This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Right then ...

Post 1961

V Max

I think I've got myself into enough trouble for one day. Back (briefly) tomorrow morning.

Right then ...

Post 1962

Pat Pending

Anyone else still around?

Right then ...

Post 1963


Just me I think, Pat.

Wha' happened?? I switch the puter off for four hours to read a bit and when I come back suddenly there's this new thread with nearly a hundred postings!! smiley - doh

Mud wrestling, eh? I think we've found our level at last!!smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers


Right then ...

Post 1964

Pat Pending

Evening Peter,

You missed out unfortunately: William Norton started it as a boxing thread, I immediately changed it to mud wrestling and we all piled in (I think the order of the replies in the thread has got a bit mixed up now, but you'll get the gist). V Max, Bushy and the Doc were all on sparkling form, and CG took it all in good heart. It's still going: see you there?

How was SWM?

Right then ...

Post 1965


Fascinating and funny...but unfortunately out of date. It was written between Bush becoming "President" (Moore's inverted commas) and September 11th.

See Bremner Show for updates!

I've just watched Buffy and the new series of ER starts on Sky at 9:30, so I think I'll have a typing hour.

BTW Reference Phill Jupitus: Of course, as soon as I said "listen to his prog and hear my emails" he's hardly mentioned me smiley - doh I had one read out this morning at about 9:20. I got my 6Music Breakfast Show coffee mug in the post yesterday and I was complaining that it came without instructions smiley - biggrin How should I make my coffee??

I usually email between 7am and 8am because there are less people about at that time of day and there is more chance of getting on air.

smiley - cheers

Right then ...

Post 1966

V Max

Mornin' playmates, am I first on today? Blimey! That won't happen again.

Right then ...

Post 1967

Doctor Strangegloves

Curses! Beqaten to it by 2 minutes.

Oh well....chipper?

Right then ...

Post 1968


Morning chaps smiley - rainbow

How does it feel to be beqaten, Doc? smiley - biggrin

Def. chipper this morning. And how are you, Paul?

smiley - cheers


Right then ...

Post 1969


Mornin' Chaps! Chipper?

I'm chipper thanks Doc! I see V Max beat you in today, must be that bike cutting through the traffic?

I cannot believe how rude I was yesterday? I am so ashamed ... It will never, ever, ever happen again!! smiley - whistle

Warmer, clear skies. Continuing for weekend.

Right then ...

Post 1970


Hallo peter! What's all this about you taking over Radio 6?

Can you confirm William Norton's status as a comedy writer testing his material and ideas out on us?

Right then ...

Post 1971




Right then ...

Post 1972

V Max

Ah ha, the advantage of working from home, you only have to stagger from the bedroom to the office (or small bedroom, in truth) to be "at work".

Fairly chipper today, but facing a 260 mile round trip for a 1-hour meeting this afternoon smiley - yuk

I'll have to dig the car out of the snow... did I mention the snow? Filthy stuff.

We got away with some really outrageous stuff yesterday. I fully expected a "You're in pre-mod for the next 10,000 years" e-mail this morning. Maybe we made the mods laugh so much they've let us off?

Right then ...

Post 1973


Do you listen to Phill Jupitus on 6Music at all, Bushy? I've stopped being refered to as "some loony who emails the show". Now I'm "One of our regular contributors"! smiley - blush

The Jupe refers to me as 'The Reverend' or just 'Lovegrove'. It was funny this morning because their email server wasn't working and they were making up the sort of emails that they would normally get and the one that they invented for me was almost exactly what I'd thought of to send! smiley - doh

Re: William Norton. He is one of the funniest people on the boards at the moment. Don't know about his background though. I thought he was James Carr at one time.....

smiley - cheers


Right then ...

Post 1974


hi boys - that was an extremely funny thread - i read it last night.

one day i might find time to play properly again smiley - sadface

i have found a corner of h2 where i have been getting swept away. there are two wonderful women's writings in there - if anyone wants a different kind of nourishment try U192100 and A873560. there was a wonderful woman called lilith ....and then along came anneliese.

big hugs all round, you are the nicest naughtiest chaps.

big momma kris smiley - rose

Right then ...

Post 1975

V Max

Has William Norton just confessed to being James Carr? Or is he starting off a JC-baiting thread? Now I'm really confused.

Right then ...

Post 1976


Has everyone seen CG's e-myther? I think it is quite concerning to be honest!!

Right then ...

Post 1977

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Morning all - survived the night - luckily the Carr won't start with all this snow...

I am confused too! The Mods have seen fit not to post my retraction re being Carr's very own.

I will give it another go

smiley - fairy

Right then ...

Post 1978

Doctor Strangegloves

Good to here you're still with us CG!

Yesterday's thread was v. v. funny, got home and kept smirking to myself, Mrs. Gloves wanted an explanation but I didn't think she'd find it funny!

Right then ...

Post 1979

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Doc - yes it was very funny accept for that 'I know where you live' vibe and reference to shame and humilitation - it's just not 'nice'!

I do hope it is not our Mr. Norton - but if it is I am sure he will have the balls to admit it - that new thread on MC-H is a bit vague.

smiley - fairy

Right then ...

Post 1980

Doctor Strangegloves

Hmm...yes I have revisited the bit that I missed out on (from 4.00 onwards) and that is a bit strange.

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