry (especially German poetry) and has a very deep seated fear of bum-fun.
I think his mother (Gracie Fields) may have been startled by a Homosexual Bolshevik strolling minstrel while she was carrying him. Prompting his immediate birth, whereupon he fell on his head.
It's not perfect yet, but i'll keep you informed.smiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

I am so biting my tongue

Post 39


smiley - laugh

If that guy cracked a smile, he'd get sh!t on his teeth.

I am so biting my tongue

Post 40

airscotia-back by popular demand

Oh dear oh dear oh dear.

Well i've been reading with interest the on-going discussion on the cat skinning entry, and i see sense has prevailed, and it's been allowed. smiley - applause

I also see you've made one of our favourite yikesers stomp off in high dudgeon.(Makes you wonder who originally yikesed it, doesn't it?) You DO know he's a control freak who won't let this lie and will now attempt to yikes your every comment?
Just thought i'd let you know. I've got friends in his camp who will report back if the puerile little numpty starts crowing about it off site.smiley - winkeye

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