This is the Message Centre for Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 221

Researcher 556780

those beads *are* really pretty smiley - bigeyes

(so I'm a lil behind) smiley - tongueout

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 222

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

A new addition to Gallery 42. A photo from azahar.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 223

Researcher 556780

Oooooh very nice...smiley - biggrin

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 224

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Here are two new sets of photos taken this weekend

A friend's beautiful guitar:

Another abandoned building: (I don't know the significance of the name on the gate. Presumably, the farm was once known as Rideau Fire.... but it IS kind of a weird name for a farm.)

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 225

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

On an Ordnance Survey map, somewhere in Leicestershire, there's a farm called 'Old Guadalajara'. Go figure!

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 226

Researcher 556780

umm I tried to look, but it says members pages are unavailable...smiley - sadface

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 227

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

I don't know what is wrong with Fotki... I can't acccess thjing without going to and backtracking. It is very annoying.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 228

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

A new painting by Alfredo is in the Gallery:

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 229

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

If anyone has any new pieces they want added, they can contact me at [email protected]

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 230


I do have two suggestions - please read it all of you - about the H2G2 friends for art album which Mudhooks takes care of with lots of love and patience.

Now it's called by all of us


and my suggestion is to add one word that may be essential for others to start joining it;


I am an amamteurartist myself, so why not keeping the barriors as low as possible and the few ones that áre professional; it's of course to them to join or not. But they are - for me - not the focus group.

Second suggestion;

The habbit of creating an "archive" in one way or another within the album itself.
It is known, that less peoples from h2g2 join in then I (we?) hoped for and expected.
Still, for me there is enough reason to go on.

To make it more attractive - in my point of view - it would be
better that amateur artistic creatures are transported in the archive,
when they have joined the album twelve months. And the link to that archive should then easily to be found while visiting the up to date album.

That keeps it more "fresh", for now, one always sees the older pictures and in between some new ones. That might discourage visitors.

Disadvantage is, that in this new formula it becomes clear, that
not that many peoples join the album.
I would not mind, that to be visible.

Well, because my heart is still with our H2G2 album, I wrote this down
and I hope you will share your thoughts.

Dó it!

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 231

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

My feeling on adding "amateur" to the title is that it immediately sets certain expectations (ie; not very good artwork). Since, wheher professional or not, the artwork is really good, I feel that it should simply remain "art gallery".

My initial intention was to group things into sorts of art... crafts, fine, sculpture, etc. However, it has sort of worked out well enough to just keeep things all together. We had, of course, on "special exhibit" which remains in place and I would like to see more "special exhibits" on themes, etc. Perhaps collaborations between HooTooers would be cool, too.

More entries would be nice, too. If anyone has anything to submit, have a look at the first entry of this discuaaion and see the loose criteria and let me know if you have anything you want to submit.

And please feel free to submit very large images. Small ones are kind of frustrating to try and view properly and my email can accept large files easily. (Don't forget to include your name, the title, and the medium/media -- and a blurb about it, if you like.

The link is here:

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 232


Uh, yes, "amateur" may be sound a bit "cheap" so to speak.
"Non professional" could be more inviting.

Greetings from warm Amsterdam.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 233


Today they started to change my working space in a very large barn
into a real appartment with a bath- and sleeping room. All, because
they want me to be more around there smiley - smiley

And there is enough space in the barn to work; 20 x 9 meters.

Gallery 42: The h2g2 Friends Gallery

Post 234

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

That's great to hear!

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