This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 761


Blimey! How lazy am I?

"All ready and raring to go this end ..." is what I meant to say of course!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 762

Pat Pending

Blimey everyone, Bushy must be raring to go: he's even sorted his spelling out.

Meanwhile, is that Heather Graham and Julianne Moore I see sidling towards the treacle wrestling pit?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 763


Mornin all...or afternon...all all very confusing right now

any invasions in the bag today?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 764

Pat Pending

Afternoon Brad.

Do you know what day it is dear? Who's the Prime Minister?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 765


hey one thing at atime ...I'm still readjusting to the mouse thingy

scanned the boards was is everyone today?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 766


George Bush!!

Do I win £5?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 767


Been quite busy myself this afternoon... Don't know about everyone else?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 768


HI Bushy

just got contacted by V MAx pushed him in this direction

another Pirate reaches the inner circle

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 769


HI Bushy

just got contacted by V MAx pushed him in this direction

another Pirate reaches the inner circle

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 770


Excellent! Where is he then?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 771


Found him ... Will also prompt him over to this thread!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 772

Pat Pending

This is about nothing: just wanted to put my real name back on to greet our new arrival. Guard of Honour anyone?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 773


Be very welcoming to V Max, he's another top geezer! I got to go now people but I can feel an invasion coming on for tomorrow? What do you reckon Brad?

Cheers all!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 774


every one up on deck for welcome party

any sign yet?

is he using both oars on that boat?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 775


BUshy tomorrow??

isn't today Friday?

don't play with my fragile mind!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 776

Pat Pending

Bushy and I have both explained to him how to get here: perhaps his sextant is broken?

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 777


Brad, today it is mostly ... THURSDAY!

Later Dudes!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 778

Pat Pending

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Brad, where Thursday is Friday and Fridays's nowhere!

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 779



Yeah either that or he's reading all those saucy convo's you've had with Sarnia first ...

Chelsea leaves London?

Post 780


my God !

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