This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 741


I never thought I'd see the words Kylie, Nicole and mud wrestling all in one sentence smiley - tongueout.

I can now die a happy man smiley - online2long

Nurse says I must go back to bed now

smiley - cheers


ian johnston escapes ...

Post 742

Pat Pending


Did I mention it was tag team wrestling?

Kylie & Nicole vs Charisma and Cordelia (who are, of course, different people, so there's 2 of them).

How's the ticker?

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 743

Doctor Strangegloves

I'm going for a cold shower. I may be some time.

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 744


Enjoyed that! I showed that Kylie.

I'll just clean myself up......why's the tissue box empty?

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 745


I wouldn't mind watching ian johnston mud wrestle charlotte church!! Now there's an even contest, it could go on for minutes ...

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 746

Doctor Strangegloves

Errrr...what a disgusting thought.

I notice Johnston's aimless right-wing rhetoric is currently gracing the Today's News board. Other than that the boards are booooorrrrrinnng today. I'd much rather watch the mud-wrestling - Angelina Jolie versus Saffron Burrows next. I don't care who wins, I'm just praying it goes the distance.

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 747


They are boring today Dr. How about treacle wrestling? The spectators get to lick the winner clean.

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 748

Doctor Strangegloves

Hey, Johnston's bitter about the Kim fiasco. Just slapped him down though.

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 749

Doctor Strangegloves

Hey, pooter's arrived too. Could kick off!

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 750


johnston is bitter because he got with his pants down! He answered some of the post without checking the later posts where the gaff was blown! I laughed anyhow ...

Next up, Winston Churchhill versus Mo Mowlem, special prize for anyone who can say which is which both before and after the contest!

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 751

Doctor Strangegloves, treacle wrestling? Sounds interesting, who's on the bill?

ian johnston escapes ...

Post 752


Ah - Saffron Burrows, now you're talking smiley - tongueout. Coincidentally she is on my TV screen at this very moment.

I'm watching a film on the Hallmark channel where she plays a mermaid who falls in love with Scott Glenn. smiley - biggrin

Saffron, Jolie, Kylie, Nicole...and Charisma Carpenter!!!!smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

(How are we going to get that grin off his face before the family arrive? And they'll never get the coffinlid down with THAT in the way!)

smiley - cheers


ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 753


No-one in mind really. Just an idle thought whilst contemplating how boring the boards were.

Actually, how about Sean Bean and F. Totti?

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 754

Doctor Strangegloves

I'm strictly butter-side up, I'm afraid. You'll have to excuse me whilst you indulge.

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 755


BLAST!! I'm in pre-mod ... smiley - sadface

Bet they don't post anything I send in then?

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 756


No it has worked!! Wonder if he'll fall for this one as well?

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 757


That's a pain Bushy.

Catch you lot later.

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 758


I can't get through to Chelsea Girl on e-mail???

That ok?

ian johnston wrestles in treacle

Post 759

Pat Pending

I've got the same problem Bushy: I had that wizard wheeze I sent to you lot, but it just keeps getting bounced back from her address marked "Chelsea Girl has left the capital". What can it all mean? Still, are all the rest of us set for he invasion at 2100 hrs today?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 760


Yes Pat! Already and raring to go this end ...

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