This is a Journal entry by serenity

online relationships stink

Post 21


thanks sheryl.

i like fairy stories smiley - biggrin.

might i suggest that we stick to our other threads, i wont be making any more entries on this one.

smiley - rose

online relationships stink

Post 22

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

I think its about time i put something in here after all H YOU DID tell me to read this journal.
and the only reason im making any comment at all is because ive received a few emails from different people who in THEIR opinion think its unfair that im actually mentioned by name but have NOT ACTUALLY said anything.

oh yes H we all know how YOU like fairy stories you've lived nothing else but fairy stories for years, with ALL the FAIRY STORY type of "online relationships" you've had with different men (remember YOU yourself have told me about this even back on the days of LD) hoping that one of them would turn out to be your knight in shining armour, but the trouble with REAL LIFE is its simply just not like that.

as for you not making any more entries on this journal THAT I can understand after all you wont want TOO many people knowing what your REALLY like as a person which certainly is NOT the "goody little two shoes" or the "victim" as you try to make out you are

online relationships stink

Post 23

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

P.S I forgot to also say that I HAVE met you H and smiley - monster as you LIKE to call him. (remember Telford at debs house)
and to be honest after all the years of you slagging him off to me not to mention the tales of allegedly abuse your supposed to have suffered at his hands, i was really quite surprised to see with MY OWN two eyes and to actually hear with MY OWN ears that it was YOU not smiley - monster that was continually butting in when ever HE was talking and continually putting HIM down all the time in front of HIM.

now as an EX sufferer of REAL abuse myself I know that IF you were being abused in any way shape or form that YOU would'nt have DARED to talk to smiley - monster the way you did that day.
so you see unwittingly you actually showed ME the TRUTH of your situation back then without actually realising it

and to be quite honest i REALLY do feel sorry for HIM because HE is the REAL VICTIM here

online relationships stink

Post 24


At the risk of been called nosey,can i just say,i think this thread should be left alone now.It sems to be getting quite personal,and future discussions might be better in e-mails.I am not taking sides,i have known H for a long time now,but don't know the other parties involved,but hey,"peace o earth,goodwill to all men" is the thought i was looking for.

online relationships stink

Post 25


thanks sal.. smiley - hug

smiley - rose

online relationships stink

Post 26

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

smurfles firstly it is H that started this and made it personal in the first place no one else, secondly H has had over 12 months of continually slagging Mark and I off without either of us responding so i think its about time that things were put right, and thirdly it is H herself that only recently told me to look at this journal and read it KNOWING that I would tell Mark about it and that we would both respond.
you say your not taking sides but i would also like to point out that you yourself made comments about both Mark and I without even knowing us or the full facts.
as for future discussions being made by emails im afraid thats impossible as both Mark and I have blocked H's email addies (with good reason), and according to H she has blocked us too. (also I know for a FACT that H has talked about us privately in emails) and to be honest neither of us are that UNDERHAND or SLY to talk about other ppl privately.
H herself has put this on a public forum for every one to read so i dont see why NOW just because H does'nt like the truth coming out WE should hide our replies or comments to this.

online relationships stink

Post 27



whatever problems that lie between me and you and mark are just that.

smurfles and paganmoon are trying to act as peacemakers. smurfles is at the moment in the throes of a close family bereavement and doesnt need your tirade of abuse and blatant twisting of the truth.
she is just trying to calm a very over heated situation..

personaly im giving your comments the treatment they deserve.. im ignoring them..
i have not replied to any of marks latter comments and im not lowering myself to respond to yours.

just please show a bit more consideration to smurfles and paganmoon. they are innocent in all of this.

smiley - rose

online relationships stink

Post 28


excuse me shaz i made comments about the situation that helen was in,i didnt make ANY comments about you or mark,because i didn't know who you were.I think you'll find that i reffered to her"knight in shining armour",and her "friend".I dont intend to enter into any arguements ,either in here or anywhere else,i have other more important things in my life,but i won't take the blame for something i havent done.
smiley - peacedove

online relationships stink

Post 29

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

H the problems between you mark and I are of your making no one elses, but dont forget your the one that wrote this journal.
and if you did'nt want either mark or myself to post on this thread then why did you tell me to come read it ? knowing full well that i would tell mark about it and the possibility of us both having our say on the matter, especially as it is YOU yourself NOT us that is blatantly twisting the truth.

firstly paganmoon asked mark to put his side of the story so thats what he did.
secondly ok i can see that smurfles is maybe trying to act as peacemaker but where you get the fact that im supposed to have given her a tirade of abuse ? and as for me twisting the truth YOU know very well that what i have put on here concerning you is NOT lies, and that is the only reason you have chosen to ignore my comments.

you say your not lowering yourself to respond to any of my comments, but what you fail to mention is that you run off to privately email ppl in a bid for support and i know you are talking about mark and i behind our backs in those emails, now THAT H is low and underhand.

when have i been inconsiderate ? i have never said anything wrong to either smurfles or paganmoon and never would do so unless they themselves gave me just cause, i know they are innocent in all this but they dont know that you are'nt quite as innocent as you make out to be,
i think its time you realised that here is an open and public forum, so if you go putting things on this site slagging other ppl off and telling lies eventually it will get seen either by the person or persons involved or by a friend or family member of the said person.

and if your wondering what i am getting at its quite simple i think it is YOU that should show consideration to others, but of course i forgot the only time you show consideration is when you think your going to get your own way, but when you realise your not getting your own way then you turn nasty


online relationships stink

Post 30

St Romani Angel Guardian of Crystals. Minister of Coffee now on the decaff!!

yes i agree you did'nt know who we were and you still dont know us, but even so you did make a comment about us.
you reffered to mark as a "knight in shining armour" and myself as a "so called friend"
and the only reason i brought up that you commentated on us both was to try to show you that you had in fact formed an opinion about us knowing only H's side of the story.
and i also can see that you only did so because of the situation you thought H was in on reading her journal.

i certainly was not blaming you for anything and im sorry if you thought i was having a go at you because thats not what i meant, i have no argument with you at all.


online relationships stink

Post 31


smiley - book

online relationships stink

Post 32

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

online relationships stink

Post 33


????????smiley - run

online relationships stink

Post 34


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