
208062 => 20 + 0 + 6 - (8 / 2) = 42


208062 => (8 - (2 / 2)) * 6 - 0 + 0 = 42


208062 => cos(2 * arctan (0!)) + 8 + arctan (0!) - (6 * 2) = 42

I have been recently appointed

Keeper of Rugged Teenage Moustaches, Annoying Bus-Related (Loud) Ringtones and Being Bemused and Confused.

Let it be known!

Hey all, this is my personal space!

First, a little about myself. I am (at the time of writing this) 'just a young'un' of 18, although at times I feel much older, say 24.. I have a steady girlfriend, who I can say I love very dearly and has shown me her strength in life and has shown me a great time as well.

I am studying a course called the International Baccalaureate. I get so many people asking "eh? what is that?" so, if you want to know, simply follow the link and click on the diploma option or look at my article

One thing that I have found in my short time on this planet (apart from Douglas Adams) is that I have a lot to say and a lot of time for people who want to talk. I have already read a lot of articles on the h2g2 site and think I'll fit in just swell with all of you all.

I do tend to waffle on a bit or get into a rant when something narks me but I generally hope to show both sides of an argument and take (constructive) criticism well. I have no time for people who insult the ideas and values of another though. Luckily, after reading the house rules and various articles, there isn't much of the usual USENET/Newsgroup slanging going on.

And thus I am happy smiley - smiley

Spend some time looking at what I have put up, I look forward to hearing from you.

Ben Hill! smiley - smiley

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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