This is the Message Centre for Iskander-rany

Il Napolitano

Post 1

Researcher 188007

The first thing is, eveyone on h2g2 is a bit lazy. They have to find some way to abbreviate your name, and unless you want to be know as Isky or, even worse, El, you may have to change it a little.

Anyway, I'll tell you more later - meanwhile, play around with it. It's not like you can break anything here...

Oh, and I'm Jack, remember?
smiley - winkeye

Il Napolitano

Post 2


Right Jack, got me first entry -does language impede communication- on the peer review thingy. Your contribution will be most apreciated.
By the way, a football game in the Madagascar football league ended with one team 'intentionally' losing 149-0. Yes 149 and they scored all the goals in their own goal!

Il Napolitano

Post 3

Researcher 188007

Aha, I should have told you about the small print. Peer Review is only for quite polished articles, rather than for engaging peeps in conversation. Still, I'll have a look at it.

149-0? I wonder if there's any suspicion of cheating...

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