Journal Entries
seasons greetings to everyone
Posted Dec 8, 2003
may i take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
may santa bring you everything you wish for.
may life be peaceful without too many screaming kids and drunken bullying partners.
may all the children sleep to a sensible hour and then play with the presents and not the boxes they they came in.
may the person who cooked the christmas dinner have a break from the washing up.
may each of you have the best christmas ever.
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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2003
disgruntled passengers
Posted Nov 29, 2003
the man of my nightmares works for a coach company that does booze cruises to belgium. they leave on a friday night at 8pm.
as we were passing the depot just before they were due to leave, we called in to have a natter. the intending passengers were all standing around waiting to board the coach.
we pulled up and shouted to the driver.. 'have you got any spare seats?' to which the driver(Mark, a right nutter) replied, 'yes come on, plenty of room'.
we parked the car and then proceeded to walk past all of the waiting passengers and got straight onto the bus, at the front and started to talk to Mark.
now, we had no intentions of actually going on the actual trip.
but the looks and comments from these passengers who had heard us ask for a spare seat and then saw us get on the bus before them, they having paid in advance and had tickets..... they werent at all happy.
they eventually got on the bus and then left, leaving us behind, waving them off.
you had to be there to appreciate it, but it couldnt have worked better, if it was scripted
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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2003
squirrel's nuts
Posted Nov 16, 2003
i spend a lot of time sat in a chair by the window. this window overlooks the perimeter hedge of my garden.
its about 10 ft tall and has a lot of wild birds(sparrows, blue tits, robins and some other types as well) who sit and rest during their days flight.
i decided to buy a bird seed bell to give them something to eat as the weather changes.
bad move
im now over run with birds. so as i was getting through these seed bells rather too quickly, i invested in a couple of bird feeders. one for nuts and one for bird seed.
now, im sure these birds must be sending messages to the wildlife in my area as im inundated with them and ive had to buy another feeder to cope with the masses. its quite nice to see the regulars who feed each day
but at the same time, the message has got to a couple of grey squirrels. they turn up every morning at 10.15am on the dot. im sure they must wear a watch. they have practically destroyed the one feeder and made the nuts fall onto the ground where they sit and eat them.
they are also so brave that they sit there and ignore the flash from my camera as i take pictures of evidence.
its quite an experience to sit and watch this happening
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Latest reply: Nov 16, 2003
my pc is dead
Posted Oct 19, 2003
for anyone who wants to mail me, would you please use my activemail address
its [email protected]
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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2003
online relationships stink
Posted Oct 19, 2003
im a mess.
my head hurts so much i that think its going to break.
im so tired but i cant sleep.
im hungry but i cant eat
my body aches so much. its an effort to do anything.
i cant stop crying which is rather difficult to hide from ron
he has noticed that im not myself and keeps asking what is wrong with me but i cant tell him.
everyone knows that he isnt the best of partners to have and that i call him the man of my nightmares.
well i thought i had finally man the man of my dreams. my knight in shining armour who would take me away from all of my troubles and let me live my life to the full again.
ive known this man for several years now, we have always had a strong friendship. other than to say that he is exLD, i wont name and shame him, its not my way.
we have become very close, especially over the past few months and have met and i really thought that those loving words were genuine and that he meant every one of them and with time live 'happily ever after'.
but it wasnt to be.
i innocently foolishly introduced him to another online friend. she is exLD and now a respected member of the LD/H2 family. as i said before i wont name and shame her, its not my way.
we were all having a laugh together online one night. all 3 pc's linked up, a threesome conversation. all 3 webcams working. you know how it works.
and now im no longer in that deep loving relationship anymore. she is.
my dreams have been shattered.
the reason im writing this is to let people know why i have the name tag i have at the moment and why im not at my best.
this might look as if im getting my revenge by being bitchy. its nothing like that. in fact its taken me 5 days to decide whether or not to say anything at all.
its to let people know how this is affecting me and how my already extremely low self esteem is now non existant.
its to let people know that know that im that im not taking this very well.
i only hope that what they have done is worth jeopardising my friendship with them, because ive cut all links with them both. i dont take any comfort with one of his last patronising comments that i should take be pleased that i was the one who got them together.
with friends like that who needs enemies.
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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2003
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