This is the Message Centre for Iskander-rany

Hi El-Iskanderany....

Post 1


Hi El-Iskanderany
Welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not really but thats another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am an "ACE", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around, there is always something going on here to please every one if you know were to find it

If you can click on this number >> A725500, were Rocket Man has made a page for new Researcher's to look at,

Or this number >> A534953 which will take you to Shea's List 'o Links.

If you want to brighten up you page you could always look at this page >> A690518 ,

If you need any more help or just want to talk then do not hesitate to ask, you can leave me a message on my page by clicking on this number >> U193090 , or by clicking on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page, and I will get back to you,

Have some smiley - cake and a cup of smiley - tea to keep you going.
Speak to you later <ok

Manda smiley - magic

Hi El-Iskanderany....

Post 2

Researcher 188007

There you go, see what nice people they are here? smiley - biggrin

How's about changing your name to 'Iskan Derani'? Keeps the same meaning, but people can call you Iskan, which sounds alright to me...

Hope you liked the smiley - tea

Hi El-Iskanderany....

Post 3


Cheers Manda,
As I'm hopeless in cyber-space and all the hi-tech stuff that you have to learn in order to float over there, I do appreciate the tips.
Right, let me introduce myself.. very briefly:
I'm from The Alexandria, hence the nick which means the Alexandrian in Egyptian slang. Apart from making a complete ass of myself in dingy bars in different parts of the world, I'm a langauge teacher and learner. To call myself a linguist would be too grand of me, and I guess I'm not..
Talk to you later
smiley - cheers

Hi El-Iskanderany....

Post 4

Researcher 188007

Blimey, the man owns a laptop smiley - biggrin

I see you've got the hang of using smileys - impressive.

Meanwhile, over on the Understanding Islam thread, someone (Xanatic, a Dane currently in Malaysia - he means well but sometimes lands himself in it) posted something rather incendiary - I told him that much.

..and, I don't know if anyone else picked up on it, but instead of 'cardinal sin', you put 'carnal sin'. Oops smiley - laugh

smiley - panda

Hi El-Iskanderany....

Post 5


sorry for the 'sometimes-unintentional' typos.. carnal sounds better anyways. Yep, I've just replied to the Dane, butI'm afraid I sounded a bit like a Mufti

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