This is the Message Centre for Bushwhack'd

We'll always have parrots

Post 681


Blast you all with your silly names smiley - smiley

I fell for that one, didn't I? smiley - tongueout

Still, as I said, it's hilarious.

Keep up the good work. You're all doing very well!

(I must go back and read it again now)

smiley - cheers

We'll always have parrots

Post 682


Oh look it's young Mister Grace!

We'll always have parrots

Post 683

Doctor Strangegloves

Well playmates it's home time for me. Just a shame as Kim really needs that help from IJ now. Keep smiling folks!

We'll always have parrots

Post 684


Doc, before you go can I stop pressing the * key with my nose now?

We'll always have parrots

Post 685

Pat Pending


You still around? Someone's just asked Kim if she's serious. I wondered whether, if I were to be cheeky and borrow Kim off the Dr for a while (do you think he'd mind? He did give us her vital statistics last week), you might have something amusing to say to her in reply?

We'll always have parrots

Post 686


Back again Pat! Just had a quick bit of w**k to sort out! Yeah, go for it as I'm sure the Doc wouldn't mind sharing Kim with any of us??

We'll always have parrots

Post 687


You little tykes.

I can see I'm going to have to watch you! smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers


We'll always have parrots

Post 688

Pat Pending

Watch away pirate: but please join in too.

We'll always have parrots

Post 689


Pat sorry couldn't help taking Camile for a spin and getting a dig into Kim
Pete you can drive if you want shes still warm

Login Camile
Login code: 123456

We'll always have parrots

Post 690

Pat Pending

Just out of interest, who is driving Camile tonight?

We'll always have parrots

Post 691


I got to be off now chaps! Excellent wheeze today, another "well done" to the Doc I reckon because my side of the draw was easy! (according to anthony hart anyway, the cheeky monkey!)

I am reserving my 666th post for Kim tomorrow!

Bye all ...

We'll always have parrots

Post 692



I've been hanging about waiting for the Bushy "mark of the beast" all afternoon...

So, tomorrow, then.

smiley - cheers

We'll always have parrots

Post 693


I've been looking back over some of the recent threads on the An Finally....board and I see there was one last week which involved Bushy, Kim, Camile, Dr Strangegloves ...and one or two others!!

Reading it again I got the joke at last smiley - tongueout

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this now! smiley - smiley I'll be reading things a lot more carefully from now on...

smiley - cheers

We'll always have parrots

Post 694


Morning Shipmates! Blast! Someone is onto us on the forum and the "doctor" has been mentioned explicity by someone called "Carter J Carter" which I think is an "Aliens" reference isn't it? Reiser's character was "Burke, Carter, J." Who likes "Aliens"? Come on, confess, CONFESS!! D'Oh! I like "Aliens" ... What a shame because we did a pretty good job yesterday I thought?

Anyway, how are we all today? Chipper?

We'll always have parrots

Post 695

Pat Pending

Morning Dr,

I noticed Kim had been partially busted, but it's not me doing the busting. Perhaps we need to move this conversation somewhere else, or perhaps she could just reappear today, and if challenged as to her id, become very indignant?

I'm chipper as a nipper on a big dipper who's just watched an episode of Flipper which was a ripper featuring a kipper and a zipper.

We'll always have parrots

Post 696


Howdo Pat! Yep, we need to go "underground" I think? I will RULE the whole wrold, ha ha ha ha h aha ahahahahahahahahahah ...

Here's my e-mail: [email protected]

Set this up for a parody Dr Strangegloves character on MB but never activated it!

We'll always have parrots

Post 697


Morning Muskateers!

whos Queeny? Pat?

I'm having an early morning lesbian shower with LInda, beat that......or rather don't

Carter J Whatsit is P Pooter I guess

We'll always have parrots

Post 698

Pat Pending

That'll learn me to check who's who before replying.

I don't see why we shouldn't continue to mess around on here as per, but just use e-mail to reveal any new ids away from prying eyes.

I can be found at [email protected].

We'll always have parrots

Post 699


[email protected]

We'll always have parrots

Post 700


[email protected]

mis-spelt! first time

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