
The God Abandons Antony

When suddenly at darkest midnight heard, The invisible company passing, the clear voices, Ravishing music of invisible choirs; Your fortunes having failed you now, Hopes gone aground, a lifetime of desires Turned into smoke. Ah! Do not agonize At what is past deceiving But like a man long since prepared With courage say your last good-byes To Alexandria as she is leaving. Do not be tricked and never say It was a dream or that your ears misled, Leave cowards their entreaties and complaints, Let all such useless hopes as these be shed, And like a man long since prepared, Deliberately, with pride, with resignation, Befitting you and worthy of such a city Turn to the open window and look down To drink past all deceiving Your last dark rapture from the mystical throng And say farewell, farewell to Alexandria leaving.


".... It is with God we must be the most careful; for He makes such a powerful appeal to what is lowest in human nature; our feeling of insufficiency, fear of the unknown, personal failings; above all our monstrous egotism which sees in the martyrs crown an athletic prize which is really hard to attain. God's real and subtle nature must be clear of distinctions: a glass of spring water, tasteless, odourless, merely refreshing: and surely its appeal would be to the few, the very few, real contemplatives?"

(L. Durrell)

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