This is the Message Centre for Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Jun 1, 2005
"Presumably you can't change the size *after* the photos are uploaded.
You can to a certain extent on Fotki.
If you go to "Edit Properties" and open the "Advanced Options" and go down the list of options to "Photo View Size", you can select a size which the photo will appear on the screen when viewing the individual images.
You can also set this up when you creat your album or do a "global" setting by going to "My Account" (top of your Fotki page). On the right hand side, you see "Albums". Click "Change" and select the size you want to display images at. You can always change the setting for individual albums, if you need to. This simply creates the settings for any new albums.
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Jun 1, 2005
I downloaded Picasa from Google (it is free) and it has some terrific features which are really easy to use. I still use the editor which came with my camera since it has drawing, painting, and negative features, as well as other manipulation thingies. However, it is pretty slow and you can only view a few photos at a time and clicking between screens to do one thing and another, is a pain. Picasa is fast and easy and has great colour balancing, fogging, glow, and other features that tweak your images.
The "sharpen" feature, I use quite often because my eyesight is not the greatest and my images are sometimes just a tiny bit unfocussed. The sharpen enhances what my eyes can't to when I take the images.
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Jun 7, 2005
Announcing the first special exhibit at Gallery 42!
"In the Shadow of the Bomb: Vestiges of the Cold War", a joint exhibit of images by clzoomer and Mudhhooks
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
clzoomer- a bit woobly Posted Jun 10, 2005
I thought we weren't supposed to do that any more!
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Aug 4, 2005
Just moving this thread up a bit on my list of conversations - I had to look several pages back in order to locate it...
Hope everyone's had a good summer so far!
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Aug 4, 2005
A very good summer! All my latest flower photos are languishing untouched on my PC, not even uploaded to
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Alfredo Posted Aug 6, 2005
I do wonder these days, why the H2G2 art album doesn't arttract more participants then it does so far.
Maybe the difference in age between the initiators and the global younger age at h2g2??
I don't know.
There must be múch more creativity then there is shown.
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Aug 16, 2005
Howdy y'all,
Just had another look thru the gallery and am simply amazed at the quality and variety of both original and neo-traditional images. What makes it all the more interesting and satisfying is knowing (or at least recognising) most of your names.
From conclusions based on text-conversations here over the years I have half-formed bizarro images of each of you in my mind. So in virtually every case I am amazed to see how visually creative and sensitive you actually are. In some cases I am now re-evaluating certain gender-bias conclusions I may have jumped to.
I also noticed for the first time some comments posted on my 'solstice sunrise' offering and it led me to search a bit
more for info on 'green rays' sometimes also mistakenly referred to as Saint Elmo's Fire (an entirely separate phenom but also best know to seafaring folk).
After posting in the comments section of the Gallery a moment ago I have since begun to formulate a new theory that the vertical version of such rays (which usually appear at sunrises and sunsets viewed across open water) are the result of the earth's curve causing the open water to behave like a large convex lens. The viewer needs to be elevated somewhat above sea-level.
Bear in my mind that the earth isn't just curving away in the distance to the front (east/west) but also to the sides (north/south). So when the sun is shining on this giant lens at a very specific angle of incidence, we are for an instant able to perceive a single focused vertical ray seemingly reflected upward from the water. It appears as a flash with a duration similar to the green horizontal flash best know to sailors (at sea level) as the point where 'more than half' of the sun goes below the horizon.
But if we could adjust our angle of view, at the same rate which the sun was apparently moving up or down, the ray would remain constant, at least until the angle of incidence of the lightsource moved beyond an angle that allowed the lens to refract it in our direction.
Presumably if we could also constantly adjust our viewing position in relation to the setting sun, we could live in a constant green glow.
Hmmm.... smoke 'em if ya got 'em....
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Alfredo Posted Aug 16, 2005
Howdy y'all,
Nice one.
See if my 50% American daughters will recognize it.
A Dutch version of it, I first did not even recognise it as a combination of a few words.
Anyhow, I am Alfredo and the first black and white Paintings are creations by me.
I started a year ago; just with stuff from a toyshop. I went on and on and my pleasure became bigger and bigger.
No I do have my first exhibition in the city's libarary and I am almost exhausted by the work I have to do.
Next monday it will be shown.
It's not a crowded place, but I do hope it may inspire some visitors and for my self I do hope I'll get in touch with some few city peoples who are in the same "tune" as I am.
That would really enrich my life.
I did wonder (I'm tired, sorry for my English)why I listened to some blues music everyday.
Now I know; These paintings are mine, very intimite, my children.
After a few days not any longer.
First they were shared in the virtual world, now in the fysical.
Saturday I'll see the poster with one of my paintings.
Something "secret" has gone.
I mostly made them at sundays, about 22.00 while the world was slow and silent.
I'm glad I did decide to exhibit, but it appears to touch a variety of emotions.
As "my children" they "have to go out, in the world and start a life on their own".
These were the exact words I wrote to ask for some space at their inside walls.
They said 'Yes".
Life is everlasting changing.
Greetings from Amsterdam
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 12, 2005
I added a new piece to the Gallery:
Just a reminder that if you want to add something to the Gallery, email me C/O
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Alfredo Posted Sep 12, 2005
Thanks, and I intend to do so, today or tomorrow.
I Still cannot figure out there are'nt more people tat join.
Our age, maybe?
Just a thought in my mind.
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Alfredo Posted Sep 14, 2005
I do have a suggestion for Gallery 42 to make it a bit more attractive.
As I join another photoalbum (in the Netherlands)every new picture is numer one, so to speak.
So anytime you visit the album, one is confronted with néw images.
And I don't think, that the mix it will create (mix of creators)will be a deflation. (The order is not by name but by the moment of mail.)
Does this sound as a good idea??!!
Let's join Mudhooks more in her care for the album !
Greetings from (already dark 21.00) Amsterdam
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Alfredo Posted Sep 16, 2005
My own paintings will always remain mine, as long a I live.
But slowly their is growing a longing in me to print the digital scans in a format like a postcard = A6, or bigger, A5.
The idea behind it;
1) Spreading the images by selling them, year after year.
2) The money will be spent for a social project, transparently.
In my heart I have a special tune for the integration of Gypsies in our Europian society. Dogs have a better life.You won't believe it,
but romantic approaches are not welcome in real life. Contrary.
Of course it must be spent by an already existing and very professional organisation, because besides passion and care,you have to know the complexity of the situation and you've got to work on basis of a long time vision. I already have some organisations in my mind.
3)It will give my life some structural activity and new contacts, that may be of some help against my depressions. I maý take the risk of being happy once and a while. (very dangerous!!)
Why am I telling this now and here?
Well I do have at this moment my first exhibition and it stimulates my soul about a "follow up". Not a second and third exhibition, but these "children of mine" have to stay in the real world, to grow up and get a life of their own. Realizing they can be sold as postcards (commercially) and the money that will be left (about 70%)gets a very good social destination, ánd for Alfredo it might have some positive effects aswell.
Why here?
Well, there are many researchers at H2G2 and they all have their own skills, passions and maybe jobs outside the house or inside, etc.
Some may already have done what I intend to do; well let's share it.
Others may know relevant details,or have printershops (because they can be printed all over the world and mailed to the Netherlands), or you can ask me nasty questions to correct my mind and soul.
Some my work in shops that sell postcards and give me good information,because it must be done in an professional way.
Low prices, free help, etc. is more than welcome, but the proces itself must be a professional road and that also means that these cards have to find their way to the public in the future without much help. I realize that they must be sold by an already existing organisation.
So, in the beginning "help for free" is wonderful, but after a year it must go it's own commercial way as other cards do, except that all profits do go directly to a transparent social/professional organisation.
I am not in a hurry, but the start of this new development is raising it's voice in me and I do see the vision I alreay discribed.
So, give it your thoughts, experiences, comments, help and critics.
I'll be interested to read them.
Greetings from cold and rainy Holland,
And I realise that this is rather "off topic", so íf there will be some postings to this, we can continue at another topic or one of my journals.
Because this topic should remain as it is;
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery !!
Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Sep 16, 2005
If you go to a card shop or paper store that carries cards made locally, you can find the name of a printer that can print your work. Usually, the printer will be printed on the reverse of the card somewhere. You can calso call the artists and ask if them to recommend a printer. You may find the odd one which might not want to share this information with you.
Also, call printshops in the area and ask them what their prices are.
Art galleries are a good place to check to see if they would carry postcards by local artists, as are art co-operatives. Art co-operatives may also have printing services. Of course, they may also wish you to join.
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Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery
- 161: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Jun 1, 2005)
- 162: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Jun 1, 2005)
- 163: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Jun 7, 2005)
- 164: Alfredo (Jun 8, 2005)
- 165: Researcher 556780 (Jun 8, 2005)
- 166: pdante' (Jun 10, 2005)
- 167: clzoomer- a bit woobly (Jun 10, 2005)
- 168: pdante' (Jun 10, 2005)
- 169: Titania (gone for lunch) (Aug 4, 2005)
- 170: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Aug 4, 2005)
- 171: Alfredo (Aug 6, 2005)
- 172: Researcher 556780 (Aug 6, 2005)
- 173: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Aug 16, 2005)
- 174: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Aug 16, 2005)
- 175: Alfredo (Aug 16, 2005)
- 176: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 12, 2005)
- 177: Alfredo (Sep 12, 2005)
- 178: Alfredo (Sep 14, 2005)
- 179: Alfredo (Sep 16, 2005)
- 180: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Sep 16, 2005)
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